Qinla'Un Creation Gods Myth in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Qinla'Un Creation Gods

The four gods of the Great Gaia, were created to protect the world from great calamities and keep the balance of nature. The gods were each from a different plane and were brought here by far more powerful gods. The four gods were Tonantzin (Than-ahn-tzin) the earth goddess (Tarrasque), Ehecatl (Eh-cah-tal) the air and thunder goddess(Elder Tempest), Chalchiu (Chal-chew) the god of the ocean waves (Zaratan), and Opochli (Oh-paac-lee) the god of the deep abyss(Leviathan). These gods were revered by the populace of Lizardfolk, Tortle and Deep ones.   The Yuan-Ti, however, hated the gods and refused to worship them. Regardless, the gods were kind to the lesser beings of the world and protected them from natural disasters and helped them to flourish and build massive stone cities and villages that stretched for miles in the trees of the jungles. For a very long time, all was good.   Then, a few thousand years ago, as the stories go, anther earth god suddenly appeared on Qinla'Un. Unlike Tonantzin, this god was evil and cruel and destroyed everything in his path. He became known as Chaac the Destroyer (Tarrasque). Tonantzin confronted the new god and a great battle waged between them for centuries. Finally, Chaac struck a devastating blow on Tonantzin and brutally killed her, leaving her body to rot on the earth she once protected. Chaac then started a reign of terror on Qinla'Un, destroying nearly every civilization across the world. It is said that this imbalance spread to the other gods who stopped protecting the people of Qinla'Un and disappeared into the far reaches of the world.   The four gods each created power magical relics that would help the people of the world flourish and be symbols of their power. Tonantzin forged a Maul, Ehecatl a Trident, Chalchiu a Staff, and Opochli a Great Sword. These weapons were wielded by great leaders of the tribes and civilizations across Qinla'Un and were symbols of hope and power. When Chaac killed Tonantzin, the Great Leaders met to discuss how they could summon the elder gods to help defeat Chaac. During their meeting, a group of large half dragon humanoids entered the temple they were meeting at and argued that the Great Leaders had failed the world by not trying to stop Chaac before he killed Tonantzin. The debate became more heated until the newly revealed Draconum attempted to take the relics for themselves. The Draconum were far more powerful than expected and the Great Leaders used the relics to attract the attention of Chaac who brought his full might down on the city. In a desperate attempt to prevent the Draconum from obtaining the full power of the relics, the Great Leaders drained the relics of most of their power, sealing the Awakened energy away in an unknown location. The Draconum were chased from the city by Chaac, but not before obtaining each of the weakened relics.   A few thousand years later, after the world of Qilorria appeared in the sky, a group of adventurers embarked on a quest to find and awaken all of the relics of the gods. They eventually succeeded and used the relics to revive Tonantzin. Together they planned to work with each of the gods to strike down Chaac for good, as they also learned that Chaac was originally from Qilorria, and was sent to Qinla'Un as a last ditch effect to save that world from destruction. Feeling it was thier ancestors fault for the destruction of this world, the party plotted a way eliminate Chaac.   Unfortunately, the Yuan-Ti had other plans. The race of snake like people had capture Chaac with the help of thier god from the lower Abyss, Sseth, a massive winged serpent. Using magical control rings, they plotted to force Chaac to the site of the Squine encampment accross the world, using thier teleportation magic to send Chaac back to Qilorria to detroy that world as he did Qinla'Un.   The party boarded Chaac, destroyed the magic rings and defeated Sseth just before Chaac was able to make it to the teleportation circle at the Sequine encampment. Chaac was sealed away by the other gods, somewhere off in the vast void, while Sseth was returned to the lower Abyss. The Yuan-Ti and Lizardmen retreated to their valley on the eastern continent of Qinla'Un.

Cultural Reception

- Worshipped heavily by the lizardfolk and an ancient civilization of earth genasi who called themselves the Barenth Empire. The lizardfolk see her as a kind deity who nurishes the earth and helps grow the jungles surrounding their vilages. Long ago, Tonantzin created the artifact called the Seismic Maul and gave it to the Lizardfolk to help them protect themselves from their closest enemy in the lizardmen, an offshoot of their own people.
  Tonantzin is said to roam the western continent in recent centuries.  


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