Barenth Empire Organization in Qinla'Un | World Anvil

Barenth Empire (Bare enth)

The Barenth Empire, better known in the current era as the ancient Earth Kingdom, is an empire that existed on Qinla'Un thousands of years ago and is long since thought to be extinct. This kingdom was comprised almost entirely of Earth Genasi, transplanted to the material plane by their goddess, Tonantzin. Here they quickly created a small empire in the rocky hills that were later though to have been reclaimed by one of the many large jungles on the planet. The ruins of their civilization are lost to time, though there have been rumors among the current earth genasi that they may be somewhere in the southern jungles of the Western Continent, or near the large mountain ranges of the Northern Continent.
  The Barenth Empire was ruled by a mighty king, and more than any other ritual, the culture revered its gladiatorial arenas and champions. These champions typically also served in the Grand Army and led their people on many campaigns of warfare across the lands against the other races of Qinla'Un. Ancient artwork depicted the lead soldiers wearing what amounted to armored shells of metal and rock, likely making them living tanks on the battlefield.
  It is unknown what brought the the empire to an end, but any remains of their civilization were likely lost sometime around the time of the cataclysm that created the The Shards, as most large civilizations collapsed around that time.


Little is known of the empire, but any surviving texts and artwork from its era are currently housed in the collection of Taggart Beaumont, a human male living in the Port of Havengar. According to these artifacts, it is likely that this civilization revered warfare and arena combat, and always heightened the strongest among them to the greater ranks of society. It is also thought that they had a strong command of transmutation magic as they commanded the earth like water genasi command the oceans.

Strength like Stone

~3000 BNW - ~1000 BNW

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Earth Kingdom


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