Darkness of the Mind


13/3 23:00
14/3 3:00

The party works together to fight the mayor, who reveals himself to be some kind of undead mindflayer living in the rotting corpse of a hill giant.   The party meet up with Elkoll and Scarlett, and make their way back to the mine to teleport the townfolk away from Silverwick. They then make their way back across the plateu to the mausoleum, hoping to find Shask and other townsfolk before the horde of husks get there.   The party finds Shask, his skull removed by an intellect devourer. Shask attacks the party and just in time they are able to kill him for good and teleport with the remaining townsfolk to the city of Blackwater.

After watching the grusome death of Lolte, the party make their way to the edge of the plateu, hoping to see the progress of the members of Ferron's Legacy in their fight against the husks. They witness fires all over the town, and 3 figures trying to make their way to the plateu, but they are easily 15 minute away. The party decides to make their way to the mayor's mannor and deal with him directly.   Arriving at the manor, some members of the party notice the building itself seems fuzzy in appearance, something not quite being right. Sora notices that all plant life around the manor is dead.   The party enter the manor, its oppulence sickening them. Marble floors, statues, grand doors and a massive staircase leading up to a balcony above. A voice echoes through their heads, as Arkxius, the mayor of Silverwick, emerges from an upstairs chamber overlooking the party. Arkxius taunts the party, welcoming them to his "humble" abode.   Cyran immediately takes a shot at the mayor, his rage at the treatment of the townsfolk in SIlverwick overtaking him. The bullet smothly passes through the form of the mayor in disappears into the wall behind him, dealing no damage to him or the home.   Arkxius then decides to drop all pretense and reveal his true self. His form changes, his hands enlarging with long grey desicated fingers. His face also turning grey, and revealing tentacles from his chin. The house around the party then changes, and the party find themselves inside of a massive hill giant, currently rotting from slowed decay.   The battle begins with massive pillars of bone shooting out of the floor, sending the party off in all directions. The battle goes for an extended period of time as the party find the mayor difficult to pin down while he summons multiple shadow skeletons and phantoms to attack the party.   Eventually, after peppering Arkxius with spells and attacks and almost completely running out of resources, Khalgor is able to stun the mayor and prevent him from using his most powerful spells on the party. Combined, the party is finally able to take down the mayor, with Khalgor making the final blow. Right before dying, Arxius repeats the words Lolte left with the party...  

Even if you win, you lose...
  After winning their fight, the party meets up with a badly wounded Elkoll and Scarlett, who explain that Shask was sent to the masoleum with a teleportation scroll to help the townsfolk there escape.   With husks making their way up onto the plateu, the party quickly make their way back to the mine entrance in the jail, and down the Norjym and the townsfolk there. They find them barely able to hold back the horde of husks trying to break through a collapsed tunnel. Cyran uses another teleportation scroll provided by Elkoll to teleport both members of Ferron's Legacy and the townsfolk off to the city of Blackwater on the western coast.   The party then barely escapes the horde in the mine and races back across the plateu to the northern side above the mausoleum. The party repels down the side of the cliff, seeing a wave of husks making their way toward the cemetery gates. The party find a large amount of blood and meaty chunks at the entrance...   Inside the mausoleum, the party eventually finds Shask beating against a door with cries coming from the other side. The party sees that Shask's skull is gone and in its place, a small creature that looks like a brain controlling his body. The party attack and kill Shask, just in time as the horde of husks can be heard making their way through the tunnels behind.   Cyran uses another charge of the teleportation scroll to teleport the townsfolk and the entire party to the city of Blackwater.

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