Travel to Sequine

Population Migration / Travel

4/3 7:00
7/3 12:00

The party makes the on foot journey to Sequine, encountering strange events along the way...

The party travel toward Sequine, knowing it will take a few days to get there. Halfway through the journey, the party awakens after a stormy night to find odd and random foot prints all around their camp, and their packs have been gone through but nothing taken. The party quickly picks up speed to get to Sequine without further incident.   The party is allowed into the city and quickly make thier way to an inn for the evening. They meet Koradak, the goliath innkeeper and settle into a 4 bed room. The next morning, they awaken to more muddy foot prints all over the room! Some quick investigating determines the foot prints are illusions, and something else is going on... The party starts to think they may be cursed, possibly from the compass.   The party speaks with Bright Button at the nearby tavern and learns of a few places they could get more information about magical items. The party decides to pay for use of the Arcane School of Mouriton's library which has extensive documents on many different magical items.

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