Sequine Settlement in Qinla'Un | World Anvil


Once a shining mountain city on the old world, now a floating island city surrounded by forest. This capital of arcane magic is the home for many of the sorcerers, wizards and bards of world.


Primarily races from Qilorria, though many from Qinla'Un that showed strong talent in the arcane arts have also moved into the city.
Humans, elves, tiefling and dragonborn make up 70% of the population. Gnomes, dwaves and tabaxi make up an additional 25%, while the last 5% are mostly races from the new world.


The city is run by the Arcane Council, who is made up of 13 members. The council is lead by Saren IV, whose great great grandfather helped teleport the city of Sequine to Qinla'un.


Sequine mainly serves as a magical hub for the entire planet of Qinla'Un. Shops specializing in magical wares, and experts in nearly all magical arts work and study here. The Arcane University is also housed here in the cities Scholar's District. The city imports magical reagants from all over and seeks knowledge of sources of magical reagants as well.


  • Lower District "The Wards"- Once called "The People's District", this area was hit hard by the teleportation of the city. Parts of the lower district were decimated and even cut in half during the teleportation process, and now many homes and businesses deal with constant structural issues. Thousands of homes still litter the lowest level of the city along with smaller shops and a tent city where the poorest live. There are two main means of access to the city from the ground level, including a teleportation altar and massive cranes that lift supplies up to the city.
  • Mid District "The Scholar's DIstrict" - Primary level for the wealthy and most magically inclined of Sequine. This mid tier area consists of the majority of the trade shops and arcane study locations. The Arcane School of Mouriton can also be found in this district and many times of the day and night, students can be seen coming and going from the school to different shops and libraries to apprentice with local arcane spell casters as part of their studies. Two magically powered lifts grant people access to the mid level, though security is tight at these lift locations.
  • Upper District "The Archon's District" - Location of the Arcanum Silacrum, the meeting place of the Archons of Fate. A few large palaces dot this level. Typically only those with special permission are allowed in this tier.


The Wards


The Mages Rest - A very large, 5 story inn located near the center of the wards. Currently being operated by two goliaths named Koradak and his twin sister Kaadin. Rooms range in price based on the number of beds, and the bottom floor has a large common room for socializing among patrons.
5sp per bed, per night - Rooms come in 1, 2, and 4 bed varieties.
  The Arcanum - large sized tavern near the entry to the city. Owned and run by a female tabaxi named Bright Button. The arcanum employs multiple bartenders and barmaids that change regularly. A few that are seen fairly regularly are a male dwarf named Emrak, a female human named Renee, a female Lizardfolk named Adron, and a female goliath named Thelane.
Sky City - 2gp, typical mead tasing of blueberry, and is very refreshing. Created to help prevent accidental falls from the city. Drinking this beverage prevents falling damage for the next 8 hours.
  The Screaming Griffin - a tavern on the northeastern part of the Wards. Caters mostly to bards as there are nightly performances by bands, and it also serves decent drinks as well. Run by a male tiefling named Sirakos who also serves as the main bartender. Most of the clientelle are students from the School of Mouriton.
Vicious Mockery- 1gp, a strong (2) alcoholic liquor served as a shot. Typically purchased for entertainers to help phyche them up for their performance. Provides advantage on Constitution saving throws for 1 hour.
  The Bread Burner - small, but very popular bakery a few blocks from The Arcanum. Run by a female half-orc named Gareni, a member of the The People of Kurn. Burned into the wood of the wall within the bakery is a quote, "Life is a path of continuing challenges. Every one must be overcome. -Kurn".
+1gp per baked item - The bakery creates amazing bread that if consumed with a full meal, provides and additional +1d8 temporary hit points for 24 hours on top of any other temp hit points provided by the meal.
Solitary Plains Naan Bread - 1gp each - If comsumed during a short rest, hit dice spent to regain hit points cannot roll lower than their average (take the average rounded up if the die rolls less than average)
  The Arbiter's Guild - This location in Sequine is considered the sister location to the head office in the Port of Havengar. This large complex is perfect for training, rest, and even has a small tavern to hear about rumors and jobs that might be available in town. This location is run by a male half-orc named Dain Beaumont . Dain is a member of the Beaumont family and a member of the The People of Kurn.   Airship Docks - Though rare, sometimes an airship from Andel or Havengar may arrive and dock here on its travel. Mostly empty when not in use. Operated by a male aarakocra named Ikkaf.   City Guard Barracks and Jail - Large, fortified building to house all the city guard and the underground jail below it. Theodor Glarguv is the current head of the city guard, a rotund human male in heavy armor.  

The Wards - Shops

Adventurer's Palace - a smaller shop filled with books and mapsE of areas throughout Qinla'Un. Run by a male halfling named Flyngin who loves to collect maps or books and has a skill for translations.   Know Your Gods - a very small shop built into a an apartment complex just behind the Legacy church. Run by a young human male named Keran Bazrit.   Forgotten Trinkets - Smaller shop filled with knick knacksG and other small trinkets including thieving suppliesG. The shop is run by Rolee, a female goblin.   Arcane Hides - Moderately sized leatherworkingM shop run by a male dwarf named Dardor Hideweaver.   Finely Forged - A fairly large forge and smithy specializing in weaponsM. Run by a male tabaxi named Remnants of History (Remnant) .   Traveling merchants - Random 3 merchants of random quality within the tent city each month.  

The Scholar's District


The Wayward Wizard - A large inn catering to the more wealthy travelers to the city. Run by two twin sister gnome sorcerers named Renoa and Myli Coppermane. Built to cater to arcane spellcasters willing to spend a little extra for a good night rest.
40gp per night - Rooms can sleep up to 2 people and include a large single bed, study desk, and magical locking chest to protect goods.
A wizard who takes a long rest here may copy a scroll for 75% of the normal cost to do so, and may make their attempt with advantage.
A sorcerer who takes a long rest here gains 2 additional metamagic points to spend until their next long rest.
A bard who takes a long rest here gains 1 additional use of bardic inspiration until their next long rest.
  Mystified Winery and Brews - Speacialized winery that boasts a full wine orchard inside of a special pocket dimension. Offers tours and tasting services. Creators of Sequine Special and Sequine Topaz, two very popular wines accross the world. Also offers special wines that can only be purchased on-site.
Prismatic Ale - 5gp per mug, A bubbly citrus ale that changes the consumer’s hair color to one of the colors of the rainbow until their next long rest.
Astral Rose - 50gp per bottle, a beautiful rose wine that actively creates a whirlpool within the bottle at all times. Serves 4 glasses. After consuming a glass, the creature may teleport as per the misty step spell 1 time in the next 24 hours.
  The Grand Theater - A massive theater built by the richest people in Sequine who originally lived in Achecis prior to the destruction of Qilorria. Many performances are held here including musical performances and theatrical ones.  


Thalini's Potions and Poisons - a shop filled with one time use potions, poisons and herbsE for every adventurer and alchemist. Owned and operated by Idrinden, a older looking female firbolg. Was once owned by the legendary alchemist Thalini Greywhistle, and passed down to her apprectices over the years.
200gp - Offers specialized Training for herbalism kits, alchemy supplies, and poisoner's kits.
  Tome of the Ages - Specialty shop for spell tomes and scrollsE of both magical and historical value. All tomes are highly prized, and priced. Run by Rosolis, Signs out front of the shop state: "Enter at your own risk. Thieves will be disintegrated." A quick look around will show any perceptive arcane spellcaster that their are multiple traps ready to be activated at a moments notice.   Funhouse of Fantastical Fares - This shop contains a wide assortment of musical instrumentsG and high fashionE. Run by a retired female gnome artificer named Furi and her warforged companion Diddle.   Emerald Dreams - A fancy looking Jewelry and GemsG shop owned and operated by Orik, an older green dragonborn male.   Make It Better - A large enchantmentsE vendor, owned and operated by a female halfing named Darna Mistbelly.  
The Archon's District

The Archon's Chamber - Meeting place for the Arcane Council, and home to the current head of the council and Sequine, Saren IV. The only outsiders allowed in the chamber are those invited by the council.

Guilds and Factions

  • The Arcane School of Mouriton - This arcane school was founded nearly a thousand years ago, before Sequine ever existed. It was once located on the western shores of Qilorria before it was magically moved to Sequine, where it floated next to the city, connected by long magical bridges. It stayed this way until 210 ANW when Sequine was being prepared for mass teleport to the new world to save it from the coming disaster. To ensure no part of the school was lost, it was quickly "landed" in the Scholar's District of the city, though not quite perfectly. It survied the trip, and ever since has been common ground for those seeking arcane knowledge, or full schooling in arcane arts.
    Students of any age spend 7 years in the school learning basic spells, and eventually graduating to become hard working members of the city, or even members of the Arcane Council. The school welcomes are arcane practitioners, however, Warlocks of the Fiend are not welcome on school grounds.
    Travelers may obtain a day pass to use the school library for research at a rate of 5g per day.


Sequine was founded in 25 ANW as a way to unite the most powerful arcane spell casters on Qilorria to find a way to the new world. Shortly after its founding, the arcane school of Mouriton moved itself to the city to bring the brightest minds of the arcane together.


Sequine is a floating city, held together by powerful arcane magic and large resonating crystals deep inside the grounds of the city. Surrounding the city are mainly jungles and forests.


  • Sequine
    The floating city of Sequine, once the arcane epicenter of Qilorria before that world was destroyed roughly 300 years ago. Home to the Arcane Council and the arcane school of Mouriton.
Founding Date
25 ANW on Qilorria, 210 ANW on Qinla'Un
Large city
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
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