Forest Isles Geographic Location in Quiloriel | World Anvil
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Forest Isles

The isles of elven purity

These forested isles off the coast of the Ashonee Taiga are inhabited by wood elves and Auri high elves, reclusive elf subraces. The islands owned by the Islewild Elves are filled with wildlife and the beauty of pure nature, while the isle claimed by a small group of Auri High Elves is covered with golden spires encasing places of knowledge and contemplation. The entire area is protected by a mythal spell forbidding any danger to come to these islands, and keeping other races from entering and contaminating the pure beauty enclosed in magic.


The Forest Isles are a chain of islands off of the coast of the Ashonee Taiga. They are entirely covered with temperate rainforest. Most of the isles consist of forest surrounding a mountainous or hilly center.

Fauna & Flora

In the areas held by wood elves, flowers and trees grow everywhere, making the whole forest sprinkled with bright colors and providing many arboreal homes for their elven inhabitants. Edible plants are also abundant, giving the wood elves little reason to farm. Forest fauna such as butterflies, deer, and rabbits live everywhere, but no hunters or scavengers live in this peaceful place. The wood elves will occasionally hunt these creatures as game, but it is a rare time indeed. Tamed young green dragons can also be seen flying above the forest canopy, with elven riders on their back. Auri will also occasionally ride gold dragons or golden-coated pegasi native to their island as well.


A band of wood elves claimed most of the isles very early on as their home, protecting their reclusive culture with many high magic spells. Later, another group of Auri high elves took another island as a refuge and added a mythal around all the isles prohibiting hostile creatures, storms, natural and magical disasters, and other species from entering the area.
This image is not mine: I got it from here:
Alternative Name(s)
The Isles of Forbidden Beauty
Owning Organization
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