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Nandine's Academy of Balance and Strength

Established: 701
Organization: Martial Arts Training school
Current Status: Inactive
  Founded by Master Nandine, the martial arts school initially struggled to attact students because it's master was not well known and he had chosen an obscure location for his school, thinking it would add to its prestige. After a few years Nandine was looking for ways to turn things around was approached by the current master of the Varlsasbeid estate. They not only donated a large sum of money to the school but entrusted one of their historical artefacts to it to "protect", one Urn of Emerande. Both parties were successful in elevating their names as a result of this excahange.   In 755, one of the students, Auberon, went crazy and murdered everyone after breaking the seal on the Urn of Emerande. Soon after zombies started to appear regularly to leave the school and seek retribution on the mayor. So, he began posting guards outside on a regular basis until a permanent solution could be found. Almost a year later he got a reply to his request for help from the chruch of pelor, who agreed to send a represenative to the area to deal with the problem as a charity to the town.   However, just before the represensatative was due to arrive, a band of adventurers showed up and asked permission to investigate the school first to see if they could deal with it. Since it wasn't costing the town anything it was agreed to allow them to try. The adventurers, though battered and bruised, were successful in dealing with the haunting. The representative from pelor investigated the school and was able to confirm that it was indeed no longer haunted.


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