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ABC Full Liek Orphanage

Vel, the memory of a young halfling comes to mind, sitting in a crowd of people at some event; brown parted-hair, weak mustache,… an excited smile as he silently cheers. You recall without sound, almost like its in slow motion: what’s his face…Linnell or something…that one guy at the arena. But that was like weeks ago… or was it months? And you start to feel that something isn’t right. Something about this feels sinister to you, and like you’re missing something. You find yourself frightened of the imagery of this happy-go-lucky, nobody halfling, bouncing up and down in his seat, silently cheering. The fear spikes briefly, as you see a close-up view of dusty trodden ground moving across your periphery. In desperation, you pull back from whatever you’re heading towards, and you pull far back, keeping your head down the whole time, miles back, past plains, rivers, rocks, mountains, desert, all the way until you feel it’s safe. And you finally stop, looking down at brown cracked earth. An intriguing texture. You kneel down to get a closer look, and you see water being to flow into the cracks, softening the dirt around it, and revealing roots which gather together at the base of a large tree. You look up to see this tree, covered with vines, and surrounded by forest. Your feet sink slightly into the warm earth as you stand next to another individual, shoulder to shoulder. This is something that you all see. Bramble, leaves, fungus, and other vegetation fill the area around you all, with the addition of something out of place behind it that you can’t quite make out. Something unnerving. But then you are distracted by a wooden coffee table, right in before you which you hadn’t noticed before. You begin to notice in your periphery, a wooden standing coat rack, and a desk to your right. Facing front again, you see not the forest you did before, but a rather unsettling, dimly-lit room: the back wall lined by old wooden chairs, flanked by two potted plants, and bisected by a single wooden side table. Above this table is a picture portraying the vine-covered tree that used to be there. To your left is three more chairs against the wall, one of which is broken, next to entrance to a hallway. You sit in a similar chair, confused, just beginning to acknowledge the presence of four others. You unsure of how you got here, nor how long you’ve been here. You do, however, recollect that the you have business in another far-off place, which you need to get back to, though that path you must take to get back is unclear. Through the silence you can just barely hear a muffled inaudible voice coming from the hallway to the left.


Waiting Room
A disorienting liminal windowless room featuring wooden chair-lined walls and old worn wooden furniture dedicated to an entirely unknown use. An off-center coffee table sits lifelessly toward the south end. Near the east wall sits a pointless wooden reception desk. Three unnerving paintings hang central to walls from the east and counterclockwise to the west: A large viney tree with an unsettling dark figure peaking around the back, an old cobblestone well in a woods at night with a candlelit chandelier hanging off a protruding metal pipe over it, and a stone altar with something lying on the floor in front of it.

Bedroom 1
You open the door to see a small room that is quite dark. Only the faintest bit of pale gray illumination emitting from the doorway you are in, casting a slanted rectangle of light on bed in the back right hand corner; covers and sheets spilling out from the base of the bed onto the floor, as if someone had gotten up and quickly ran out. A bedpan partially visible, sticking out from underneath the bed. Through the darkness in the left-hand corner, you can just barely make out a crude desk. You can see a bunch of scratches in the desk. When you look close enough you can see the scratches actually seem to be indents of letters, as if someone’s writing were left indented in the cheap wood:
…into my mouth, and I can’t remember… Please help me, I don’t know how long I’ve been here... They have a death machine here... Halp wherem... how long?... Heap with, heap with... Halp Halp... Heap with, heap with, heap with, halp halp halp... A series of hard indents of long straight lines, intersecting themselves at various angles.

Bedroom 2
Similar to bedroom 1, but the bed has no covers or pillows, and a chair facing the wall where the desk was in the other room.

Bedroom 3
Same layout, except this bed is fully made. Burned into the bed is a clear imprint of a person, all that is left remaining is a black ashy silhouette. Against the right was toward the back is a painting depicting a door, partially ajar. Sitting a few feet away from the painting an overturned chair.

Main Chamber
A larger L-shaped room belied by an overwhelming sense of oppresion and claustrophobia. The room looks used and depilated, and is highly cluttered with various piles of old dirty rags and clothes, stacks of boxes, and other unremarkable rubbish. Against the northern wall is a old ratty couch and a bunch of worn wooden chairs adjecent to a door obscuring a sickly red glow. In the middle of the room is just a small mountain of junk. Dusty, tattered white blankets drape over what seems like large nonsensically-shaped furniture. Pale light filters through the windows on the southern wall, which are covered in dirty brown sheets, allowing only a small amount of illumination to into the otherwise dim and shadowed room. Behind the sheet covered windows, silhouettes of bars can be seen, braking up the traces of gray daylight. However, just to the right of those windows, giving you all a small bit of hope, is indeed a doorway, presumably leading to outside. Along the eastern wall is an small open room in the front leading to a countered area loosely resembling a disturbing kitchen, and a locked office door.

You enter the room to see a disheveled wooden desk covered in haphazard papers. You can see ink has been spilled all over on multiple occasions, blacking out a couple documents. Splotches and drip marks are stained into the wood. Behind the desk, a stained linen cloth is nailed to the wall.

Red Room
A disconcerting room is bathed in red light. A medium-sized chamber, bench against the right wall. Wooden planks are nailed into the walls in parallel rows of three. A long metal table spans the center of the chamber. Behind you is partially covered by a curtain. It is what looks like an ironing board, shaped as a sort of reclining bed. A metal pole extends up and over the side that the head would rest, which divides into multiple smaller metal arms. At the end of each arm are strange multi-colored murky gemstone implements.

Contents & Furnishings

Waiting Room reception desk
Lists of disturbing tests: full cavity, underwater tissue dispersion, caged human syndrome, ect.
Weird metal implements: one that seems to have a handle and three prongs which stick-out in a J-shape with little spurs on the ends, another which looks like a hand held hedge clipper but and the tips of the blades there’s two more smaller sets of blades, manacles that look particularly intimidating but don’t appear to make any function sense (two metal question mark-shaped spirals chained together on one end, and hinged to foot-long straight metal pins)
Bedroom 3 under the bed
A weird can of liquid depicting a cartoonish picture of a brown squiggly wrinkly face. It looks almost like a simplified raisin, with two circular eyes looking up, and an open frowning mouth.
Office desk
A blackish purple gemstone, hovering within a rune-inscribed brass circle. Later known to be called Bronze Work.
A ruddy looking flap of… leather, you think hopefully, and within, a piece of crinkled paper. Written on the paper seems to be a list of names, the writing almost shifting and changing as you focus on each name: Milo Mia, Yuk, Jugdish Mushaworshi, Filkman Stallvinwoarsn, Remy Ford, Bronson Gloop, and Berezhki Wolakos.
Another piece with a list of names underneat the words For transfer: Brogg, E4, Tem, Vel, Eri.

Special Properties

A series of crystals embedded in the ceiling cast a slow feild on select individuals.


A trodden dirt road slopes down a steep hil in a sea of endless evergreens. Along this road is a lone single-story wooden structure, worn, dilapidated, seemingly abandonded, unwelcoming. An off-center to the left door, and two large windows are the only visible entrances from the from. The windows are barred, and the interior is blocked by old fabric. A sign just below the roof reads "ABC Full Liek Orphanage."


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