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A lumber town in Lucidia.


A mix of Vigil, Oakburne Coalition volunteers, and Caulway military defend the town from bandits, interior conflict, and creatures that may dwell in the Nettlewood forests.


The town currently numbers ~5,000 residents, and features a bustling market square, as well as a multitude of lumbermills in its center, and a heavily wooded series of chaotically planned “neighborhoods” around its outer regions. One main road leads in and out of the city, but many winding and looping backroads exist in these surrounding neighborhoods, making it easy to get lost. Many homes/buildings are built by the occupants themselves, which leads to rather ramshackle dwellings.


Town Outskirts
As you walk through the deciduously wooded outer regions of Oakburne, small dirt roads are often seen splintering off the main one sporadically lined with small sometimes even impoverished looking homes. At one intersection off the main room, you see a dirt path leading down a rather steep hill and ending maybe a few hundred feet away. Old homes peek through the sea of trees along the left side.
You walk down the road seeing nothing spectacular, homes, trees, a few people: a man splitting wood, a child walking holding hands with their mother, but then at the very bottom, the last house you can see is rather sunken into the woods, yet sticks out to you. In a bad way. Unsettling. Thin, multi-story, wooden structure, chipped and faded pale-yellowish paint. A home that could look pretty fancy, if it were better maintained.
An image flashes into your memory: A similar woods, but much more dead, a similar house but, alone, abandoned. You recall the ruined wooden structure, sort of a tall skinny apartment building. Wooden boards cover windows, and the boards that construct the walls are sort worn and splintered that such that the interior is partially visible. You were all led to this house in the woods after escaping the orphanage, but it was destroyed. You saw it in the dream, but here it is now in front of you in this neighborhood. And looking at it now in the sober light of reality, you see its pretty run-down looking, but certainly not destroyed.

Town Center
The main path leads you all through the dark shaded canopies of the outer neighborhoods for a while, until you eventually reach an abrupt treeline and a large wooden arch which reads “Welcome to Oakburne.” On either side, two brownish orange banners with a black silhouette of a dead sided living and dead tree. Past the arch, the path leads through a cobblestone wall and up a large hill. As you enter past two guards wearing tabards depicting a monitor lizard, you see a town center, bustling even in this rain. You see shops with tables of grains, fruits, vegetables, stables, blacksmiths, religious temples, various inns and pubs. People busily move by, you see a human woman pulling two oxen, a human and half orc young men carrying whole tree trunks, a mother sheltering her scurrying son through the rain with her dress bib-thing.

Lucinda Park
A nice quiet pond with cattails, lilypads, and ducks on the east side of town. Four statues stand in a circle overlooking the pond: A human woman holding a sword (Lucinda Onieros), a human man (Councilman Luther Wilton), a half-elven woman (Councilwoman), and a halfling man (Councilman Hughman Stadford).


The Purple Toupee Inn - Rick (keeper)
Cage and Aquarium (hunting shop)


Originally settled as a lumbermill for Oseta, the town grew in popularity for those who couldn’t afford to live in the city. This was in part due to the citizens themselves, but also the ruling noble, Earl Willard Silverhall, at the time who promoted middle/lower class emigration from the city. Whatever the reason, it birthed a town was built by and around laborers, making it a bit of a haven for those oppressed by wealthy land barons of the city.
During the Null War, Silverhall yielded to the demands of King Oseta, and conscripted Oakburne into war efforts. This outraged the citizens who formed a rebel group called the Oakburne Coalition. Underestimating the will of his serfs, Silverhall made the mistake of lending a portion of his forces to fight for the King, leaving Oakburne open rebellion, which they did. This led to a lot of Oakburnian bloodshed but they ultimately emerged victorious. Following the fall of Queen Oseta, Oakburne struck an accord with one of few surviving families that opposed Queen Oseta, Countess Merla Caulway, who appointed an agreed upon lord mayor to govern alongside an elected council of citizens. As the town grew in trade, it drew in more nobles offered to bolster commerce.

Points of interest

Seeing as the Oakburnians owe move of their livelihood to the woods which they harvest, Silvanus and Selune are heavily worshiped by the town rangers, lumberjacks, and most other citizens. At the same time, the industrious nature of the town drew many worshippers of Moradin as well.
Inhabitant Demonym
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