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Arrival at the Citadel/E4's exodus/Eri takes her oath

Life, Achievement/ Win


A recovered patient of the sanitorium guides the group to a tincture-addled Rockwell Clement. Brogg windows into Rockwell's dreams, finding out that the Coastguard and Gogia's bid for E4 was responsable for Rig's kidnapping. For a while Rockwell seemed to be cured of his ailments, until getting himself dispatched by E4, and sending the automaton running back into the jungle. A failed ressurection and a stern talking to later, the CR5 found themselves back on track, with an audience with Supreme Watcher Turris and Eri taking her oath of devotion.

Session 25: Arrival at the Citadel The group meets Nils. Tem and E4 go down into the sanitorium with Nilhs were they find a tincture-ridden Rockwell Clement.   Session 26: Sanitorium We start by talking to Rocky with Nils. Rocky tells us a story about three brothers who are going to look for treasure in a forest. Eventually the youngest brother gets scared and says they should turn back. The older brothers go on without him and the younger falls behind, who is then overtaken by darkness or something. I suspect Rocky has something to do with the leaders of the orphanage, perhaps he is the youngest brother in this metaphor. We ask him about Rig and he looks at us, recognizing us and explaining that we shouldn't be here, we shouldn't be real. He becomes hysterical and begins screaminhg. I blurt out that his delusions are real and that we've been to the orphanage, we know about moander. He continues to scream until Lulu puts him to sleep with a calm emotions spell. Nils asks us about our mentioning of the orphanage, and our affirmations of Rocky's delusions. I let him in on some of what we've been dealing with. I explain that we are here to talk to one of the more senior members of the Helmitage. Dale Aminarath - Neil's ghost/patron/imaginary friend Nils - Former archeologist who worked in Osetta, studying ancient ruins. After disturbing the ruins, Dale follows him. Mr Bronk - name given by unnamed character in Rocky's dream. Person of authority. Brogg decides to cast Window on the unconcious Rocky, glimpsing into his dream. He sees Rocky eating in a fancy room, inside a fancy manor, talking to a mysterious character. The charadcter wants him to find Rig in the Babblehand district and gather intel on his automaton. Mentions a "Mr Bronc", who must be his boss. Next, Brogg finds himself in the streets of the Babblehand district, where a massive robotic killing machine is wreaking havoc in the streets, killing everyone in it's wake. Next he finds himself in the Babblehand district where Rocky is trying to buy E4 off of Rig and Zolby, offering 100pp then 500 pp. Then Rockwell is with a large brutish man, and a hooded woman. "Dickonson? Ribby?". Then the pawn shop, sitting on a chair is a half orc with gray skin(Mr Bronc?), Rockwell stops as he sees him. Rockwell attempts a spell, before falling into a trap door, falling into wood chips. A giant hand places a massive carrot that bgins to crush Rockwell. Then back to before Rocky attempted the spell, him explaining to the half orc that he was about to tell him all about the automaton, mentioning a survellance job gone wrong. Half orc interupts him, saying "Finish the Job, bring the gnome to the warehouse, finish the job." Then back to the manor, "so you see really I had no choice in the matter, I had to tell him. If he finds out about our past dealings we'd be fucked. But you're too powerful, you'll be fine. I have this all under control, I will obtain the gnome. We just need to pull the automaton away from him for a night or two."... "It seems we have gotten as much as we can from these coast guard fools. Perhaps we should bring you into the fold"... Rockwell walks into a redlit room, empty. Two doorways leading into darkness. An open doorway inside each of the two doorways, not attached to the wall, all doorways opens. Feeling of over exposure. Rockwell in shock. Brogg investigates a door, hearing ocean waves faintly through the door. Through another door he hears "bodily ripping". Tearing and snapping of sinew. Rockwell grabs a knife and begins carving a shape into his arm. He follows Brogg into the door with the ocean noises. They find themselves on a beach on an island, with a hill. Atop the hill is a hotel like building. Brogg begins following Rocky up the hill. "We have decided to move up your initiation. The Coast Guard, The Syndicate, all have an idea of what power is. But we have true power. A bunch of masked individuals are behind them. "But it comes with a price, do you accept?". Rockwell is staring back at them, scared, but nodding. Masks figures huddle around Rockwell, while the one speaking says, "You will go through a transition, but it will be worth it." *Transition* *Fear*. The scene changes as Rockwell, now alone, checks the front door, which is locked. Rockwell, continues down the hall, past several rooms. There is a man, desecated, lying on a bed inside one room. In another room, a bed and a desk with a elven woman hunched over a table, busy with something, as blood flows off her table. Another room with gnomes covered in filth and soot, smearing the corpse of another gnome up a wall. Rocky begins to run, as the residents begin to follow him. More and more doors open behind him. It's night time, and he is running through a grassy fields, towards Rig's house. He finds the brawny guy and the woman with the hood (coast guards?), they wait in front of a house, inside, the interior is tossed. E4 is standing at the door, not moving. Rockwell, "Fuck, Deadlev must have gotten here before us". The scene changes to a sturdy cobblestone church, underground maybe. Rockwell storms up and raps on the door, Detlev the half orc answers. Rockwell demands the gnome from Detlev. Detlev refuses, Rockwell loses it, gets hella mad. Spooky whispers as Rockwell finally acknowledges the haunting visages behind him. A long necked man is there as Rockwell screams. The spell ends. Rockwell is suddenly coherent again. He wants to go for a stroll, I block the door, and ask for more information, he doesn't want to give any, but I press him about Detlev Bronc. He says we can ask for him at his place of business, if we spoke to his employees at the pawn shop, addressing them as Liv and Lev, a quick appraisal and 50 gold. Our interrogations go wrong, Rockwell says a phrase, which causes me to attack Rockwell, then run into the woods.   After finally finding your way to the Citadel, Tem and E-4 sought out Rockwell Clement, a man they believed to be associated with Rig’s disappearance. You were guided through the sanitorium by Nils who claimed to by followed everywhere by a ghost named Dale, where you found Rockwell, seemingly suffering the same affliction as the cultists from the orphanage. Nils explained that Rockwell frequently suffers from psychotic breaks, claiming an ambiguous force is out to get him, and he can’t escape it. Since, questioning him only led to screaming fits of him denying reality, Brogg decided to use the magic taught to him by the Odd Paws to look into Rockwell’s dreams. Surprisingly, you found that you were able to uncover nightmare-veiled memories. In doing so, you were able to observe Rockwell in a manor making a deal with some unknown individual who instructed him to bring him Rig and gather intel on his automaton without engaging it. The individual also stressed that Rockwell not tell his boss of the operation. Things started to get complicated for Rockwell, as he found out the automaton might be more than he bargained for. On top of this, he was not able to keep this secret from his actual Coastguard boss, Detlev Bronk. Cornered, Rockwell runs to his contact telling him if he didn’t come clean, Detlev would kill him. To this, his contact offered to ‘finally bring him in on their cohort’ if he finished the job and brought him Rig. But this offer seemed to come earlier than expected, as you saw Rockwell meeting with familiar masked cultists in a macbre hotel. You saw Rockwell and his group at Rig’s moments after Rig was taken from under them, this time plagued by horrible visions. You saw Rockwell pleading with Detlev to turn Rig over, but to no avail. Forced out of the spell, you all found that Rockwell had seemingly regained his sanity. After questioning, he revealed that to talk to Detlev, they have to talk to his employees at the pawn shop, and if they wanted to any other information, they’d have to speak with him outside the gates. However, when you all questioned him about the cultists, he became paranoid, stating he had a trick up his sleeve, and uttering a strange phrase. Unfortunately, his plan seemed to backfire, triggering E-4 impale him through the chest, and disappear into the forests of southern Nescius. As Rockwell bled out, weakly screaming of the visions encroaching on him once again, you all find yourselves bereft of the only person you’ve found so far that could provide any insight on your nightmares, as well as your automaton companion whose intentions now are unknown to anyone.   Session 27: Rockwell's Ressurection As guards approach us, everyone but Eri runs into the jungle, eventually turning back after realizing we're never going to catch E-4. We are put into a room for a while and interrogated by the Captain of the guard, asking what our relation to Rocky is. Bishous Adeline - Rank under Surpreme Watcher, initiating the Resurrection of Rocky. Durah Midriss - Highwatcher cuck Watcher Selana Valrick - Captain of the guard We conduct the ceremony with Brogg, Vel and Tem offering words to try and resurrect Rocky. Tem threatens his living family, Brogg says we can take over the Coastguard and Vel offers him redemption for his soul. The ritual fails miserably with a nat 1. Next we meet with Ropt Turris, who instructs us to apprehend E4 and bring him back to the Citadel or else. Academy in Behemith and the Church Sahaineen Moonbell (The Mystic Seer) - Potential sources of more information regarding the dream realm. The Breach - Following the vents of the first war (First God War), the corrupted gods have been banished to their realsms by the prime deities, ironically we as mortals had a hand in their reemergance. We fell victim to the whispers of the mad gods imprisoned in the breach. The prime deities were unprepared byfor an assault by the corrupted gods, but their division allowed the prime deities footing to fight them back and imprison them. As a last ditch effort, the corrupted gods sought to bring back Moander to free them. Legends say the night of Rottfall, thousands saw Moander in their dreams, but by morning he was defeated. The morning of saw new growth of vegetation and life, including the jungle around us. This is what signaled us the death of Moander. If Moander were to return we would have seen the repercussions, however what you speak of is not entirely impossible. A god whose name is known is not entire dead, there are sex (lol) of his worsphiers and a return of Moander would be catastrophic. When a god dies it is believed they lose their aspect, in this case, decay and corruption. This leaves this aspect up for grabs. This is thought to be the case if a deity defeats another deity, or that aspect can be reclaimed if that deity returns. Worshippers are a key way in which a god can reclaim their aspect. Since we are unsure of how Moander died, it is possible the aspect was never claimed. So what you all tell me is that it's possible that Moander is trying to return and reclaim his aspect.     Session 28: Eri's Oath ROCKWELL'S SHENANIGANS: Hired by Mystery Guy(Cult probably) to kidnap Rig, unbeknownst to Detlev (Coastguard). Detlev finds out somehow, and steals Rig out from under Rockwell, screwing him over Behemith was once known as Silvermire, who knew? Back then the Coast Guard protected the coast from baddies as a form of vigilanteism, eventually they got stronger and bolder until they were scattered by greater authority. However they still persist, engrained in society at nearly all levels. Rapt encourages us to track down Rig and the Coastguard, offering us assistance from the Vigil, as well as maybe giving us a warrant or badges. The Coastguard was originally responsible for the Vigil, known as the Halls of Vigilance at the time. After their ideas began to supercede ethical standards, Doldrick Mealfield ran em out of town. Friedhelm Castod was elected to lead the Halls of Vigilance, known thereafter as the Vigil. Doldrick's son, Airto, made the first on foot journey to Helmshold in 715ARF. Aifeth Kine(forget what this is). Karam island, red dragon lives in the island, the Vigil keeps watch for the return of the dragon. 742 RF: Ntuxkdarrl Conversion - Naval assault on Behemith, Lizardmen of Tuxadaral, attack on Halfax Outpost, but also Silvermire? Fended off, but intentions were unclear. Fuckin' Lizards. Vel'sharuun should be imprisoned with the rest of the deities, why he can reach Eri is a mystery. Something fucky is going on here methinks. When the gods created the divine gate, it also prevented direct intervention of the prime deities themselves. Conduits is how these deities communicate. Eri may be the Christ-Child. Eri takes her Oath and channels the power of Helm through her sword, her and Ropt spar and it's hella dope. Ropt's adventuring team name was the Guard Guards. Eri would have hated it. The Bagshot is the name of the ship we will be taking back to Behemith.

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Helm's Hold
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