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The Adventures of The Crackrack Five

A group of misfits meet at the Behemith Fight Pits.


0 and beyond

  • 889 RF

    25 Kelvus

    Sal Albright is born
    Life, Birth
  • 893 RF

    Brogg is Born
    Life, Birth
  • 895 RF

    Vel is born
    Life, Birth
  • 897 RF

    23 Moras

    Eri Frostfang is born
    Life, Birth
  • 899 RF

    Tem is born
    Life, Birth
  • 900 RF

    Vel's parents are killed by bandits
    Life, Trauma/ Loss
  • 905 RF

    Tem's parents die in a mining accident
    Life, Trauma/ Loss
  • 905 RF

    Vel's caravan attacked / Joins the Ancestral Order
    Life, Trauma/ Loss
  • 905 RF

    Eri leaves the Frostfang
    Life, Relocation
  • 906 RF

    Eri Becomes a Novice Helmite in Raelzban
    Life, Organisation Association
  • 907 RF

    Rig Purchases E4 at an auction
    Technological achievement
  • 907 RF

    Brogg arrives in Behemith
    Life, Relocation
  • 909 RF

    914 RF

    Eri trains under Morgan the Brave
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Eri trains under Morgan the Brave to become a paladin of Helm, and receives the title of Adept

  • 909 RF

    Brogg meets Thurgmun Smugfist
    Life, Career
  • 911 RF

    Tem meets E4 and Rig
    Life, Relationship change
  • 912 RF

    Vel arrives in Behemith
    Life, Relocation
  • 915 RF

    4 Moras

    Lucidian Uprising in Behemith
    Additional timelines
  • 915 RF

    21 Moras

    Eri and her friends arrive in Behemith to undertake Helm's Walk
    Life, Relocation
  • 915 RF

    24 Moras

    Eri's group is attacked/Death of Nadine Fulldew and Khagrim Stonefoot
    Life, Trauma/ Loss
  • 915 RF

    2 Heril 12:00
    915 RF

    2 Heril 18:00

    Behemith Fight Pits/CR5 meets
    Sporting Event / Competition

    The Crack Rack 5 meet for the first time, during a conforntation with Bonestealer.

    Balsalm Arena
  • 915 RF

    2 Heril 22:00
    915 RF

    9 Heril 10:00

    Imprisonment in ABC Full Liek Orphanage
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The CR5 find themselves trapped in a strange orpanage by nightmare cultists.

  • 915 RF

    9 Heril

    CR5 investigates the Rock Snakes at Crack Rack/attends Iron Civis meeting
    Discovery, Exploration

    The CR5 attempt to rid Tem of his Rock Snake problems, as well as attend an Iron Civis meeting.

  • 915 RF

    10 Heril

    The CR5 get arrested breaking into the Rock Snakes hideout.
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The group gets pinched as vigilantes.

  • 915 RF

    11 Heril

    Disbandment of the Rock Snakes/The CR5 aquire the Crack Rack
    Civil action

    The group brings Grenn to justice, Eri consumes Gang Shit's soul, and finds a book entitled Torn Under the Window Light.

  • 915 RF

    12 Heril

    Bung Bung crashes through the roof of the Crack Rack
    Construction beginning/end

    While the group seeks to rennovate the Crack Rack, a frog man in a hot air balloon crashes through the roof.

  • 915 RF

    13 Heril

    Nightmare at the Crack Rack/The CR5 get to know each other
    Life, Supernatural

    The CR6 attend a macabre play at the Crack Rack and get drunk before leaving for Helm's Walk.

  • 915 RF

    13 Heril

    Helm's Walk begins/Thariel Talwyn's abandoned shack

    The CR5 embark on Helm's walk, encounter the undead corpses of Eri's former party, and the mysterious remains of a long dead elven scholar.

    Southern Nescius
  • 915 RF

    14 Heril

    Encounter with Menegegus and the Odd Paw

    The CR5 meet a Tortle cleric of Kar'r'rga on her own spiritual journey. A circle of dreams Firbolg clan called the Odd Paw attempt to help the group investigate their dreams. An induced dream is hijacked into a nightmare.

    Southern Nescius
  • 915 RF

    16 Heril

    Ambush on the Odd Paw/Excavation of Kar'r'rga's Cove/Blight on the Shifting Atoll
    Discovery, Exploration

    The group discusses the implications of their nightmares and another sighting of who they beleive to be the rotting god, Moander. Early that morning they help the Odd Paw fend off an ambush of sea spawn. In pursuit to help Menegegus with her spiritual journey the group finds themselves excavating a crustacean-riddled cove of the crab god Kar'r'rga. After traverseing the cave, they remerge in a plague-ridden atoll where they meet a marooned old woman named Meridith.

    Southern Nescius
  • 915 RF

    17 Heril

    The CR5 fight the Caridiscisc sisters
    Military: Skirmish

    The CR5 battle the Caridiscisc sisters, who are bent on defacing every Helmite or well-wisher that crosses them. Menengus finds what she is searching for and the party escapes the atoll in a small house.

    Southern Nescius
  • 915 RF

    18 Heril

    Arrival at the Citadel/E4's exodus/Eri takes her oath
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    A recovered patient of the sanitorium guides the group to a tincture-addled Rockwell Clement. Brogg windows into Rockwell's dreams, finding out that the Coastguard and Gogia's bid for E4 was responsable for Rig's kidnapping. For a while Rockwell seemed to be cured of his ailments, until getting himself dispatched by E4, and sending the automaton running back into the jungle. A failed ressurection and a stern talking to later, the CR5 found themselves back on track, with an audience with Supreme Watcher Turris and Eri taking her oath of devotion.

    Helm's Hold
  • 915 RF

    19 Heril

    The Crack Rack interveiws/Sal joins the CR5
    Life, Career

    After returning to Behemith, the CR5 hold interveiws for the Crack Rack. A charismatic half-elf named Sal invests in the Crack Rack as well as the CR5. Some information about Gunkshed comes to light.

  • 915 RF

    20 Heril
    915 RF

    29 Heril

    Dealings with Coastgaurd, preparations of the Crack Rack grand opening, and other errands

    The CR5 make preparations to find Rig and arrange the Grand opening of the Crack Rack.

  • 915 RF

    30 Heril

    Crack Rack Grand Opening/Palea
    Life, Career

    The CR5 host a grand opening event for the Crack Rack, which is interrupted by Gogia.

  • 915 RF

    1 Lastil

    Meeting with Detlev/Vision at the Black Mausoleum/Rat King
    Gathering / Conference

    The Coastguard meeting with Detlev gets pushed up. Eri and Vel receive important information from the church of Kelemvor at the Black Mausoleum. Vel leads an expedition to eliminate a threat known as the Rat King.

  • 915 RF

    2 Lastil

    Preparations for Departure
    Financial Event

    The CR5 prepare to leave Behemith.

  • 915 RF

    3 Lastil
    915 RF

    4 Lastil

    The Mastricht
    Population Migration / Travel

    A journey of the lightening rail system of the Mastricht meets an abrupt stop in the Nettlewood forest.

  • 915 RF

    5 Lastil
    915 RF

    6 Lastil

    Arrival at Oakburne/Dan Steel is hired
    Population Migration / Travel

    A pitstop in the town of Oakburne results in an interesting encounter.

  • 915 RF

    7 Lastil

    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Dan regails the party on Oakburn history. The group finds a scary girl named Fulcan.

  • 915 RF

    8 Lastil
    915 RF

    9 Lastil

    Pasquale and the Troll Bridge
    Diplomatic action

    After breif encounter with a druidic firbolg tribe, the group heads into the Lichen mountains where they encounter a sasquatch named Pasquale, two Trolls named Crud and Wankwurst, and a traveler named Ripley.

    Lichen Valley
  • 915 RF

    10 Lastil

    Eri gets taken by a roc
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    A perilous fight with a yeti becomes more perilous when a Roc swoops in and takes Eri.

    Lichen Valley
  • 915 RF

    11 Lastil

    The group rescues Eri from a roc / Eremundus ascends
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The group rescues Eri from and Pasquale from a roc. Horseradish dies. Eremundus returns to his true form. Eri is visited by Velsharuun. Horseradish lives.

    Lichen Valley
  • 915 RF

    13 Lastil

    Closing in on E-4

    The expedition to find E4 continues, with more strange and potentially alarming situations ensueing along the way.

    Shapeless Sands
  • 915 RF

    14 Lastil

    E4 Prime
    Life, Identity

    Tem and the CR5 confront E4 prime at the edge of the Shapeless Sands.

    Session Report
    Read Session Report
    Shapeless Sands
  • 915 RF

    15 Lastil
    915 RF

    17 Lastil

    E4 departs / False Awakening
    Era beginning/end

    E4 decides to turn himself in to the Citadel and departed from the group one last time back to Helm’s Hold. The CR5 continues eastward toward the Ancestral Order hideout, Meinheld, where Vel can check in with his order, and then eventually into Bewylndir to find Berezhki.

    Irlurst Woods
  • 915 RF

    16 Lastil
    915 RF

    20 Lastil

    Travel / Tincture / Velshruun's Task / Ogrekind

    Vel leads the group eastward toward Meinheld.

    Irlurst Woods
  • 915 RF

    21 Lastil
    915 RF

    23 Lastil

    Balms and Oils
    Discovery, Exploration

    After a strange encounter with a statue of Selune, the group encounters a group called the Caravan of the Maidan who offers them a stay the ruined village of Moonstone. The village has a wolf problem.

    Irlurst Woods
  • 915 RF

    23 Lastil
    915 RF

    24 Lastil

    Gathering / Conference

    You all have been traveling eastward for about a month for a multitude of reasons, some of which being to track down E4, return to Meinheld, and seek out Berezhki. With number one on your stops down, you all find yourselves at the next stop in your route: Meinheld. A secret hideout in the Bruadar mountains and the location of Vel’s bloodhunter order. Though many of you may just see this as a hopefully safe rest stop, and place to unwind which you all desperately need, Vel has racked up a decent list of inquiries: A letter from Chi (of which he didn’t share with anyone), questions regarding his irregular penchant for sometimes blacking out, and also the strange connection between E4 prime and an individual named Semena Mertvhyk.

  • 915 RF

    25 Lastil

    Bone Throwdown
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    Facewreaker faces off against Orgekind in the Arena of Bones.
