Mech Assault Report Report in R-1213c | World Anvil
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Mech Assault Report

General Summary

With the strike on the slums of Nobepexbe the party dealt with the fires and the injured townsfolk. Urdrowic gained a level after healing numerous people. The Druidic priestess caused a scene when she cast mass cure wounds and was mobbed by people wanting to thank her. She then turned into a hawk and flew away. This has caused some to recount the tales of a draconinc goddess taking humanoid form to bless the masses in their time of need. Half-Hilt manage to steal the identification badge of a blue robe noble while he was tending to the wounded. Tink learned that there is some kind of "magic" in this world but it appears to be very different from what the party is used to seeing.   This culminated in a letter delivered by Scholar Laskey from Countess Gerwin. She has invited the party to meet her when they have the chance.
Chronicles in Chronology
Report Date
06 Nov 2022
Primary Location

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