Nobepexbe Settlement in R-1213c | World Anvil
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Nobepexbe (no-BEX-be)

Nobepex is a costal "Free" town.  The town is not controlled by the Empire.  There is an Imperial Garrison of 50 soldiers present in the city due to the large population of Nobles of the Empire.


Praetor Rehbein oversees the protection of the town as well as the civilian garrison that is in the city.  The other workings of the government are preformed by the various merchant guilds.  The only purpose of the Praetor is to coordinate the protection of the city and allow free trade to occur.


The Garrison consists of 50 paid soldiers that man the main gate and patrol some Inn Row.  There is a heavy wall around the Nobel sector and the remainder of the city is protected by a low stone wall that primarily serves as a demarcation of the city limits.  There are multiple other ways into the city, however, the pickpockets and thieves control the other gates.


The original town was a small trade port.  Only used for restocking ships.  As the Empire became interested in expanding trade to make it available for Ytouner.  This means that the old town became blocked by the expanded merchant, noble and military sectors.  The old town relied on rain and the the sea to control sewage and provide water.  This has resulted in rampant disease and poor conditions for the majority of the citizens of a rapidly expanding city with no civil planning oversight.


Nobel District   Merchant District   Freetown   Inn Row   Military Section   Burn Town   Public Merchants   Port

Guilds and Factions

The Empire controls the Noble Sector and provides security to the nobles that are working in the city.     Various merchant guilds work together to protect the merchant buildings and offices.     The Adventurers guild does receives a small stipend to pay guards to monitor the gates and keep the major crimes at bay.     The port has hired members of the local Dark Watch to guard the port and ships from would be thieves.     The
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