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Arrival at Nevuchar Springs

General Summary

Rose and Julien arrived at Nevuchar Springs before Vanya. Rose saw The Mother Tree and was intrigued, but the elf that she spoke to was convinced that she meant it ill and refused to tell her anything about it. Rose cast Commune with Nature to learn more; I put the stuff that she learned in the Mother Tree article.   Vanya bought the tarokka deck from the Miller's Wife and noticed that the figures on the cards looked more like him, Rose, and Julien than like the usual artwork. The Miller's Wife said that if the deck were destroyed while you were still in Darkon, you risked immediately losing your memories (basically, the clock for memory loss is ticking in the background even while you have the cards; it doesn't start the moment you lose them), but there wouldn't be any other ill effects from them being destroyed.    Rose went to pray and meditate at the Mother Tree, and when she told one of the elves there that she was a druid, the elf lit up and said that she had to introduce Rose to Lady Grovesong. Rose was a bit nervous because these druids seemed far more comfortable with undeath than she was, but was excited to meet with her.   Vanya arrived at that point. He told Rose about the hide shirt, and you agreed that you needed to learn more about it and whether or not it could still protect Vanya from the Gentleman Caller outside of that domain. Rose said she'd meet with the druids alone first to make sure that it was safe, since being a druid wasn't a guarantee of being nice.   You turned in for the night, and Rose was just about to do something when Paul put the kibosh on it.

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Report Date
29 Jul 2023
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