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Escaping Bianca's estate--Borca

General Summary

You sneaked up to the menagerie, which was protected by two guards. Vanya cast ghost sound and distracted them with the sounds of hissing and screaming, making them think that the snakes had gotten loose and attacked someone, so they took off to investigate. You broke into the menagerie and went into the secret basement.   Vanya used disguise self to make himself look like Ludzig and went into the room. He immediately recognized Klaus, the vampyre who hadn't been lobotomized, as the one who had accompanied Dagmar to capture him. Klaus looked at him with a mix of relief and terror, addressing him as "my lord" and babbling about how he'd heard Ludzig was dead but should have known he couldn't be killed, so things would have been nice and airtight even if Vanya hadn't recognized him. Vanya leaned in and told him, as Ludzig, that he was base and wretched and pathetic for letting himself get captured and farmed, and that he wanted him to know exactly how disgusting he was; then he decapitated Klaus and the other vampyres.   Rose heard footsteps upstairs and came in to the sight of Vanya-as-Ludzig hacking the vampyres into bloody bits, completely bloodlusted out. She talked him down and told him they needed to get out of there fast. Vanya let disguise self drop and cast Invisibility on himself, and Rose wild shaped into a bird. Vanya knocked over some of the bird cages in the menagerie food supply, Rose flew out with the birds, Vanya sneaked out invisibly, and you got back to [Vincente's manor undetected.   When you got to the manor, no one was there to greet you, and things everywhere had been knocked over or broken. You went to Vincente's room and found him asleep, tossing and turning and muttering to himself. Vanya found some antitoxin and gave it to him, which made him wake up, distressed and confused. As he did, a window suddenly shattered. Vanya, putting two and two together, sent Rose to go check on Julien while he caught Vincente up on what had happened. He explained to Vincente that they'd been drugged and that Rinaldo had been involved, whether because he'd been bribed or because Bianca had used the vampyre venom on him. Vincente, who had always trusted Rinaldo and was having the absolute worst week of his life, asked Vanya if he could leave him alone for a minute.   Rose, meanwhile, went to Julien and found that not only was he was also tossing and muttering in his sleep, but he'd aged up to about twelve--just as he had in her dream. She gave him some of the antitoxin, and he settled for a moment before suddenly vanishing from the bed. A moment later, she heard him screaming from her room. She ran in and found him in her bed, frantically searching for her and wailing "no, no, no, no" in a panic. She immediately went to him, and when he saw that she was alive and in one piece and he hadn't horribly tortured her, he clung to her and sobbed for a few minutes. Vanya came in and around that point, and between the two of you, you were able to put together that he'd seen some bits and pieces of your dreams and that he'd had a nightmare very similar to the one he'd had in Rose's dream--that he'd been torturing The Blade Brothers, but they'd turned into Rose, and he had kept right on torturing her and enjoying it. (Unlike in Rose's nightmare, you didn't get the sense that part of him was still enjoying the memory of the dream after waking up.) Whenever Vanya tried to leave the room, Julien begged him not to go down into the wine cellar.   You finally managed to calm Julien down and disentangle yourselves from him, and Rose was spitting blood; she couldn't believe Bianca would use horrible nightmare-inducing drugs on a child, and given what Vincente had told her about Borca's "justice" system back in Menagerie aftermath and trippiness!--Borca, she thought the only solution was for you to kill Bianca yourselves. Vanya agreed that she had to go down, but given what you saw of Ivan Dilisnya in A wild Ivan Dilisnya appears!--Borca, he felt that you needed to hand her over to Ivan; if he couldn't torture the person who was actually responsible for Alessandro de Carlo's betrayal, he'd find someone else to torture on a paper-thin excuse, because that's how petulant bullies work. Vanya suggested that you write a letter to Ivana Boritsi letting her know that Bianca had been withholding this vampyre venom for her, because that would anger Ivana enough for her to withdraw her protection, leaving Bianca at Ivan's mercy. Rose grudgingly agreed.   After you decided on this course of action, a messenger delivered a letter asking you to meet Bianca at the Golden Swan (the restaurant where she'd poisoned Alessandro) for dinner, assuring you that it was a public place that should be lovely for a civil conversation.

Character(s) interacted with

The captured Vampyres   Bianca Scarlatti   Julien   Vincente Travatello   Ivan Dilisnya (discussed, not seen)   Ivana Boritsi (discussed, not seen)   Rinaldo, Vincente's manservant (discussed, not seen)

Related Reports

Previous session--Nightmares--Borca   Next session--Confronting Bianca--Borca
Report Date
21 Dec 2021
Primary Location

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