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Leaving Borca--Borca

General Summary

Before you left Vincente's, he gave you a purse with 5,000 gold and a pearl that was supposed to be magical but that he had no idea how to use because, no matter what the patron who had given it to him thought, not every Vistana knows how to use magic items. You eventually Spellcrafted it enough to figure out that it was a second-level Pearl of Power.   You talked a bit about what to do with Julien's new animal-torture hobby. Rose thought he needed some kind of tough-love mentor to help him out, but you weren't sure where to find one. Vanya, in the meantime, thought it would be helpful to teach him fencing. Julien was excited by that idea, and Vanya gave him this whole big speech about how it was hard and might not come easily to him only to have Julien roll a natural 20 on his int check, so of course the kid is a natural at stabbing. That's not troubling at all.   You headed across Borca and toward Barovia without incident (other than getting to see the gibbet cage that was positioned directly above a hellspout, because Borca is the Borca-est) until you reached Lechberg, the seat of Ivan Dilisnya's power. You decided that you were going to skip right past this nonsense and camp out, but before you fully left the town, one of Ivan's agents caught up with you with a few gifts to thank you for your service and with a standing invitation to visit Ivan for dinner any time you were in town. The gifts included Bianca's dress, which turned out to be +3 glamered leather armor; a collar, which turned out to be a +1 amulet of mighty fists (which was much more wholesome than what Tom thought a magical Borcan collar would be and a bracelet, which the agent told you was probably safe to wear because it had been washed thoroughly, but you might want to wear it outside your gloves for a while just to be safe. When you opened the bracelet box at your camp site, you found that it was made from Bianca's silver-coated teeth, with a kiss-marked note from Ivan saying he'd already promised her eyes to Silvia de Carlo.   You were both appalled by the tooth bracelet, and Vanya took it into the woods and gave it a small burial service, commending Bianca's soul to Ezra and saying that he understood why she'd done what she'd done, that he hoped her sister would have a happy life, and that he hoped she was dead. Rose, although she didn't have nearly as high an opinion of Bianca as Vanya, participated.   You crossed the border into Barovia the next day. When you got to Krezk , Rose realized that this was an opportunity to let Seamus go home, since she'd found him here. She released him from her service, suggesting that he find Ilya; he gave her a thorough wet, sloppy doggie goodbye, Vanya a perfectly friendly doggie goodbye, and Julien a doggie Hard Stare before heading off.   And with that, you made your way toward the forest near Lake Krezk where Rose's mentor lived . . .

Rewards Granted

5,000 gp Pearl of Power (level 2) +1 Amulet of Mighty Fists +3 glamered leather armor

Related Reports

Previous session--Confronting Bianca--Borca   Next session--Entering the forest--Barovia
Report Date
08 Jan 2022
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