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Rose and Vanya's home domain, Barovia is a land of deep forests, jagged mountains, and mistrustful people. All know that Count Strahd von Zarovich, the Devil Strahd, is a tyrant and a dark wizard; while some whisper that he's a vampire, few actually believe it. They do know that vampires, werebeasts, and other creatures of the night are everywhere, however, and absolutely nothing can compel a Barovian to go outside or let anyone into their house after dark.   There are three laws in Barovia that cannot be broken on pain of death: never steal from the count (this includes failure to pay taxes), never enter Castle Ravenloft without permission, and never harm one of the Vistani.   Barovia has two primary ethnic groups, Barovians and Gundarakites. Gundarak was annexed by Barovia 14 years ago following the death of their ruler Duke Gundar, and the Gundarakites are oppressed and resentful.  


  Krezk--your starting town, the largest city in Barovia and a bustling trade metropolis (I'm putting the list of Krezk NPCs in the Krezk article because there are a lot of them, all of whom owe you favors, but none of them really warrant getting their own page at this point)   The Village of Barovia--a village in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft  

Other Locations

  The Hospice of the Hundred Wounds--a hospice of Hala in the village of Barovia, where Isolde left Nicolae as a child     The Tser Falls encampment--a Vistani encampment near the village of Barovia, frequent haunt of Madam Eva's tribe   The Painted Wagon--the inn in Krezk where you met, owned by a giorgio man and his wife, who claims to be full-blooded Vistani. You saved their daughter from being murdered by bandits and continuing the deadly cycle of Ashington Manor.

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