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Madam Eva's reading to Vanya


Focus (center): The Marionette

  "But I tell you nothing you do not already know."        

Past (top center): The Miser

  "When we say that a horse has a bridle or a saddle, who truly owns it--the horse or its master? You possess someone's heart, but you do not possess yourself. He may try to collect it. It would amuse him." (Partly resolved. This refers to Vanya's baby mama, Sofia; The Dark Man has threatened her.)    

Present (bottom center): The Innocent, reversed

  "Once again, I tell you nothing you do not already know."   (At a previous reading, this card had represented Rose; reversal means that while she's innocent, she isn't helpless)    

Potential outcomes (left of focus): The Trader, reversed.

  "Your fate began with a bargain, and it will end with one, but the bargain will not be fair. If you follow through on his terms, you wIll lose; that one does not enter games he cannot win."    

Possible outcome (top left): The Horseman (Death)

  "The most likely outcome, and the only one if you follow the path he set for you."    

Possible outcome (center left): The Temptress

  "He may try to change the terms of the bargain in a way that seems sweeter to you, especially if you have something he wants. The soul of a peasant is a great prize, but there are others he desires more. But however sweet the deal may seem, it will be on his terms, and he will be the one who profits from it." (Yup, that happened.)    

Possible outcome (bottom left): The Merchant.

  "Or, this. A new deal on your terms. Craft a bargain of your own, one he cannot refuse. Only then do you have hope of coming out as the victor."    

Future paths (right of focus): The Enchanter

  "If you would try to match wits with him, all your future paths involve discovery, and danger."  

Future path (top right): The Mistress of Coins

  "A troubadour in the City of Rats--a half-Vistani woman, heavy with chil. If you tell her I sent you, she will help you." (Resolved--Natalia gave you a lock of the Dark Man's hair (and also a son))    

Future path (center right): The Transmuter

  "In the Carnival, there is a professor studying the mystic arts. He does not currently have the knowledge you need, but he will in winter; seek him out then." (Partly resolved. You know Professor Pacali is researching fiends, and he's told you he'll be in Darkon's Brautslava Institute in winter.)   "And the final path..."    

Future path (bottom right): The Master of Stars

  "Azalin Rex."   "I see . . . a book. A book of names. It is the key to gaining power over the Dark Man. Azalin keeps the book in his laboratory in Castle Avernus, but you do have two other choices . . ."   "Lord Death of Necropolis has a copy of the book deep within the Black Vaults. They belonged to Azalin before the Requiem, and some of his treasures are still there."   "There was one other who saw the book, and the name you need--an old woman, who now lives in the city of Martira Bay. Although it seems like she should be an easier one to approach, I see darkness and power about her to rival that of Azalin himself."

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