High Elf

Elves that have attempted to cast off their fae roots will find themselves as high elves. Similar in appearance with most elves but typically taller and more muscula. They typically reside in the High City, thus the name.    Their elven, maleable nature made the elves that came to the High City adapt to the urban enviroment. Typically, they were recruit by the Metalic dragons due to their improved magical ability, something their traditional workforce, the Dragonkin lacked.   As the Metalics worked them harder and harder their physical body became more and more adapted to channeling large amounts of arcana.


Major language groups and dialects

Elven, Highlar

Common Dress code

High elves will often adapt Arcanotech plating on parts of their body to facilitate their magical abilities.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Similar to all elves, High elves aren't able to breed naturally. Unfortunately their traditional breeding ritual isn't able to be performed into the high city due to the lack of natural elements. Instead all high elves are born from Arcanotech vats.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species