Knights of the Old / Fey war

The Conflict


Zarrus von Adante VIII became bored with ruling a complacent people, and set out for war. Encountering the Fey within a week as they both shared land on Dueforex.

Historical Significance

When the war begane, the Fey were at war with one another, the summer and winter courts vying for power. This allowed the Knights of the Old brutalize the fey and the upper courts were slaughtered, leaving just Titania, a single princess, and few of summer court. The winter court was wiped out entirely.   One of the summer court princesses was taken as a trophy by Zarrus von Adante VIII, and chained to his ship as they sailed back home to Polipropateratou. On the return trip home the princess cast a dangerous spell and brought a storm down ontop of the ships. During this spell she prayed to an old and nameless fey legend. Soldiers say her chains caught fire, and that Zarrus himself was brought down into the depths by the same chains that had tied the princess before her near escape.    Once she was recaptured and returned to their new ruler, Zarrus von Adante IX, sent her into a dungeon deep beneath the ground to rot. To prevent any further damage done by curses of the fey Zarrus IX apointed four great nights to defend the kingdom. Hector the Stalwart, La Hire the Fierce, Lancelot the Conqueror, and Ogier the Faithful.   Polipropateratou began planning their second expedition to the northern Fey isles. Some time into this period a strange darkness grew over the lands of Polipropateratou and little is known about what truly happened. What is known is found from a journal discovered with the corpse of a squire of one of those Great Knights .   This gave the fey enough time to recover and continue their war with the Old Knights. The war has continued since.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
14th of Yrash, -54PS
Ending Date



