Ogier the Faithful

Saint Ogier , The Faithful

Ogier is one of the four Champions of Adante Royal Family of the Old, anointed by Zarrus von Adante VIII.

Physical Description

Specialized Equipment

Ogier's only weapon is his faith. He wields a glass sword and an iron censer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

From "An account of Ogier, son of Osires, also called St. Ogier"
In my youth I was a student of the teacher Yu-Lang of Mors Mortis, a scholar of some renown who had learned himself under the tutelage of the old master Arang-Bor the Eastarman. Our studies were of the sun, and of Adem’s lingering light in this world. Our oldest legends told of how Adem was himself broken and his remains scattered across the world, and yet some still claimed authority by the might of his divinity. How could this be? Our divine ancestor had been sundered, but the power these individuals wielded was no less potent. It was for this reason we studied, and in our studies we grew closer to the truth.     My study of the lingering light was considered heretical, though, to the minds of those who worshiped the heritage of the Sky Kings. Their army of inquisitors came into the lands of Mors Mortis. At the head of their column was the Dogma Lord Wermir, most reviled of the clergymen. We were forced to flee - first to the south, into the old lands of Green. But we were pursued, past the old citadel of Razaldin and towards the ice. Master Arang-Bor died on the sea, his old body broken in the effort and his bones crumbling to dust. We held up in a small enclave by the sea for two years, protected only by our faith and the wretched weather, all while Wermir’s jaws closed around us.   Then, in the third year of our despair, the Norsemen of Kyra within the Molten Earth came out of the West to do battle with the inquisitors. They came upon great unknown magicks. The siege was broken and we hastened to flee, taking the coast road to the west and away from the battle.   But our advance was halted by another army, greater even than that of the Lord Wermir - a host of Adanten lancers and the Great Terror himself, Lancelot riding to reinforce the army of inquisitors. With him was the Sky Princeps Zarrus IX, himself only barely older than a boy, like I. We stood little chance - the teachers who tried to defend us were killed, my teacher Yu-Lang among them. The rest of us were taken captive, and watched as the Knight Lancelot rode down every last of the sorcerers from Kyra, adorning them to the great rocks of Frysta to be ripped apart by the crashing waves of the unforgiving sea.   Lancelot had little interest in religious differences, and sought to leave those of us who remained on the isle of Mors Mortis. Wermir insisted, though, demanding to let his church have their sacrifices. Lancelot relented, apathetic to any issue that did not carry a sword. On the sixteenth night of our march north through the lands of green, a terrible storm swept in from the sea, with winds that screamed and howled and tore up the tents and sent the great horses fleeing. Lancelot demanded Wermir impose his will against the storm and protect the camp, but the sorcery of the Sky King's cult was suspect and Wermir faltered and failed. When the encampment began to riot and panic I feared for my life, and prayed for salvation. In that moment, for the first time in my life, I knew true faith - there was nothing else left. The lingering light came out from within me like a tempest, and the winds and the rains were driven back.   The next day I was taken from the rest of my peers and brought into audience with Lord Lancelot, who saw that I was protected from the inquisitors and from Wermir specifically, who sought my repentance after humiliating him the night before. Upon my return to the capital Polipropateratou, I was given provisions and resources to continue the work of the scholars of Mors Mortis, free from the struggles that pervaded our life on the frontier. In this atmosphere I was able to learn greater truths of Adem’s lingering light, and the remnants of old Aud that were ancient even then. In the following years of Lord Sarrus’ reign I was knighted, and was given the title “Knight of Faith” when Lord Hector saw fit to raise me into the order of the king’s protectors.I was the last of the knights to be given that honor, along with Lord Hector, Lord Lancelot, and Lord La Hire. When, during his campaign across the sea, our King Sarrus VIII was killed, my service passed to his son, Sarrus IX, who was called the Sunset King. While it was his father who brought the hatred of the fair folk to our lands from across the sea, it was his own doing that let that poison fester and grow until it caused the very earth below us to swell and buckle."
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
Aligned Organization