Meroci (Mare OH kee)

Divine Domains

Trickery, Stealth, and theatre

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Cat's paw

Tenets of Faith

Seek always the pleasures of life; neglecting neither the pleasures of the body nor the pleasures of the mind. Beware overindulging in either, for doing so atrophies the other. Seek to experience new things, see new places, and learn new things, and share such experiences with others. Liberate trapped or hoarded knowledge or experiences, freeing them for all the world to know. Those who keep such things from the world are fools, and should be made to be seen as the fools they are.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Typically shows as a tall dark furred Tabaxi-like humanoid.

Facial Features

Pearlescent diamon glows between their eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When The Mother God first walked the Material Plane and cast her first shadow on the physical, Meroci was born from the shadow and followed her, hidden in the darkness. She eventually showed herself to the Mother God and they got along well. Meroci kept her company and played tricks on her, which she usually only partially understood.   She would occasionally show herself to the mortal realm and play tricks on them as well, and soon began to gain her own following as a trickster god.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Date of Death
9th of Staro, 310PS
Purple and blue opalescent
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark fur
Aligned Organization