Oakville (/oʊk vɪl/)


  Oakville is a village located in the tropical jungle on the south end of Calvaria, where the vegetation is lush. Oakville grew around a trade route through the jungle. They are a capitalist meritocratic republic that used to worship many deities, but now only pays tithing to the local dragons. The nearest landmark is a collection of tar pits that are rumored to have claimed the lives of various monstrosities. A population of 1817, the denizens live a modest existence. A new moon is currently taking place.


Race Population
Aasimar <100
Calidikin 145
Construct <100
Dragonkin <100
Dwarf <100
Elven 258
Fey <100
Frigidikin 678
Genasi <100
Gith <100
Goblin 198
Goliath <100
Human 291
Orcish 134
Tiefling <100
Other <100


The people of Oakville work in exchange for payment from their employers, which they use to buy the necessities. Affairs are handled by the competent, the head of whom is Alyx Kirk.


There's a decent guard presence, and citizens know better than to step out of line, as The Bark Eyed are armed. Despite this, brutality is rare, and citizens with nothing to hide have nothing to fear. Law in Oakville is reform-based, and those that breach the laws can expect incarceration, fines, asylums, or work-release programs to provide them with the chance to not become a recidivist. The death penalty is reserved only for traitors to the state. Magic is treated with extreme suspicion, and is coded into law as a restricted activity.

Industry & Trade

Trade in Oakville is heavily regulated, with taxes, tariffs, and restrictions on what can be brought in and out of the village, and people live a modest existence because of it. The trade guild strictly enforces the rules, and communicate with the local dragons to find what can and can't be traded. The costs of doing business in Oakville are high. Welfare is average. Citizens can find an education, provided they can pay for it. Healthcare is overtaxed and underfunded, and the government hides behind layers of bureaucracy to dodge complaints.


Oakville was founded in an effort to disconnect from the Blue Dragons that roam the deserts of Calvaria. Unfortunately, it only took the dragons a few years to find this new settlement and demand payment from it. The cities democratic structure was completely obliterated overnight, as it became dedicated to keeping the dragons appeased. Due to their coastal position they were able to create strong trade routes and get whatever the dragons wanted and, overtime, received payment in return for quenching their desires.


Oakville resides at the mouth of a river on the coast, slightly more inland is a small amount of hills coated in jungle hardwood and eventually the Calvaria Desert.


  • Oakville
Founding Date
2nd of Shkull, 86 PS
Trade post
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Characters in Location