The Shining Protectorate

The Shining Protectorate is a guards watch. It's very new, and the slightly below average sized faction has an excellent reputation, and is motivated by power. They are rumoured to help lucky commoners.


It's ruled by Vepar Trevethor, who was the original founder. She is quite physically incompetent, and her position is quite unstable due to internal power struggles. Bribes are scorned.


Members of The Shining Protectorate are identifiable by their white horses. Membership requires a display of bravery, and costs two hundred gold pieces. The initiation into The Shining Protectorate involves an oath to be taken.


They have limitless resources. A significant number of magical trinkets are part of those resources. Also at their disposal are a handful of old favours, a handful of contacts, a handful of favours, and a handful of artifacts.
Government, Law Enforcement
Notable Members