New Windsborough (winds/ˈbərō)


  New Windsborough is a city located on the southern polar seacoast of Frysta, where the vegetation is sparse. New Windsborough grew around a series of natural hot springs, and is comprised mostly of humans, Dragonkin, and tieflings. They are a capitalist magocratic republic that worships many deities, none having a clear majority at all. The nearest landmark is a twenty foot high mushroom, enclosed in a circle of smaller mushrooms of varying heights(up to 5 feet). It is thought to have been home to a giant frost toad who would rest on the largest mushroom. Occasionally a ghostly ribbit pierces the air. A population of 8286, the denizens live a modest existence.


Race Population
Aasimar <100
Calidikin 1654
Construct <100
Dragonkin 687
Dwarf 215
Elven 346
Fey <100
Frigidikin <100
Genasi 234
Gith <100
Goblin <100
Goliath 471
Human 961
Orcish 865
Tiefling 149
Other ~200


The elected body of government, known as The Frozen Norse are all mages from the college. Magic is strictly monitored within the walls of the city otherwise. The leader of The Frozen Norse is Humble Bird, a middle aged Tabaxi.


The guards are very strict, with citizens being forced to carry licenses and travel permits. The local guard, The Shining Protectorate, is well armed. Law in New Windsborough is reform-based, and those that breach the laws can expect fines, penalties, or work-release programs to provide them with the best possible chance to not become a recidivist. Magic is outlawed. Only the wizards that govern New Windsborough are permitted to cast any spells beyond a cantrip level.

Guilds and Factions

New Windsborough is home to Mansueta Kyra.


The city was originally founded before the separation of the dragonkin. Frysta, at the time, was a tropical paradise for tourists. It has since frozen over after being coveted by the local white dragon fauna and transformed into their preferred habitat. The original city of Windsborough was destroyed, and New Windsborough was built around a series of hot springs that also housed a local secluded mage's college. Shortly after, they became the governing body of New Windsborough.


Tourism in New Windsborough is not what it used to be, but people do still travel there for the Kyrian Springs that supposedly have magical healing effects.


The Norse build houses typically with tall and long roofs, sloped to help prevent the build up of snow.


The city is set at the base of a series of tall hills that hug the coast where the hot springs reside.


  • New Windsborough
Founding Date
16th of Ratso, 24 PS
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location