Vathýs (Vah THEES)

Divine Domains

The sea, darkness, the unknown.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A wavy oroboros snake with the center filled in with black.

Tenets of Faith

The sea is a savage place and those that travel it had best be willing to pay the price of challenging Vathýs' domain. If is equally as savage and unknowable as the vastness of the ocean.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Vathýs typically appears to her followers as female figure shrouded in a wavering cloak whos body extends infinitely long as a snake made entirely of smooth white marble.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Made as a unintentional biproduct from the The Mother God creating the material plane, Vathýs feels little attachment to the rest of her Godly brethren, instead keeping to the seas. When man discovered the ability to travel the ocean she would travel with them and keep them safe, unintentionally. At first they feared her, mostly by size and appearance but she quickly became known as a good omen and eventually worshiped just like her brothers and sisters.   When the culling begane she hit in the deepest depths of the ocean, but once enough of her followers begane to die on the seas in an effort to protect her from the dragonkin she came to the surface to defend them and was killed in the process.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Date of Death
10th of Yrash, 310PS
She / They
Aligned Organization