Verä (Vair AH)

Divine Domains

The wilds, the seasons, flora, and fauna.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Verä's symbol is a series of interconnected triangles. The triangle is known as a symbol of change.

Tenets of Faith

Verä teaches followers that all belong to all others and that all must think of others when doing things. No individual is an island or their own world and must consider others and the world around them. Subsequently, change is inevitable and resisting it is futile. It always comes one way or another, just like the cycle of life.  Finally a great saying exists, "Little by Little, it shall be done." The phrase means that one must do each thing with their full energy and focus on one thing at a time, but have faith it will be finished.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Verä often appears in different physical forms amalgamizing beast, man, or dragon. They will typically match the surrounding season the material plane is in.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the final gods created, The Mother God created Verä to enact change on the cosmos. Verä then pushed the inhospitable elemental chaos into the center of the plane and blocked it behind mountains. She harnessed that power to create the seasons, and unlike most of the gods believed that chaos could be used as a valuable tool. Once man was created Verä used the chaos of the cosmos to create beast and dragons, believing that not all things should be the same. She gave the beasts to the humans, and gave the dragons to the lands and let them live as divine creatures.   No one is entirely sure why Verä eventually removed their divinity from them, as all she would tell her followers is, "Little by little, it shall be done." in regards to the matter. But when they did eventually revolt and begin the hunt the gods, Verä did not hide and did not fight back, believing it was the natural cycle.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Date of Death
29th Setsko, 309PS
Aligned Organization
Symbol of Verä