Ya'zwen (yah Z-WHEN)

Divine Domains

Nature, the people, and all living things

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The face of an owl

Tenets of Faith

Ya'zwen teaches that all life is a gift, and are not to be stolen. She is often the goddess of rangers and druids and opposes those who hunt for sport, and anyone who would exploit the land for fun or profit.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Teach her followers how to hunt the dragons and end the culling.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Before The Culling  she could often found walking in the woods by any old lumberer in the form of a deer made of bushes, a massive owl, a women made of bark, or countless others.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Mother God created natural life as a gift for Ya'zwen as something for her to care for, and as such she is the most personable of the gods. Where Ya'zwen raised the first humans eventually became known as the Feywild as her intense form altered the material plane around her and caused both the humans and the natural world around them to become increasingly chaotic and magical. Some humans ran from Ya'zwen, and remained the standard Human species. Others ran, but kept her rituals in outside lands. Those became the Elfs. Those who remained became the Fey


Hobbies & Pets

It's said that Chwinga are parts of her that still live on in the natural world after she was killed by the dragons.
The true form of Ya'zwen. Only shown to her followers.
Divine Classification
Glossy black
Light Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light blue
Aligned Organization