
The appearance of yuan-ti varied greatly from nearly human-like to nearly snake-like, but all had some serpentine features. Scale colors were usually simple greens and browns, but more elaborate swirls, stripes, or diamond patterns were possible, even in blues and reds. Yuan-ti gave off almost no scent that a human could detect, but animals could sense a dry, musty odor from their bodies.   They are close reletives to Dragonkin and avildly worship full dragons.


Major language groups and dialects


Common Dress code

Only the most human-like forms wore clothing, but all varieties wielded weapons if they had means to carry them.


Relationship Ideals

Most Yuan-ti avoid relationships all together and tend to favour finding gold to curry favour for nearby dragons.
Parent ethnicities
Encompassed species

This ethnicity has multiple parents, only the first is displayed below.
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