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Alderman is the lowest rank of nobility within the Eighth Kingdom of Aedrinar. Given to only houses of great repute within larger cities, the title is rarely found in the realm outside of Kriegerholm, Odinsthrone, and Lastlight.


Alderman are only appointed of districts within larger cities such as Kriegerholm, Lastlight, or Odinsthrone. Alderman report directly to a Jarl or Thane within their city and have no holdings or property outside of the city's limits. Other than this, a house must be of high repute and reputation and the city must be a sizeable enough population to support them.


Alderman are initiallly instated by a thane or jarl of a city, following the initial appointment the tradition of the moot continues but the same family tends to hold the title hereitarily.
Nobility, Honorific / Ceremonial
Equates to
Source of Authority
People's Moot
Length of Term
Reports directly to
Related Locations


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