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Kriegerholm is amongst the largest cities in Aedrinar. Sitting at the mouth of the River Bittern, a salt water river that flows from Kullfjord, through Odinsthrone, and ending at Kriegerholm. The city has existed in some form since the mythic age, first taking the name of Kriegerholm in the Second Age under the rulership of House Krieg.   The city is composed of five districts, each ruled by a great house in their own right, and has a diverse economy based on manufacturing, commerce, salt mining, farming, fishing, lumber, and maritime trade. Although not the trade hub that Lastlight is, Kriegerholm is pivotal to Aedrinar’s internal economy and trading routes as well as the security of it it’s capital.   Krigerholm’s most important manufacturing is pottery and exporting of clay goods and their products. The Coldharbour district and Potters Square district in the Whalings house most of the manufactories and harvesting areas for clay and pots.   Four nobles of Kriegerholm have ascended to High King status – Rollo III Kingslayer, Sigrun II, Ebbe , and Ulfgir V the Wolf. Other than Rollo III, all monarchs from Kriegerholm have been associated with rebellions or massive losses, prompting the colloquial idiom “Like a King from Kriegerholm” to denote someone who is bad luck.   The city is diverse by Aedrinaran standards, comparable with Lastlight in terms of different cultures, religions, and races. A notable population of sea dwellers have moved to the Saltmarsh quarter such as Sahauagin, Locothah, Sea Elves, and Tritons whilst the rest of the city boasts a mixed population of humans, half-elves, halflings, elves of multiple cultures, gnomes, and dwarves.  


Diverse by Aedrinaran standards but paling in comparison to cities such as Lastlight and Jameleska the majority of the population are Aedrinarian Human. Halflings, Ice Elves, and halflings make up sizable minorities whilst  the Saltmarsh district houses the most diverse races of mainly aquatic and amphbious peoples such as sea elves, locothah, kuo toa and sahaugin.   A Little Cyrene district exists within Watergate and houses Sargonic humans from Al Dun, Al Shamar, Cyrene and Ashad.   In terms of religion, the Honoured Gods remain the most worshipped pantheons with smaller shrines dedicated to other gods such as Tiamat, Deep Sashelas, and members of the Seldarine in elven communities. The Little Cyrene district also houses a Sargonic temple with shrines to all the forms of the gods the Sargonic peoples worship.   The more up river you go in Kriegerholm the more wealth you tend to find. In its oceanside districts of Coldharbour and Saltmarsh are mainly poorer families and workers living in shacks and lesser accomodation. The middle districts of the Whalings and Goldlands house merchant and middles classes whilst the upriver Watergate houses wealthy families and landowners with ancient acclaim and ancestral names and titles.


Krigerholm is an expansive city and is managed by its five houses. Unlike other major cities, the five houses of Kriegerholm are great houses in their own rights with a complex and deep historical relationship between all five. The Thaneship is not restricted to a single family but regularly passed around by the houses dependent on who is the better candidate and has the most allies at the time. When not acting as thanes, the houses are aldermen of their respective districts.   The only house to never be considered for thane in their long history within Kriegerholm, House Seaspite are Aldermen of Saltmarsh. Sea Elves by birth and arriving in the city after one of its many sacks and the break down of its flood protection infrastructe, the Seaspites are a well respected family and despite ruling the poorest district of Krigerholm they maintain a noble connection with the other powerful families.   Coldharbour, the artisanal centre of the centre, is ran by the mighty House Warpelt. Famed griffon riders and former vikingrs for hire, the House Warpelt have a tense relationship with the current ruling family the Saltsbys. Considered one of the proudest and greatest families of the city, Coldharbour's residents deeply respect and honour the warpelts and theri warrior traditions.   The Whalings is ran by House Ironcrest - a house with a mixed reputation and mixed loyalities but making for good warriors, sailors, and cavalrymen. The Whalings is the largest district and the Ironcrests often defer to industrial guilds and minor houses to help adminstirate their diverse region.   Overseeing the merchant hub of the city is House Just-Coin of the Goldlands. Relatively new to the Kriegerholm scene, the just coins have had only one thane who had a short reign during the 40 year war. Easily the wealthiest family, the Just-Coins manage the majority of taxes and business administration for the city - supporting the spread of trade and finance beyond their own district and the unofficial treasuruers of Kriegerholm.   The wealthiest and most prestigious district is ran by the venerable House Saltsby - ever the survivors of Kriegerholm they are the city's oldest and most noble family and routinely held titles of Jarl and Thane. Their home in Watergate is the political centre of the city even when the Saltsbys are scant in control as the grand halls and meeting places make for easy adminstriation of the vast and wealthy trade city.



Saltmarsh is a perpetually flooded, smelly, and poor area of Kriegerholm. The smallest and poorest district of the city, the low lying and marshy ground is home to diverse people, largely of a sea dwelling origin, and specialises in salt panning, fishing, and local support trade. When flood season, usually around the early spring and late winter, small boats taxi people around the district and beyond.   Saltmarsh’s buildings are multi storied affairs. The ‘ground’ floors are on raised stilts to minimize flood damage and usually house humans, halflings, and wealthier ambibious residents. Below them, basements levels allow waters to flow in for more aquatic residents and hidden alcoves for the nefarious members of society. The district has a notable stagnant and dirty smell as local waste mixes with the constant water flows.   Many of the buildings are heavily damaged, with residents too poor to afford to replace or repair water logged beams or damaged floorboards which auses buildings to often lean over streets, snickleways, and into each other.   The district specialises in Salt Panning of water and the fish trade. The rest of the economy is for local service, right down to smaller breweries, meaderies, and distilleries. There is a small market by the docks to the district.   A large number of amphibious creatures such as Sahaugin, Locothahs, Kua-Toa, Tritons, and Sea Elves call Saltmarsh home. The disorganized chaos, tight buildings, and convinent hideaways make up a small population of kobolds and goblins. Humans, half-elves, and halfings make up the rest of the population.   House Seaspite, a family of Sea Elves into their early third generation, rule Saltmarsh. Cormelis Seaspite is the second child of Politon Seaspite, the original family head who was welcomed into the city long ago. The Seaspites rule fairly and keep a limited patrol of soldiers, but do try their best to clamp down on local crime and criminal groups.  


The Goldlands are a wealthy elevated hill area with ancient ruins and heritage deep below that provides a warren of confusing tunnels and hidden rooms. The commercial centre of the city, all manner of trade and dealings are performed in this district. The area has a distinct Aedrinaran style with wall to wall buildings with high windows, thick slate rooves, and impressive temples and feats of engineering. The Goldlands docks can be reached by descending its numerous stone steps or through slipways near the Magnus and Bitter Bridges. The district also houses a Little Cyrene.   Goldlands has a tightly packed by clean aesthetic with tall buildings, spaced out landmarks, wide avenues for trade, and well maintained public areas. The district still has the distinctive bad smell of Kriegerholm but it is covered up by the smell of trade goods and the sound of coins clinging.   Goldlands specialises in commercial and market trade around shops, markets, and culture. The majority of the population work service jobs or simple industry or in the civic sector. A notably middle and merchant class community, the people here are still Aedrinaran but dress well for their status and wear plentiful jewellery, often forged out of coins from distant lands.   The district houses a majority of humans with a smaller population of elves. A single Seldarine temple can be found whilst impressive temples to the Honorued Gods can be found as megastructures completed by notable figures and wealthy donors within the city.   The district is ran byHouse Just-Coin, a relatively new house in the Kriegerholm scene who succeeded House Golden-Horde when their predecessors were destroyed in Sigrun III’s attack on Krigerholm in the 10th century. The Just-Coins come from merchant stock and survived the initial sacking of Kriegerholm by being at see conducting trade deals in the Eldrian empire at the time.   The house is ran by Astrid Just-Coin, a just and honourable woman with a young family. The Just-Coins are landlords for many of the businesses in the district and see themselves as the treasurers of the city through their stewardship of trade deals and it’s lucrative markets and import/export businesses.  


The wealthiest area of the city, the heart of Watergate lies on a raised hill to the west of the river bitter and houses the current thanes of Kriegerholm, the Saltsbys. With pleasant trees, widely spaced grand halls, buildings, and churches Watergate is the wealthiest district of the city and spans both sides of the river housing nobles and wealthy residents second homes. It’s docks facilitate the more ‘exquisite’ form of trades and their weapons are crafted to the finest standards.   Watergate is low density, widely spread area with grand multi-storey Aedrinaran halls on both sides of the river. For those not willing to take the bridges, peaceful gondalas offer a taxi service between the two banks, dropping off between each side of the docks. Numerous trees, including some 20 year old Dragon Empire styled trees, can be found. Industry: There is no major instrusty in Watergate outside of imports, exports, and the trade of wealthy good such as gems, jewllery, high-end weapons and armour, and fancy clothing. Most of what is made is high-end and expensive and limited to only the most wealthy of Watergate residents.   As the richest region of the city, the people here tend to live comfortable lives and come from higher stock and houses with notable warriors of the war taking up home in the district to make good on their plunder. The population is overtly human and worshippers of the Honoured Gods.   Watergate is ran by the Saltsbys, the current Thanes of Kriegerholm. Former salt miners from the north, the Saltsbys have been in Krigerholm since the fifth kingdom and through battle, wealth, and cunning they have risen to the ranks of being one of the cities most prestigious houses. Although not amongst the greatest or most notable warriors houses, they do field a storied history of proud sailors and cunning warriors, preferring to fight with their minds than their hands.  


This low lying but flood defended district on the eastern banks of the of Bittern is a fog filled maritime centre with the largest wetdocks, an impressive set of drydocks, and the centre of Kriegerholm Shipbuilding. The district steppes uphill to the Whalings and its characteristic blackstone buildings set it apart from it’s surrounding homes.   Coldharbour has a mix of closely packed and spread out homes, with things getting together the more uphill they get with gangways and clothes lines often conntecting different buildings. The houses are built of a local blackstone and some smaller potteries and oil makers can be found at its peak near the Griffongate Road which runs from the Magnus bridge to the heart of the district. A constant smell of wood and a sound of wood working and rope making can be heard here. Knights riding tamed griffons can be seen walking around the streets of flying over the walls and keep.   Coldharbour specialises in all things maritime: from the production of ships, the treatment of wood, the carving of oars, masts, and the making of ropes, sails, and smithing of anchors. The entire district is equipped to support its shipbuilding and docks industry. Alongside this, clay harvesting is also common.   The area is predominately human with other races being found in smaller popualtions, leargely near the docks.   Coldharbour is ruled by House Warpelt, famed for their Black Griffon heraldry and warrior history. They are considered one of the most prestigious houses of Kriegerholm and fierce rivals of the Saltsbys. Far more working class and warrior associated, the Warpelts hold respect amongst all the Southern Hold houses.  

The Whalings

The largest and most expansive region, this district is split into four distinct quarters and ran by the presitigous warrior family the Ironcrests. A mix of homes, businesses, and factories specialising in clay, Its four quarters are the potters quarter, the river quarter, the market quarter, and the homesteaders quarter.   The Potters quarter has all the industry of pot making alongside their homes and supporting businesses and industries such as paintmakers and artists, the river quarter houses sailors and soldiers, the market quarter the merchants and traders, and the homesteaders quarter houses numerous smaller families of middle to higher incomes.   The Whalings starts at its base, the potters quarter, very tight and smelling of dirty and smoggy from the manufactories. As it spreads north to the Homesteaders quarter, the homes and businesses become more spread out, supporting gardens and the smells shifting to herbs, flowers, and animals. The potters quarter often has painted murals and walls as well.   The primary industry of the Whalings is around its manfucutring and supporting industry for potteries. Most of the clay goods in Aedrinar are manfucatured here and exported throughout the islands and into Lastlight where they go onto be sent along the Terrasic trade route.   Human all the way through – the Whalings is overwhelming Aedrinaran with smaller populations of gnomes and halglings found in the Potters Quarter.   Ruled by the Ironcrests, former mercenaries and jomsvikingr from a homestead along the Lokistrom – the Ironcrests relocated to Kriegerholm after its sacking by Sigrunn to help repel brigands and wolf clan attacks following the city’s weakened state alongside their close allies, the Warpelts.


Due to Kriegerholm's size, only discovered assets will appear here.  

Taverns and Inns

The Singing Carp

A popular inn with Saltsby loyalists and guards – this lies close to Waterkeep, the home of the Saltsbys, and has a few spare rooms for a gold a night. The food is good, the drink well-tended too, and the inn always clean. It is ran by a retired warrior of the war named Garth the Elf-Crusher. Garth fought against the Seldrinar as a Saltsby warrior and his Warhammer and shield are mounted above the bar. He has a few scars and injuries from his time and is always willing to offer a discount to any veteran, especially one who fought against the southern elves.

The Last Plank of Wood

The Last Plank of Wood is a poor tavern hall with cracked walls, gaps in the floor, a dodgy hooked hand triton bard named Hooked Harold (his real name is Gary and has no idea people call him that). It is popular with the poor and troublesome of the town as its innkeeper, a former skallen pirate named Naakan Silver-Tooth floats around the bar collecting intel, dropped coins, and lost property.

The Floodgate Inn

A large inn on the docks near the main market that any visitor to the district is advised to stay in as it is protected by numerous guards and close enough to the docks they can leave as soon as they wish. It is ran by a Sea Elf named Titania Seaspite, the youngest daughter of Politon Seaspite, and her third husband, Malisyr Springfast, an ice elf of the exiled Springfast great house. Their two kids, Alwyn and Isia often play around the pub. Two portraits of a halfling and a human, Politon’s first and second husbands, hang above the bar.  

The Whirlpool Meadery

A meadery attached to a distillery producing gins – it is ran by a minor house called House Flood, the descendants of Politon Seaspite and her first husband Ralf Hoffassen. They are on good terms with their relatives and have slight elven features but appear more human in their current generation. They often provide their drinks to Politon of the Floodgate Inn for discounted prices.   The inn is ran by the family matriarch, Ralla Flood, a no-nonsense, business savvy, and deeply honourable woman who prides strength and community above all. She has a tendency to collect tat and is willing to buy or trade any trinkets or artefacts for rooms or drink.


Coldharbour Market Mile

A large set of sprawling markets that span the entire docks area, every single good that is not a magical item can be found here. This includes healing potions, and gems.

Ollander's Alms

An alchemists and herbalists shop run by a half-sea elf named Ollander who makes potions of waterbreathing, healing potions, and other assorted potions and treatments for poisons.

Iltarian the Sea Smith

Iltarion is a trident war master from a distant Tirton Fortress in the Terrasic that was lost to Sahaugin forces long ago, taking his entire family. He his trade here and longs for vengeance on those that took his family from him. Iltarion sells martial weapons, armour, and specialises in tridents and nets.  


Hidden Shrine of Tiamat

Location to be investigated.  

Shrine of Njord

A simple shrine near the docks popular with sailors is dedicated to Njord and features an impressive stone statue covered in lichen it is tended to by Bjolta Seamaiden.

Civic and Guilds


The largest keep and hall in city, Waterkeep is the home to House Saltsby and rests on Saltborn Hill, a partially man made hill at the edge of the walls. The keep has sprawling gardens, internal stables, its own blacksmith ran by Mickilvar Huck, a halfling who trained with the Dwarves of Greyhelm, and a seven story wooden hall surrounded by stone towers that house the Saltsby warriors.

Jarl's Staithe

The western most staithe, this houses most of the trade ships and visitors with additional saltsby ships stationed here as well as a shipbuilders ran by the Saltsbys.

Saltmarsh Docks

The Saltmarsh Docks form part of the general riverdocks that line the whole of Kriegerholm. These docks are clearly more ramshackle and poorly tended too. The dockmaster is a lazy and corrupt triton with Skallen links named Trinian, his scams are watched closely by Korra Seapspite who regularly patrols the docks.

The Fishnet

The fishnet is an underground arena where sea monsters are trapped and fighters can go against them for pay and glory. Taken over briefly by the Goblin Mafia, the Skallen Syndicate have managed to take the highly profitable arena back with the aide of Doomed 2 Die


This large cliff face in Saltmarsh is covered in art and carvings by local residents. Large depictions of warriors, couple’s hearts, and an impressively detailed portrait of Coralis Seaspite.

Guilds and Factions

Several guilds and organizations currently call Kriegerholm their home. Its position as a key trade and mercantile city encourages groups of all allignments to move in when a space becomes available.   In Saltmarsh, crime syndicates and gangs can be found aplenty. The Kobold Mafia, Goblin Syndicate, and Skallen Syndicate can be found in the dark alleys of the perpetually flooded neighbourhood.   Ysgard's Warriors once held an outpost in the city but it fell into disuse in the 1040s. The large stone fortification remains abandoned with persitting rumours it is haunted or cursed with daring teens often trying to explore it - but regularly going missing.   Rumours of the Red Daggers order of assassins holding a sanctuary in the city remain unfounded but the urban legend persits through the Goldlands and Coldharbour parts of town.


Early History

Kriegerholm’s position at the mouth of the Bittern has always been strategic in Aedrinaran history. Settlements have existed in and around modern Kriegerholm since the mythic age. The first supposed settlement was Haasturgate, a fort on the eastern bank of the river, near the contemporary Coldharbour district. This small fort protected the island of Haastrok and the ancient city of Haastur from raiders around the southern hold of Aedrinar and was owned by the House of Skyborn.   The fort grew into a small supporting settlement and would become known as Haasengate with a ruling Thane beholden to the Jarl of Haastur. The ruling house of Haasengate would break free of Haasturian rule in the Age of a 1000 clans, calling themselves Jarls of Haasengate they feuded with many surrounding houses and clans before being destroyed by the Skyborns.   Smaller habitation continued around the river by the Boar, Wolf, and Seal clans throughout the first age until the river mouth was conquered by Magnus the Mighty of House Magefyre. His settlement spanned the rough centre of the modern city on both sides of the river with the Magnus bridge uniting the both and was named Magnusberg.


The burgeoning city made it’s money in magecraft and charging travellers tolls to cross its bridge. The Magefyres became a pivotal house and power able to resist the surrounding powers. The Magefyres were defeated in battle in the 2750s of the first age by the future High King Ragnar the Great but were allowed to remain as Thanes under the rulership of Halgafjar, the city’s traditional rival.   Magnusberg remained a thaneship until the end of the third kingdom when independence was restored by 101, 2e. The city managed to hold off repeated invasion attempts and attacks by the Nightooths of Haastarok throughout the second age until a peace was agreed and both jarlships were united into the Fourth Kingdom by Ragnar III.   Magnusberg was sacked by the Wintershields in 1015 as part of the Wintersrevenge. The Magefyres, loyal allies of House Coldstar, were made extinct by Sithrin Wintershield and a new ruling house, the Foxstaffs, were installed in their place. The city would struggle to recover and is position as a key trading post diminished as the upriver Riverholm grew in prosperity.   In 1412, 2a, the southern hold was hit by a devastating earthquake centred on Haastrok. This earthquake caused structural damage to Magnusberg, and the following tsunami flooded and destroyed what remained, causing the settlement to be abandoned. Some ruins of Magnusberg, including the Magnus bridge, can still be found in the Goldlands and the Whalings docklands.  

Foundation of Kriegerholm

The region would be home to smaller, temporary settlements again throughout the Age of Long Winter until 1607, 2e when Karl Krieger built a new keep in the Watergate district. Soon, the Krieger control of the river and the erection of the first Rivergate caused an influx of people into the settlement and led to the creation of The Goldlands and the earliest forms of the city walls with some smaller settlements forming in Coldharbour and the Whalings.   Krigerholm’s expansion would see a second river gate established at the mouth of the river and expansion of the city into much of modern Coldharbour and the Whalings. By the 21st century, Kriegerholm was the second most important city alongside Lastlight, the two cities forming a rivalry which carries on to the modern day.   In 2110, Rollo III the Kingslayer took Right of Claimance after defeating High King Haarold IV in a duel in the southern mountains. A member of the House of Krieg, Rollo became an infamous conqueror after defeating the Neapian Empire and sacking the capital of Neapia, establishing new client kingdoms throughout Marcia. His daughter, Sigrun II, struggled to control the massive Aedrinaran empire and it slowly collapsed around her.   Krigerholm would face its first sacking by Olaf II of Lastlight, the grandson of High King Haarold IV. The house of Krieger was nearly wiped out, but its next two jarls, Rollo the Great Rebuilder and Fathnir Krieger did much to rebuild and restore the city.   Ebbe  Krieg, son of Jarl Fathnir, would be elected high king in 2263, restoring the city as capital after the rulership of kings Olaf II and Ivaar I. Ebbe’s mismanagement of the realm would see Kriegerholm sacked again in the 2230s by King Knut Einmanbjorn and its trade routes plundered by constant rebellion and banditry. Kriegerholm was sacked and nearly destroyed again by Knut in 2263, slaying Ebbe in the process.  

Beginning of the Five Houses

The death of Ebbe and his house saw a major power vacuum emerge. In his place, five prominent families came together to rule as a joint council until the beginning of the third age when they restored the position of Jarl.   The early third age saw Kriegerholm re-establish itself to its glory days and launch an attack on Odinsthrone, bringing it under its control for the first time since the reign of High King Ebbe. By controlling the Thanes of Odinsthrone, Kriegerholm’s wealth and trade power increased rapidly once more. Although small internal conflicts between the five ruling houses would break out intermittently at least once a century, peace and status quo was regularly restored.   The arrival of High King Olaf III the Kingmaker in the early 6th century saw Kriegerholm laid to siege. The Jarls at the time, the Crownforgers, refused to yield the city. The city was sacked once more, undoing centuries of progress, and House Crownforger completely purged. Jarlship of the southern hold was taken away and granted to the rulers of Odinsthrone in their place.   Damage to the city and its infrastructure alongside changing flood patterns in the River Bittern saw consistent flooding throughout the city and saw the Saltmarsh district regularly feet underwater. The position of fifth house had yet to be taken, and the arrival of an exiled family of Sea Elves called the Seaspitesin the city saw the current thanes, the Tigerhearts, offer rulership of Saltmarsh in exchange for helping fix the river. The district is now home to the Seaspites, who have fully a climatized to Aedrinaran culture, and other amphibious residents.   The work of House Seaspite saw the status and prestige of the city return by 680. The city returned to some prominence, but still paled in comparison to Odinsthrone or Lastlight.In 756, the last King from Kriegerholm, Ulfgir V, the wolf, a member of House Blackdire and the son of a Wolf Clan member was elected High King in the kingsmoot at Halgafjar. Ulfgir was a good king with a warrior spirit and restored many of Kriegerholms long destroyed and damaged palaces and military complexes. He also launched numerous raids on the growing Eldrian Empire and ultimately saw the Aedrinarans greatest ever military defeat at the hands of the empire resulting the death of him and thousands of warriors and nobles.  

Modern History

In the Aftermath of the Fall of Ulfgir V, only 2 of the 5 houses of Kriegerholm remained, the Saltsbys and the Seaspites. The remaining positions would be filled out by the Warpelts, Crowbroods, and the Whaleriders by the 810s. Kriegerholm returned to its status as a trade and tariff city, happy to forget its mournful history. In the aftermath of the fall of the seventh kingdom, the title of Jarl of Kriegerholm was restored as the Southern hold was broken up.   In the succeeding centuries, Kriegerholm as expanded its territories in the Whalings to become a massive city of nearly 20,000, twice the estimates for Lastlight. The city was demoted to a thaneship under threats of force by Sigrunn, but then rulers, the Crowbroods,’s resisted in 937 and broke into the Kregerholm revolt.   Sigrun II, Ivar the Older of Odinsthrone, and House Wintershield launched an attack on the city that once again saw a devastating sack and the loss of two noble houses who would be filled out by the Just-Coins and the Ironcrests. The city has reamiend a thaneship since held a longstanding grudge against the house of Ivar when they became high kings, often imposing harsh tariffs on ships destined for Odinsthrone.   The city once again began to rebuild itself but still remains in poor quality with rampant disease, pour infrastructure, plentiful crime led by the Skallen Syndicate, and heavily damaged buildings. Despite this, the spirit of Kriegerholm remains strong giving it one of the most unique subcultures within Aedrinar with a growing merchant economy, a strong bardic scene, and opportunities around every dark alleyway.   In 1052, 3e, Doomed 2 Die visited the city on their way to Odinsthrone to attend a feast hosted by King Hardrada. Here they came across the weak Thane Blann Saltsby and uncovered he had angered the Wolf Clan. Luring him into an ambush, they made the thane face the wolf clan before he was killed in honourable combat by Alderman Arngier Warpelt. The position of Thane remains vacant.

Points of interest

Magnus Bridge

The Magnus Bridge is the oldest bridge in Kriegerholm. The current iteration of the bridge was built over the remains of the original Magnus Bridge, with the foundation stones clearly older and more salt damaged than the newer stones. The toll to cross is:   Person: 1cp Horse: 5cp Cart: 1sp  

Bittern Bridge

The Bittern Bridge is the newest bridge across the Bittern and was built 239 years ago ontop of a smaller wooden crossing. Like the Magnus bridge, the Bittern bridge has buildings ontop of it and small toll booths either side charging a toll to cross.   Person: 1cp Horse: 5cp Cart: 1sp


Kriegerholm lies on the southern regions of the island of Aedrinar at the mouth of the salty River Bittern. To its north and east, it is surrounded by the large forest known as The Wold which houses monsters, hunting game, and the Vilderfolken Wolf Clan. The city is uneven with its southern most districts being low lying whilst the rest of the city lies on small raised hills.


Experiecing the classic frozen weather of Aedrinar, Kriegerholm is still prone to rain in the summer months. In winter, heavy snowfall can affect the city but it is mainly assailed by powerful storms and large waves that hit its impressive sea walls. Fog and smog are common weather occurences at all times of the year.
Founding Date
1607, 2e
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Appearances: 4
  • Session 106: The Wolf and the Fish
  • Session 110: Bitter River
  • Session 111: Secrets of Kriegerholm
  • Session 112: Vaniri Seas and Changeling Daggers


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