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Astergor is a mountain nestled city in the Storm Spines. The Astergorian hills flow from the eastern mountain, Ordersgrad. The hills and mountains the town is built on are rich in ores, where the giants have long since mined for its resources and crafted in the deep undercity.   Astergor is divided into three districts. The Klet district in the upper cliff face, the Snjor district in the lower half, and the Eldur district below the mountains. The primary industry is the mining and smithing in the Eldur district where the fire giants work, but the frost giants own. Within the city lies the Archives of Storvakis, a famed library of ancient Krowethic texts, housing the most complete catalouge of Krowethic and giant history, with later texts relating to the Kingdom of Jotun also found within.   Once a fortress of Svartvelheim, the goblinoids lost the town after the Battle for the Coast, where the Krowethic empire destroyed Lich King Gryllfagor's army. Fire giants were moved into the Eldur district with a Frost giant lord called the Fire Jarl ruled from the rebuilt fortress above.   After the fall of Krowethia, a settlement was built around the small outpost by Storvakis of Storvakor, where he initially founded the archives of Storvakis. During a civil war in the second age, a powerful matriarch allied themselves with a usurper and took the town, becoming the Blizzard Maiden due to her use of frost magics.   The Blizzard Maidens were amongst the first to open arms to Jameleska after the treaty of Lastlight. Astergor grew rich off sending the Jameleskans ore, and were resistant to the Snow Lord’s pressure of Giant Unity. The current The Blizzard Maiden was a battle leader during the 40 year war and participated in the Battle of the Northern Shore.


Astergor has two large giant populations. The Upper city houses the frost giant population with the fire giants living in the eldur district within the mountain. Since The Snow Lady's occupation, the fire giants now outnumber the frost giant population for the first time in the town's history.


Astergor is defended by two sets of constructed walls and the sheer cliffaces of the Astergorian hills. The first walls surround the city and cliffs and sustained some damage in the Snow Lord's initial attack but were quickly rebuilt. The second walls and internal keep are built into the mountains and house the eldur district of mines and forges. The town once held a small warband of frost giants were were slaugthered by the Snow Lady, and the standing militia is now run by the fire giants.

Industry & Trade

Astergor's closest economic tie is with Jameleska, shipping its ores and manufactured goods across the Titansroade to the city for military production. When Astergor was taken in the ware, the economies of both towns were decimated and are only just recovering.


Eruldir's Meadhall: This large Giant Spruce build meadhall has a giant longboat as a roof. There are some side rooms for travellers to stay in. The meadhall is often bustling with the locals. The Medhall is ran by Eruldir, a 312 year old frost giant and old war hero. He did stand with the Blizzard Maiden during the war but was too old to fight when the city fell.   Nursemother's Herbalist: The Nursemother Herbalist is ran by the 398 year old Frost Giant elder named Nursemother Gruda and her granddaughter, Fringa. It deals in healing alms and medical supplies.   Breshin's Meadhall: A large markethall for traders that deals in trade and common goods.   The Maiden's Fists: These large towers double as a gatehouse and are full of armaments. The easternmost tower has been nearly destroyed by the battle to take the city, along with portions of the wall nearby.   Archives of Storvakis: This large towers double as a gatehouse and are full of armaments. The easternmost tower has been nearly destroyed by the battle to take the city, along with portions of the wall nearby.   Snjorhelm Manor: A large manor house in the Snjor district where Crastergorak, the head of the Snjor district and overseer of the various factions lives. Essentially working as a Mayor, Crastergorak has survived purely because of his knowledge and diplomatic nature.   Elder's Keep: This large stone castle is ancient and built over the ruins of a fortress, which now holds numerous pest and vermin but is an easy hiding space for non-giants. The fortress has a few private chambers, a large dining hall, kitchens, and a trophy room of the Blizzard Maiden.   Temple of the All Father: This dedicated to the giant pantheon, with Ammam being the prime diety worshipped. The former priest, Klagarmek, was executed by the Snow Lady and a replacement is being sought.   Blizzard Mausoleum: This large mausoleum holds the remains of all the former Blizzard Maidens. It was tended to by the Gravemaster Almadir the Watcher before his death in the battle of Astergor.   Hillsight Tower: This tower is somewhat damaged and functions as barracks. There is a small water outlet with a large grate nearby.   Firehall: This meadhall runs along the main halls in the Eldur district and serves mulled varitons of common drinks.   Temple to Surtur: This hidden temple is built above a magma pit with noxious fumes that can cause visions. The Oracle
Included Locations
Owning Organization
  • Session 61: Astergor
  • Session 62: Revolutions


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