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Bonnwood is an small and old village on the edges of The Witchwood most known for its lumber industry. The town was once rumoured to be the site where the mythical king Arwyn defeated the Witch of Misty Woods. A small stone cairn marks where he banished her to the lower planes. The village has no Dailman, but small village council known as the Lumber Guild. A ruined old manor house was once home to the Barons of Bonnwood, but it has remained empty for well over a century now.


Bonnwood is a majority human and halfling village, with the majority being of Commonwealth descent. Most work as lumberers and artesans with some small subsitance agriculture to support the settlement. Only a handful of citizens hold true wealth, with the rest being working class. Famously those who come from Bonnwood rarely leave, and the village's close relation with the Witchwood gives it an eerie and mysterious reputation amongst the surrounding peoples.


The village is too small for its own dedicated Dailman, so falls into the control of nearby Buchstable. A small village council, mainly headed by a local lumber guild, act as local government on a small scale.


The village has a handful of guards who work for the Lumber Guild but a small military prescence is usually maintained in Oakwatch Tower, where some Kernmoor Batallion units can be found.

Industry & Trade

The village is the leading supplier of lumber to the Commonwealth, with the large and impressive trees of the Witchwood providing plenty of available resources. The Lumber Guild organizes trade deals with merchants and local rulers to organize the sale and transport of the lumber.


The village has little key infrastructure of note. A simple central square near the church serves as a weekly farmer's market and holds the village's main well, which uses old water pumping and purifying systems left behind by the Marcian empire. An ancient stone bridge called the Witchbridge crosses the river lavender as part of the Moorgate road coming from Buchstable. A ruined manorhouse and castle lies on the very edges of the village.


St Casserby's

This small church dates back to the early 900s and was built by the Eldrian Empire. It occupies the edge of a long destroyed monastery and has an expansive graveyard which has been in use since the Marcian period.  

Lamberley House

This imperial manor house is small and serves as the headquarters of the lumber guild.  

Peterholme Mill

A large riverside mill that doubles as a woodcarving studio.  

The Three Axes

The main inn of the village with multiple floors and spans back centuries. The inn was partially destroyed in the 40 year war but was quickly rebuilt  

The Old Trading Post

  A small eclectic general goods store which many traders running the moorgate use to resupply and trade at, occasionaly items of true value can be found on sale here.  

Moorgate Stables

These large stables lie on the outskirts of the village and primarily serve travelling merchants.  

Mushroom Apothecary

A small and unsual apotehcary run a druid of the Old Gods who can obtain rare and powerful potions using ingredients from the Witchwood.  

Bonnwood Axemakers

This old Smithee is ran by an Aedrinarian settler and warrior who uses runes to craft powerful tools and weapons.  

Elyra's Hunting Supplies

A fletchers, tanners, and butchers ran by the local hero Elyra.


Bonnwood has been inhabited since the second age, with legend stating a small rural farmstead once existed around the present village. Allegedly, a shepardess was escorting her flock from this farmstead between Buchstable and Saunton, but could not cross the River Lavender. A witch allegedly appeared and offered her a deal. The witch would construct a bridge in an instant, in exchange for the first seven souls that crossed the bridge. When the bridge was built, the shepardess sent seven of her flock across, with the witch promising to never return to these fields again.   The village also had a small Marcian military fort which protected the civilia's on the southern coast from Kernowian raiders from the north. After the Marcians fell, the fort was dismantled and turned into housing for Bonnwhaich, built by a cheiftain named Bonnwyn. It is believed this village was primarily a religious settlement, with a druidic society running the settlement. During the Eldrian invasion, this enclave was destroyed and modern Bonnwood was constructed around it, with the stone rings and cairns being repurposed into a monastery.   The village was sacked during the 40 year war with the monastery being destroyed. A second battle was fought here when Aedrinarians enganged on a pincer movement with Commonwealth resistance fighters, as the figthers emerged from the woods and the Aedrinarans sailed their longboats up the River Strichen.
Appearances: 4
  • Session 26: The Road to Bonnwood
  • Session 27: Into the Witchwood
  • Session 28: Beyond the Crypt
  • Session 29: Beyond the Fairy Mist


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