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Buchstable is a large village on the northern shore famous for its beaches. The village has had a tumultuous history of late, being destroyed in the 990s and 1030s. Most of the buildings are modern. It is a smaller stop on the Terrasic trade route but less influential than its neighbouring settlements. It’s economy is based off of farming, fishing, and guano.   Seagulls commonly fly around the village, and remnants of destroyed longships and military boats can be found deeper out at sea. The former imperial fort of Castle Daffyyd now serves as the headquarters of the moanstery of the light, Poptart’s order. The monks there rarely go out of the monastery but can sometimes be seen visiting town for supplies. The locals think of them as a bit odd.   The village has three mportant families living there now, Bishop Hawkstein-Gurshire holds some control alongside the rest of his family, Mayor Foremaster, and Gilgrant family.   Doomed 2 Die were teleported to the town after the Cult of Dagon ambushed the ARCAM team led by Mertion Hampton that was escorting the group for trial. In the town, the party uncovered the dragon Gorgon of Many Faces, who was impersonating the local bishop and ruler whilst blackmailing the Dailman, and forced the green dragon to flee the town after his laid was sacked and the truth revealed.


Buchstable is a majority human village of Commonwealth ancestry. A smaller population of half-elves can also be found. The village used to be significantly larger, with a population of around 2,000 and a larger fishing and commercial dock. The Commonwealth War of Indepdence and 40 Year War  took a toll on the settlement, with heavy fighting been seen by Aedrinarian  warriors during the Battle of the Northern Shore.


Like all villages in the Commonwealth, Buchstable is ruled by a locally elected Dailman and is overseen by the Earl of Buchstable, a position currently held by Queen Rhiannon . In their stead, a mayor is elected every 3 years.


The village has a nominal defence of private guards who serve Dailman Gilgrant and his family. The Northern Fleet of the commonwealth regularly patrolling its shoreline to deter piracy.

Industry & Trade

The village serves as a resting stop for traders on the Northern Road and as a tourist spot for the wealthy who flock to its beaches in the summer months. The Gilgrant fishery is the primary employer, owning all the local boats.


The village is modest in its construction, with the only key infrastructure being the Old Eldrian fort, formally Fort Dafydd, and the Church of St Dafydd, also Eldrian  in design. The town is served by three main roads, the northern road [leading to Ceannastra  and Gurnbourne] and the Moorgate, which heads south to Bonnwood. A small docks is in operation with some large vessels able to take port. Spanning the river Reyn, there are two bridges on each riverbank, bridging the eastern and western sectors of the town.


Church of St Dafydd

A relatively modern Divinitist church built in the 890s, it serves as the seat of Bishop Hawkstein-Gurshire and directly run by Father Gideon Shirewent.  

Greystorm Manor

This large imperial manorhouse was once the home of the Earls of Buchstable, it now serves as the civic centre for the village and the home of the Mayor.  

Buchstable Arms

A large and popular inn with an attached stables. The mainstay of travelling traders and sailors, the tavern lies in the heart of the village.  

Wavefront Teashouse

A modest teahouse favoured by the wealthy and dignitaries.  

Buchstable Hall

This large village hall doubles as a meeting place for the commonfolk and a market on alternating days.    

The Old Boat

A charming and small inn famous for the fishing boat which hangs from the ceiling of its first floor. Although some rooms are available, the tavern largely serves locals.  

Reyn Henge

Reyn henge is an old religious henge with dedications to Daghda, Morrigan, and Belenus. A small traditional roundhouse sits near the henge, run by an old war veteran and now Cleric of the Daghda named Loris Darragh.  

Mordar's Smithee

A traditional blacksmith ran by a retired war veteran and quartermaster.  

Monastery of the Light

Rebuilt out of the ruins of Fort Dafyyd, this now serves as an orphanage and training monastery for the tabaxi adventurer Poptart.  

Pleasant Sands Hotel

A large and popular hotel on the seafront with a spa, bathouse, and private gardens.


Buchstable has been settled since the first age, its position on the mouth of the River Reyn having religious significance to the Old Gods and having plentiful access to the bountiful Terrasic Ocean. This settlement was frequently raided during the numerous Kernowian-Gwenyddian clan wars and was burnt to the ground by the Eldrian Invasion in the 890s of the third age.   The village became a hub of the Cove Pirates during the 900s and was nominaly run by the Silvercrest family and their vassals. The village was occupied by the Eldrian military under the lead of Azumon during the War of Independence and was nominally raided and destroyed for their uprising. Following the war, the village was swifly rebuilt only to be occupied and partially destroyed again by the Eldrian Navy in the Battle of the Reyn. The village saw heavy fighting from Aedrinarian warriors during the battle of the northern shore, with street fighting occuring between the Eldrian Garrison who had occupied the Monastery of the Light.

Points of interest

Fae Gates

These ancient stone pillars lie near the edge of the town and have an old Kernowian origin. Mysterious and without purpose, legend states on the solistice they can lead to the land of the fairies.


Buchstable is the most popular resort town on the northern shore, with its long sandy beaches and hotel serving the wealthy of the Commonwealth's cities as they vacation for the summer season. Most spend time on the beaches and support nearby businesses, with the village hall regullarly hosting dances and balls during this time.
Owning Organization
Appearances: 4
  • Session 23: The Commonwealth
  • Session 24: Buchstable Mysteries
  • Session 25: His Unholiness
  • Session 26: The Road to Bonnwood


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