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Crown of Thorns

  The symbol of Fasingos and the pride of Svartvelheim that was worn by its kings for generations. The Crown of Thorns has become a cursed and sinister item associated with dark magic and its last wearer, the Lich King Gryllfagor. Woven from fine iron strands, the crown literally digs into the head of those who wear it, and is painful to remove.  


The Crown was supposed to resemble the burden of leadership and remind its wearers of vulnerability. The crown was intended to never be amended in size, ensuring only those destined to wear it could claim sovereignty over the goblin kingdom.    


  This artifact is cursed, and once worn your become attuned to it and are unable to remove it without entering an antimagic field to temporarily disapte the curse. Whilst attuned the artifact gains the following properties:  
  • Invisibility: As an action you can become invisible for up to an hour or until you attack, cast a spell, or dismiss the effect as a bonus action. You can do this once a day.
  • Intellect Improvement: When attuned your intelligence becomes 20 unless it is already 20 or above.
  • Disease Immunity: You are immune to all disease
  • Spellcasting: You gain the ability to cast Cloudkill at 5th level using your choice of intelligence, charisma, or wisdom as a spellcasting ability. Once cast, roll a d6, on a 1-5 you cannot cast this spell again until the next day.
  • Corrupting Influence: This crown is the phylactory of the Lich King and his influence still spreads within it. When attuned, the Lich King will attempt to corrupt you, and your appearance will slowly change.
  • Slowed Ageing: You began to age slower than those around you, as the Crown extends your life beyond its natural limit, meaning you cannot die from old age.
  • Soul Capture: As a reaction, when a creature you can see within 30ft is slain you can capture their soul in the Crown. When captured, this has a random effect of the DM's choice that will be an improvement to any of the current abilities or a new minor beneficial property.
Creation Date
Approx. 200 ma
Current Holder


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