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Ana Youngspell (a.k.a. Azura)

Azura, the pirate name of Ana Youngspell, is a divination wizard, former pirate, and warlock of Manannan Mac Lir from The Commonwealth who began her adventure to protect their crew from the authorities after her. A master of spellcasting, Azura weilds the powerful Staff of Ice and challenges her foes with adept spells from afar.   Formally stand-offish and withdrawn, Azura used to hide their intent and emotions behind stoic emotion but has grown to appreciate her found friends and family in Doomed 2 Die and has opened themselves up the group and their companions. Azura can be morally grey at times and often struggles to resist temptation, but always does the right thing in the end. Along with Shan Azura is the only original party member to survive.  

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Important: As of arc 7, player character personal history sections will not long contain detailed descriptions of the entire arc. Going forward, these sections will only cover character specific events and discoveries. Please read Doomed 2 Die for more precise information not relating to character events.
    Azura is the daughter of the master wizards Gwenyth and Morwenna Youngspell, Azura was raised in general isolation within Carely by Gwenyth and groomed to be a wizard at the Miskatonic. During her time in Carely, she met a priate named Captain Vand at the local docks. Azura joined Wyvern college at the Miskatonic and studied Divination. Academically poor, Azura had stolen an artefact from the prestigious arcane university and whilst on a holiday to Buchstable Azura met Captain Vand again and joined his crew aboard The Corrupted Fortune. Onboard, she became a member of the Skallen Syndicate , furthered her training and began a relationship with the captain's son, Olivir. She sold this mysterious object on, and upon receiving visions that her mother would come for her, she left the crew to protect them.  

The Missing Arc

Azura had journeyed from Fiskvatn to Lastlight, where she was quickly kidnapped by Fjandmar. Whilst in the Shanghai tunnels, Azura escaped and came across the party of Torgier, Shan, and Kliiks. Azura's knowledge of spellcraft and investigative skills revealed the enchantment magic the cult was using on the kidnapped citizens. Helping them uncover the Cult of Rangarok, Azura was the only party member to be left standing after their first showdown with Fjandmar and was rescued by Naerfi Oath-Knee .   Sailing a boat through the tunnels to hunt down Fjandmar and the cult, Azura crashed the rowboat she and Torgier were upon and had to rescue the cleric from the river. In the battle with Fjandmar, Azura proved herself adept at spellcasting and battlefield control. Azura and Torgier peiced together the information in digsite of the Southern Seal, but faced continual counterspelling by Hundvar in their battle. Azura narrowly escaped the collapsing mine.   Upon meeting Killyn in Fargenvur, Azura and the Ice Elf became firm friends very quickly with hints at something more already forming. Azura was bemused by Gobledegook Jr. Jr. Jr. and generally annoyed at having to fight the elemental nightmares. Azura explored the ruined lighthouse and discovered the banshee lurking within. Azura was also faced with knowledge of the Box of Dagon within a hidden sea cave, indicating the item she stole has unleashed an ancient power. In Fiskvatn, shet met the priate Yaram and was keen to help him retake his island from the Dragon Clan.    

The Dragon Clan Arc

Upon journeying to Drekenheim, Azura was recognised by the archmage of the local guild as Ana Youngspell, and was informed that her mother had set a bounty for her return to the Commonwealth. Tempted to just kill the wizard so nobody would send word of this, Azura resisted the urge and continued to aid the party in their goals. In the temple of Balder, Azura took the path of knowledge and easily passed the arcane test to find the verse of Ragnarok.   During this time, Azura started to form a closer bond with Killyn, with the two starting a casual relationship. When battling Red Hawk, Azura took 10 minutes to cast a ritual spell, which allowed Red Hawk to catch them and led to Torgier sacrificing himself. Azura was the most suspicious of Einar when he appeared at Torgier's grave, and struggled to trust him till long after their adventure at the Bear Library. In the city of Aaqa, Azura spent their time researching Ragnarok and met with Fisk, who gave her an ominous warning, asking, "Do you know who's going to die next?"   Back in Oskunstrond, Azura met with Captain Vand, who told her that The Corrupted Fortune had been attacked by ARCAM and he was going to go rescue them. This plan was put on hold when Teng attacked the town with his allies. Azura joined Kliiks in taking down Red Hawk, who was attacking the town's residents. Azura was unable to save Kliiks who died when they caught Red Hawk's fireball, taking both of them out. Azura then accomponied Vand as they ran to the docks and met with the rest of the party. At the docks, Vand betrayed them and revealed ARKAM were after her and had his crew hostage.  

Dagon Arc

On the ship, Azura was angry with ARKAM and openly hostile to Amy Cobblepott. Azura refused to speak with Vand and didn't accept his apologies or explanations, but forgave him after he helped her to try and escape. Also breifly reunited with Olivir, she told him she always loved him. When the ARKAM ship was attacked by the Cult of Dagon, Azura was teleported with the rest of the party to Buchstable, the same town she fled years before. After the kobold slaughter, Azura was generally apathetic to the problem. During her time here, she began to explore her feelings for Killyn more and the two began a more serious relationship.   On the way to The Witchwood, Azura comforted Shan when he had a flashback to the war. She got on well with Astra Kommenian and was instrumental in dealing with the The Witchwood Hags. Although being tempted by offers of power, Azura resisted and helped to kill the hags. At Ovak's memorial, Azura formed a strong bond with Eldra and President Gal.   At her trial, Azura was face to face with her mother. Forced to accept the attorney Lee Stone, Azura was aware her mother was trying to get her imprisoned. In a tense stand-off, Azura accepted a challenge by combat and with her friends' help, swiftly dealt with Gwenyth. In the aftermath, Azura could do nothing as Killyn jumped in the way of the disintegration ray being aimed at the party. Wanting to kill her mother, Azura was talked down into banishing her to the arcane prison instead.   In facing off with Ebony, Azura learnt the true nature of the Box of Dagon that she stole and was faced with her literal dark reflection/evil clone. She was nearly tempted to joining Ebony and unleashing Dagon when Ebony offered to bring Killyn back from the dead, but the wizard resisted and helped her friends keep fighting. Azura was ultimately responsible for defeating her doppleganger and gave the box to Amy Cobblepott for safe keeping.  

War of the Walls Arc

  Azura was amongst the most eager to go to Jameleska to aid them against The Snow Lord. On the way back to Aedrinar, Azura was visited by Olivir, who told her the details of his deal with Mannanan Mac Lir, and how he is trying to save his father's soul. Azura also visited the Dragon Turtle Inn, and was present when Ymit passed away. Upon arriving in Lastlight, Azura tried to urgently befriend the construct crew of the Clockwork Cog, and picked Navigator Mapio's mind for lore and information the entire journey.   On her first night in Rosethorpe, Azura snuck away and made a pact with Mannannan Mac Lir to free Olivir and Captain Vand, becoming a Fathomless One Warlock. Like the rest of her party, Azura was torn between supporting Salia or Alana Rose, but ultimately sided with Horsha Lenn and Alana. As part of the investigation, Azura was shocked to learn the Skallen in the city had turned rouge and begun practicing slavery.   During the mission to free Paladin Shor, Azura was instrumental in understanding the hidden lore left by the forgotten god Loviatar, and instrumental with their magical blasts in taking down the relentless juggernaught. As a prize from the kobolds, Azura took a horde of coins and bought plenty of healing potions for their trouble.   Azura's next mission was in helping to take down the Skallen syndicate in the city after discovering their location in Storbaer. Using her own and Val's Skallen knowledge, the two managed to blag their way into the lair where they were ambushed by Robin the Swift and betrayed by Ashana Leer. Azura was nearly killed by Val when they fireballed the entry way, but found the move 'cool' so didn't show any hostility. Azura used their staff of ice to dispatch multiple Skallen units.   Taking on one more mission before joining the army, Azura helped to uncover the cult that had been hiding in the crypts of the high cathedral in Old Jotunbrygge. Using their magical compass, they tracked down Einar and helped free them from the demon's that had captured them. During the retreat, they tried to shoot Pennatrice.   Finally joining the Jameleskan Military, Azura was ecstatic to be assigned to the scouts. They quickly went about befriending Captain Flygir, Ardo Hune, and Heli Ristor †. When the Snow Lord attacked, Azura pushed the giants back with their distant spellwork whilst avoiding danger as best they could. In freeing Lady Eris, they helped to translate the mystical and arcane writing she had been leaving around her asylum room. At the Masqurade ball, Azura wore an ocean themed costume and danced with Flygir. Azura was sad to see Shan go, and said she would message him every night - a promise she kept.   With their mission's assigned, Azura continued to try and build a relationship with the scouts, making the most progress with Flygir, with the halfling captain earning an endeering respect for the wizard. Azura was present during the Eagle Falls attack, and used their wall of ice to seal the cave and allow an escape for the party to recover from their injuries in battle. They egged Val on to throw the necklace of fireballs into the war thane's chambers.   When investigating the cult of Bhaal on the road to Storonthorpe, Azura successfully duped the kidnappers but got stuck in the bathroom during the initial fight. They more than made up for this by using walls of ice to slaughter the remainder of the cult.   When meeting the Storonthorpe rebels, Azura befriended the wizard Jiarn and tried to get Reeve Mester to adopt her, continuing the trend of trying to insert themselves into the lives of handsome half-orcs. Azura was angered when the Snow Lord later killed Jiarn and swore revenge. They helped to orchestrate the plan to free their companions during the battle of Storonthorpe, and called in Auran to fire radiant energy on the jotun, prompting a local rumour of a blue haired wizard who had brought the Sun Elves back to life to free Jameleska.   Azura was uncertain about Einar's wish to go to the Basilisk library, but helped them to uncover its mysteries, using their arcane skill to finish the war-mage's final spell construction. When confessing their secrets, Azura confessed they were angry at Shan for convincing her to spare her mother from the death penalty. During Einar's dilemma, Azura silently wanted for Einar to choose the verses of Ragnarok over saving Ivar's father.   In Astergor, Azura asked the questions of the Fire Oracle, wanting to see who wrote the Song of Rangarok. This revealed the existence of Mimir, which Val later informed them was likely located at the top of Pilgrim's Rest, protected by Ysgard's Warriors. During the battle of Astergor, Azura helped to contain the frost giants and used logic to convince he Snow Lady and Blizzard Maiden to stand down.   Before the mission to Theygor, Azura confided in Val about their desire to live forever. The two then pretended to make out to hide the potential lichdom in the making. During the mission, Val and Azura helped to hunt down sleeping herbs to knock out the hill giant guard in the town. Azura was responsible for eventually killing the Tundra Baron, trapping him him a wall of fire, slowly cooking him.   Azura's next mission would tempt them with desires of eternal life, as they helped Falia Rayes to find the Crown of Thorns, the Lich King Gryllfagor phylactory. Upon defeating the demi-lich, Azura had to be talked out of putting it the crown on, and decided the cost of the crown would be too high, storing it indefinitely in the bag of holding. Azura solved the elemental puzzle at the pillar's of air, obtaining the Solar Disk to Mechanus. In Aaqa Azura visited Kliik's parents with Shan.   In the Battle of Jastingrag, Azura wanted to leave Heli to fight the Snow Lord alone and continue on their mission, but went to help anyway, using their wall of fire to contain the Snow Lord and other giants, ultimately winning the battle.  

The Prodigal Fjandmar Arc

Azura captained the Endeavour as the party solar disc jumped to Gehenna to help Fjandmar overthrow his parents. Upon arriving, she sent a message to Fjandmar informing him they were in Gehenna and asked where to meet, informing the party of his response to travel to the Briar and Brimstone.   Azura was keen to go and investigate the mad mage's mansion at the top of Khalas as a means of finding a way to hide Fjandmar from diviniation magic. Along the way, she helped rescue Astra Kommenian and was angered she was working with Mertion Hampton, the person who killed her family. Along the way, Ivar offered to kill him for her, she said it wasn't necessarily at the time.   In the mad mage's mansion, Azura used her arcane abilities to decipher John Kommenian's magical traps and puzzles, finding the group's way to the attic to allow her companions to cure his accidental madness. After leaving the mansion, she found Mertion on death's door, who apologised for his actions and as an offering of peace, gave her Gwenyth Youngspell's prison cube. In return, Azura allowed Einar to heal him, causing a rift with Val.   For their first night in the Briar and Brimstone, Azura roomed with Shan in a double bedroom. In the morning, Aphrodisia, in her Effy disguise, was waiting outside to tempt her into betraying Fjandmar in exchange for the secrets of eternal life, but the intervention of Gallus forced the succubus away. Azura rejected later attemts by Aphrodisia to betray the cambion outside the Briar and Brimstone.   After defeating the Orthon, Azura's room was permantly guarded by Auran. Her chamber looked like the cabin she and Olivir shared on the Corrupted Fortune with the addition of Wyvern college flag and arcane study desk.   During the party's mission to the Stargate, the wizard was excited and distracted by the ancient Sun Elf ruin. She managed to get several succesful strikes on the abberation that had entered the ruins, and helped to seal the star gate to the far realm after the Githyanki Pirates retreated back through the tunnel. During her time with the pirates, she also learnt of a mysterious Star Ranger called Archangel.   Azura would again ask the party to visit Corriegrave as part of the "worst blunt rotation" of herself, Einar, Val, Falia, Auran and Aungus as Gallus and Shan remained at the Briar and Brimstone. During her visit to the divine realm, Azura spent time in the arcane library and learnt a basic graviturgy ability whilst Auran kept gaurd to make she she wouldn't get lost in studying and end up staving to death. She also walked through the portal into Math Mathonway's tower in Gwenydd, meeting a perplexed Queen Rhiannon.   Returning to the Briar and Brimstone, Azura and her party were approached by the eccentric cycloptic goliath Kaneis who invited them to the attend the inn's dance night, then said the dance night was threatened as their star performer, Starry Hyles, was kidnapped by devils. In the rescue attempt, Azura polymorphed Ivar into a giant ape and distracted the devil's whilst Val, Shan, and Roach rescued the bard. At the actual dance, Azura went with Auran.   In the aftermath of the party's next mission to Corpsegate, Azura learnt from Falia that Auran had asked her to translate a mysterious signal. Realising the signal had sun elf elements, she confronted the war forged who admitted the Endeavour had been AWOL whilst the party were in Corriegrave. The ship's records and crew memories were wiped, with only a record of this signal remaining deep within his helm terminal. Azura called upon Aakoscru to help understand what caused this. She was told it was the work of the Veil Wraiths deep within the Astral Sea. Azura agreed to recieved classified information in exchange for dropping any of her insight's in the mysterious star ranger Archangel.   Azura's final missions in Gehenna were spent having a rematch with the Relentless Juggernaught of Loviatar and storming Lover's Bite. In the final dance party, Azura sent several more drunk messages to Olivir before setting off into the astral sea.  

The White Will Arc

Following their adventure in Gehenna - Azura suggested the party use The Endeavour to travel to Mechanus and meet Primus to seek answers on Ragnarok. Whilst the Endeavour refuelled at a nearby star, Azura joined her friends and companions for shore leave in the twilight zone of a tidally locked mining colony. They were not impressed with Captain James Tovos but did allow them to board the ship to escape the planet.   In Mechanus, Azura polymorphed Gallus into a giant eagle so the endeavour would avoid being fired upon by the modrons. Upon meeting Primus, Azura questioned the role of destiny and determinationism to the God of Time and was sent into an alternate timeline. This alternate universe was blissful, and Azura was reluctant to leave and felt sad at the loss of a perfect life upon the timeline being corrected. In the aftermath of the alternate timeline, Azura was alarmed to hear Tovos's observations that the Veil Wraiths had managed to gain control of the ship and reluctantly let the spaceman investigate on their behalf, giving him a sun disc to sell to buy himself a ship.   Back in Lastlight, Azura deduced the haunted mansion in Stennveg was in fact a group of drug dealing goblins using local superstitions to continue their enterprise and was in favour of negotiating a deal with the criminals before they were allowed to leave. The Wizard did not take any dragonweed with their companions but went straight to bed.   Travelling to Knut's Landing, Azura battled the Dragon Clan who had boarded the ship of Ahbadin Mustfazi and happily befriended and listened to the tales of the Al-Dunnian sailor and moon warrior.   In Knut's Landing, Azura grew fond of Fr. Tomos Siegfried and respected the pleasantness and calming demeanour of the renegage priest. During the feast of King Knut she played multiple carnival games and interacted with their new priestly friend. When some local children were confirmed as lost within the haunted ruins of Southwatch-by-the-Sea, Azura investigated the ghostly Coldstar ruins and used their magics to counter and defeat the Coldstar Wraiths with their warlock tentacle slaying several creatures despite their cold resistance.   Back in the town, when the White Will attacked Azura stayed in the market place with Shan to put out fires and save trapped civilians and animals. When the Seal Clan arrived and the dragon moved to attacking the docks, Azura polymorphed Shan into a giant ape and travelled with Roach, Thane Liv Thorsblade, and Gunnar Ullsen to the Kings Rest inn to defeat the mephits attacking survivors. Using firebolts and chromatic orbs, Azura dispatched most of the mephits but did have their concentration broken on the spell, forcing their monk companion back into human form as he battled the White Will in the docks.   With the battle barely won, Azura helped lead the convoy of refugees to the Seal Clan winter camp. They were not supportive of Val and Shan's plan to decieve the settlers of Andursthorpe, who had pledged alleigance to the White Will, but did help when the rouse was dropped. They investigated Salamander burrowing holes in the ruins of Kingstones but were unable to determine where they led to.   When Val went into their PTSD trauma response upon discovering the dead bodies of several Ysgard's Warriors and Western Skallen members - Azura was concerned for their friend but was unsure on how to intervene. Azura dropped their spellbook when ambushed by the Dagurssen Cell and surrendered willingly. She was trusting of the black fox agent within the Dagurssen fort and waited patiently for backup. She was shocked that Mr. Blake apparently knew Captain Vand and Olivir and would later ask her boyfriend about this, learning blake was a senior member of the Skallen Syndicate.   Whilst the party recovered in the Seal Clan camp following their escape and slaughter of the Dagurssen cell, Azura spent time studying the tomes and histories of the Seal Clan, learning key and forgotten parts of Aedrinaran lore. They were pleased to be returning to Jameleska, and attended the new show Wild Wild Orcs with Fr Tomos - the two sharing a fondness for 'well built orcs.'   Learning of the White Will's appearance around the Astergorian hills just before his invasion of the Western Hold - Azura was keen to explore the Svartvelheim ruin of Rorisgrad. Whilst learning this information from the Draconic monastery, they also checked in on the baby silver dragon they rescued from the Basilisk Library.   In Rorisgrad, Azura was the only party member to not be ambushed by Ice Weirds and used their fire magics to subdue the monsters but at the expense of most of their magical energy - that was furter depleted when they discovered a stable elemental portal beneath the palace and were forced to fight a Remorhaz. Azura managed to identify the portal's stability and realised how they could destroy it when needed - but did travel through to the Frostfell to meet with the Huntress and rescue a trapped Professor Leirand who was stuck in a protective bubble as bait for would be rescuers.   Learning the White Will was actually the son of the Huntress and posing as the reincarnation of the ancient and legendary dragon after escaping his failed matricide attempt - Azura made sure to send this information around the hold. Returning the Jameleska, they reunited with Tomah who was now a major in the Jameleskan Military to resolve a conflict between the Worker's Union and the War Smiths.   Whilst sailing aboard The Boneless back to the Western Hold, Azura was hit by a psionic array from the ocean and spoke with an apparition of the Scion of the Seas, a mysterious and ancient enemy of Manannan Mac Lir. Azura resisted the entity's offers of defecting and awoke to find the Scion's harpies and sea monsters defeated by Val, Gallus, Falia, Roach, Shan, and Einar.   Seeking the second half of the Stone of Astrid - Azura was annoyed by the Shada entity and easily dealt with the Way of the Mage. For the second half of the fey creature's tests she entered the Path of Destiny and discovered future predictions for her own life as well as Fr Tomos's and Roach's. In her visions, Azura was shown a future battle with Val over the bag of holding, recieving a divine vision atop mount valhalla, and being alone on a rowboat deep at sea. She was also alarmed to see that Fr Tomos was predicted to be executed by the papacy.   With the stone secured, Azura and her party sent Erika, Falia, and Fr Tomos to Westwatch to claim the second half of the stone from Ysgard's Warriors. She joined her companions to nearby Kulvrsford to meet with Haarold Iceaxe and recruit his army to fight the elemental monsters of the White Will. Along the way, the group were met by Mr Blake who asked for their assitance in saving the lives and wealth of the Western Skallen - giving them the location of the camp - as they were being hunted down by Haarold. Azura supported saving the Skallen alongside Val and had to argue their case to Einar and Gallus.   After Val secured a peceful negotiation that would only cost the food resources and the life of the Skallen's leader for peace - Azura was amongst the party when they were ambushed by the White Will. The Wizard battled hard and slung numerous spells at the dragon and his salamander minions but was forced to watch the dragon flee again and was heavily injured by the encounter.   Approaching Westwatch, Azura used the sending spell to communicate with Fr Tomos and find out where the comapnions were- the priest informed Azura that they should go to the dragon council in Coldstar Keep. It would later be revealed that Elfrey had enchanted Fr Tomos and he was leading them into an ambush. At the council, Azura was reunited with Starkard Wintershield, who she knew from their shared fondness of studying late at night in Wyvern College's library whilst at The Miskatonic.   At the council, Elfrey revealed Val's identity as an exiled Ysgardian Warrior and witnessed the majority of the assembled guests perform the traditional shunning action bar Starkard Wintershield, Thane Liv, Lugar Whitehide and Jarl Earling Horfhand. Meeting with Starkard officially - Azura supported siding with the Winterhsileds to restore Val's honour and allow the group to continue with their quest.   Whilst waiting for the Wintershields to arrive, Azura investigated the abandoned tenanment building in the city where Eva was last reported at. Inside, they found the dead bodies of five Ysgard's warriors and their recruiter as well as a mysterious cauldron used for communication that Azura stole and put in their bag of holding.   When their Wintershield allies eventually arrived - Azura was impressed with Starkard's spellcasting abilities. She also magically duelled Elfrey with strategic counterspells and chromatic orbs. Following the battle, they helped free their companions and took a much needed rest for the night.   In Pilgrim's Rest, Azura defended Val to Underchief Steinar. They also travelled with the party to the top of Mount Valhalla when a near dead Organvor revealed they had killed several warriors and broken through the gates to the peak. At the summit, Azura was downed by the Dragon Clan forces after The Piper arrived. In the aftermath, she approached Mimir and was granted a vision of the Song of Ragnarok due to her reading of previous verses.   During Val's trial by combat, Azura stuck to the back of the fight and used spells to weaken Steinar's allies and damage those getting too close. They were knocked down and wounded several times by Sven but survied generally unscathed. With the battle one, Azura led Einar, Gallus, and Shan to the archives to retrieve the second half of the Stone of Queen Astrid and learnt the location of the Dragonlance in the Cave of the Golden Wyrm - likely buried beneath snow near Mount Vestmont. They also investigated the relics of former Warchief and sun elf Alyrinel Suntamer including instructions on how to make Sun Swords and a chronurgy spell scroll.   At Hero's Stop, Azura was against handing Torgier's ring to Krieg Stormbarer but relented at the promise of House Stormbarer aid against the Dragon Clan.   Recruting the archealogists guild to excavate the site of The Cave of the Golden Wyrm - Azura was able to determine the true Dragonlance's location within the lair. Whilst the party handled the hoard mimics Azura set about identifying the various magical items hidden there. Using the items and lore they gathered to fight the White Will - Azura was able to harm the dragon with a summoning of wall of fire and slingshots of chromatic orbs. When Shan was killed by the dragon she pleaded with Fr Tomos to bring him back, which the priest did - prompting the wizard to hug and comfort her friend when the battle was concluded.  

Heir of Furunheim Arc

  Throughout the party's next adventure that would take them from a feast in Odinsthrone to the island of Furunheim and into the Feywild, Azura was forced to heavily rely on her arcane knowledge to uncover deep lore and defeat the The Dark Enchanter.   The wizard became firm friends with Arystyr Furyborn and had flirtationship with his sister, Aera Furyborn. She would save the pair numerous times in Olisander's attempts to assassinate them. Azura also travelled with Aera to Odinsthrone to recruit Haarold Iceaxe to Arytyr's cause.   As the party's spellcaster and most academic member, Azura managed to decode information throughout their adventure. They were repsonible for finding the Conclave of the Wold and learning more about the Taint as well as unravelling the ancient arcane properities of the corrupted Mask of the Primal Elves. Later, they would also use their gathered lore from the Seal Clan alongside guidance and inspiration from her party members to learn more about Forgotten Gods at their ruined temple in Krakenpost.   Azura would find their new favourite place in all of the isles in Ferenvire in the form of The Night Circus. Going for the first time with Arystyr, Azura would return twice more to the fairground where they would uncover a vanguard of the Dragon Clan, save the mysterious ringmaster Snowblossom from enchantment, and earn themselves a free ticket for the rest of the season.   Throughout her adventures, Azura was also approached by numerous doomed pixies trying to call for her aid on behalf of 'the green.'   Her adventures in Furunheim would also lead to struggle and strife. Azura was nearly killed several times during the funeral of Elder Tiristar Furyborn† at the hands of The Wizards Four, saved first by Fr Tomos and later by the arrival of Einar, Gallus, Igraine Aramour and Zedithir who managed to dispatch the last of the wizards.   She would later face these eladarin spellcasters at the Waterway Inn on the Fury Road. She managed to blind and counter the Spring Wizard, and when the eladarin was defeated Azura would make the ultimately fatal decision of following Shan through a portal to the feywild.   In the feywild, they had to kill three of the wizards four and they discovered a dark treant named Shadowbark using an amulet, later revealed to be an amulet of the Green Guard, to create the blights used by the Dark Enchanter. The two hatched a plan to grab the amulet and enter a portal back into the material plane. Shan managed to suceed, but Azura would be grappled and killed by a tree blight.   Whilst dead, Azura's soul entered the plane of water, the divine domain of her patron Mananan Mac Lir. Here she spoke with the spirit of Captain Vand and would enter the afterlife at peace. Mac Lir offered the wizard a deal, their pact was complete but Azura could be returned to life by becoming an Avatar of Mac Lir. This process would be painful and saw Azura ressurected as an Aasimar with cleric abilities.   Azura's resurrection allowed her to save Shan and Ivar from Shadowbark, and help the rest of her party in the battle against The Dark Enchanter. Her resurrection and death had caused a rift in the party, with some blaming Shan for leaving her behind and Einar being suddenly cold and refusing to elaborate on why.   In her first night as an avatar, Azura experienced difficult dreams as past avatars revealed themselves to her. She was warned by Fr Tomos that this process would be painful, and may have unforseen side effects given her age. Her lifespan has also been temporarily extended, but will never become as powerful a wizard as before.   During the confrontation with the Order of Labelas, Azura was sent back in time to Helion during the twilight of the Western Sun Elf Empire. From Carinel, the creator of chronomancy, Azura was able to become a more powerful wizard and through Sun Elf technology she was able to to contact Auran in the present and rescue to the rest of the party.  

Alternate Reality

In the alternate reality created by Primus where Doomed 2 Die never met, Azura never kept the box of Dagon and instead threw it into the shrubbrey before joining Captain Vand. As a consquence, ARCAM never hunted her down, but Ebony was left unchallenged and flooded the northern commonwealth before being stopped by the alternate forms of Mertion, Amy, and Roach.   In the aftermath of the Dagonic destruction, Azura took Luna's advice and moved to Neapia with Olivir and Vand, in this timeline she and Olivir had already married. She began researching a Sun Elf ruin within the city, learning its Chronoturgical secrets for Luna to reset the timeline. In the apartment, Azura hosted the alternate forms of Lucan Sunspear, Aungus, Gallus, and Val.   Before the timeline was reset, Roach told the wizard she needed to go through as well. At first refusing, her mind was only changed by an older form of Olivir who told her that further in this timeline she dies of a disease as there were no more cleric's to heal her. He said a world without her was not worth saving, and begged her to go through, promising they'd be together in any reality.


Azura began a degree in Divination at the Miskatonic Unversity, but never completed their studies.


Contacts & Relations

Azura is a former active member of the Skallen Syndicate, working for Captain Vand on the Corrupted Fortune. Although not active, they are still considered a member of the guild.  


Azura has had two known romantic interests.  


The strapping, idealistic, and poetic son of Captain Vand, Azura and the half-orc began a relationship whilst they both served on the Corrupted Fortune. After recieving her vision of disaster, Azura wrote a scathing letter to Olivir and broke things off with him. The two restablished a brief connection, with Azura explaining why she did what she did, but this was short lived as the sailor was killed when ARCAM sunk their ship. The two are currently in an unknown relationship post-death, as Olivir is currently a reanmiated warlock of Mannanan Mac Lir, the two have shared romantic moments but are yet to declare any formal intentions, with the wizard simply saying, "I have a boyfriend, sort of." when asked.  


Forming after Azura departed the Fortune, the Ice Elf barbarian and Azura grew close quickly but struggled to share explicit feelings. After Olivir's apparent death, Azura left a letter of Killyn confessing feelings, Killyn accepted these but said it would take some time to get used to it, beggining a relationship. This was again short lived as Killyn would be murdered by Azura's own mother when they jumped infront of a disintegration spell.

Family Ties

Azura has two mothers. Gwenytth Youngspell, one of their mothers, is currently imprisonned in an endless demi-plane for the murder of Killyn and once put out a bounty on Azura. They are considered estranged. Their other mother, known as 'mama' is currently in the Commonwealth and wishes the best of their only child.

Religious Views

Azura is skeptical on religion with a cultural divinist background. They are currently a sworn warlock of the Old God Mannanan Mac Lir, but see this as a practical relationship rather than one of praise.



Companion (Important)

Towards Azura





Towards Ivar




Companion (Vital)

Towards Azura




Swimming Teacher (Important)

Towards Roach




Azura is teaching Roach to swim


Lover (Vital)

Towards Azura




Lover (Important)

Towards Olivir



Status: Alive   First Appearance: Session 1: New Begginings
Date of Birth
27th Applefall
Olivir (Lover)
Medium length Blue
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I'm not a mind reader I'm a fortune teller." Azura firmly asserting the limits of Diviniation magic
"I'm a slut for a lighthouse." Azura on the numerous lighthouses in Sudurejya
"I feel like I've been hate crimed." "Well in a minute you're going to be real crimed." - Azura to a stubborn merchant
"No one touch it with bare hands!" "But I've got human hands." Azura to Kliiks
"She doesn't do books but she does do me." - When discussing Killyn's lack of reading ability
"Most of my dreams, I'm naked." Azura after Shan's cryptic dreams
"What makes you think I'm the sort of person who pays attention!?" - Azura
"Can someone like... hug him?" Azura about Einar
"Big fan of your dad, big fan of most dads." Azura discussing deep issues
"I am your god. I have pastries." Azura returning to the party with croissants
"Nips could show tonight."
"Don't rush me, bitch!" Azura to a cultist whilst hiding in the toilet
"You ever had a jager bomb, then a beer, and then another jager bomb right after? That's basically what's going to happen to him." An intriguing threat
"Everybody shut up, I'm looking at science!"
Mannanan Mac Lir, Divinitism (Cultural, not practicing)
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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