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Derro are a subrace of Dwarves that migrated to Aedrinar during the mythic age. Building strongholds within Drekenehim and Sudurejya, the Derro kingdom was once known as Nidalvellir. A formally proud and mighty kingdom, the Derro assisted the Aesir in defeating the Forgotten Gods with their unrivalled crafting of weapons. Legend states the Derro artificers outclassed even their mainland cousins, building mighty weapons such as Mjolnir and Gungir the Derro had a close relationship with all their neighbours in Aedrinar.   In the second age, their kingdom was destroyed by an ancient black dragon who enslaved their people. Although being defeated by Thor, the dragon cursed the derro to insanity for 'betraying' him. Since then, the Derro are plagued with magical insanity which seemingly has no cure. Their mighty citadels fell into ruin and their numbers dwindlled as they tore themselves apart through paranoia.

Basic Information


Derro, as a subrace of dwarves, are similar in stature and biology. They differ from their continenntal cousins in a few key ways. Spending most of their life underground, they have developed a grayer tone of skin and hair which seem to act as a natural camoflague. They are also consistently smaller than dwarves, standing at an average of 3". Their eyes have also evolved to be almost pure white, giving them a reflective quality when exposed to lights.

Ecology and Habitats

Derro are more aclimatised to living underground than most dwarves. Been barely seen above their cave homes in thousands of years, they have become an entirely subterranean culture. Derro are never found living in settlements outside of caves or the underdark.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Once found throughout the southern isles of Aedrinar, since their civilization collapsed in the second age they are found only in large populations within Drekenheim. Some can be found beneath the town of Oskunstrond whilst most live in the ruins of their ancient kingdom deep within the volcanic mountains of the island.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Living their lives underground, Derro have advanced darksight. Their magical connections and arcane heritage also grant them a resistance to magical effects.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Geographic Distribution


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