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Gazzarit is a Drow city within the underdark and the capital city of the Republic of Gazzarit. Founded in the mythic age by exiled drow from The Vale, the city of Gazzarit was once a formidble, cavernous, and sprawling fortress city for an underdark superpower but is now a commercial and open city with bright street lights, scientific and arcane wonders, and well known to the surface dwellers of Prima Terra due to their open diplomatic relations.


Gazzarit is a


As the heart of the city state Republic of Gazzarit, the drown city is ran directly by its president and their elected Representatives of the people. The only true presidential democracy in Prima Terra, Gazzarit is a democratic experiment that has lasted for 60 years.   The head of the city is the President of the Republic. Elected once every 35 years by all members of the city who hold a caste name are entitled to vote for the president. The president can come from any background, and can enter so long as they are an adult by the standards of their heritage as to allow non-drow to stand for office.   Supporting the president as a legislative body are the Representatives of the People. Voted for by every citizen, including the President, each caste has their own group of representatives. In total, there are 100 represenatatives that are divided by proportion of caste members dependent on a census conducted every 50 years. As of 1052, 3e, there are:
  • 6 Theyarki representatives
  • 7 Vassalarki representatives
  • 2 Startarki representatives
  • 4 Magarki representatives
  • 46 Golding representatives
  • 3 Warling representatives
  • 32 Libertaki representatives


Gazzarit is a near impregnable city. Located across numerous caverns and tunnels, only burrowing creatures could get past its narrow choke points to the rest of the underdark. Those chokepoints are manned by large, forboding gates and heavy garrisons. Inside the city, key castle and towers also provide an internal defence. The Stratarki and Warling castes make up a sizeable military force, for external wars and internal civil protection as well. They are well armed, with master drow weapons and trained in some arcane abilities.



The central part of the city, the hub of activity and the crossroads of the castes. Large impressive ancient elven architecture is built into the cave sides, with magical floating lights illuminated the carved out corridors and plazas. This is the heart of the city and home to the majority of Gazzarit's residents. It contains numerous wards, workshops, and countless shops and houses throughout is tunnels and caverns.  
Name Type Notes
Dream Theatre Leisure The heart of Vorrwood, the entertainment sub-district and the main cinema of the city.
The Moon Inn Inn Formally the Spider Web Inn, middle-end tavern and inn near Plaza Lloraith, has simple sleeping rooms and shisha-styled bars, where people can smoke hallucigenic mushrooms and enjoy a large amount of various drinks brewed from underdark materials
Lloraith Plaza Markets The large central courtyard of the city, domianted by magical stores and five levels of shops and marketplaces, selling all sorts of goods, tools, and foodstuffs, including many Gazzaritian snacks, such as Spider Taffy. A 30ft statue of the ancient general Lloraith stands in the centre of the plaza
Lloraith Chapel Religion A small shrine to the moon dancer
Plaza of Words Markets A smaller market district with high-end goods, was once covered in statues of spiders that have been destroyed or defaced.
The Presidential Palace Government Formally the high castle of the matriarch, this lapis lazuli adorned castle is the heart of the government.
Vasalarki Academy Government A large unviersity once dedicated to training the Vasalarki, teaching them history, politics, philosophy, and basic administration. It is now an open university for any who wish to apply
Pereaith Chapel Religion
The Masked Axe Inn Tavern Formally the spider's axe, this Oreling dominated tavern is named in honour of Alexios Libertaki
Serptantine Tavern Tavern A snake themed tavern ran by a family of Yuan-Ti
Servile Inn Inn Once the slave tavern, the Servile Inn has retained its name and is now a hot-bed of Libtertaki academicalism
The Keep of Secrets Military Once the home of the Drider Guard, the former secret police, this is now a simple civil military installation.

The Magerium

The once secret mages district, the city is emedded with magical wards and traps that are activated by the mages when under attack. This district of the city withstood Mindflayer sieges, and shows some sign of damage. Mages in their robes wonder the district debating magical arts and practicing spells in the Magerium courtyard. Now more open to the general public, the portalarium provides access to places across Prima Terra  
Name Type Notes
Necromancer's Bar Inn A magical themed bar popular with the Magakari class
House of Portals: Travel A mystical house of portals containing travel to places throughout Prima Terra
The Secret Chambers Civil A set of deep tunnels within the district once used by illicit mages, now a tourist attraction
Skollarkion Education The magical college of Gazzarit
Arboretum Park A grand park that once housed dinosaurs, Now a safer and velociraptor free space.
Laborium Arcane A centre of arcane study for artificers.


The higher city, this is its own seperate level of Gazzarit above the rest of the city and connected only via a few long, winding tunnels and the Diasporas transit system. Once the heart of the coven of lolth, this district has been re-made in Eilistraee's image and the dark, foreboding images of spiders replaced with that moons and stars.  

The Under City

A lower underbelly of the city, again connected via tunnels or the Diasporas transit system. It is the base of the Stratarki, and once housed numerous slaves and criminals. Now a mix of freed libtertaki and the military classes, the under city is scarecly travelled to except by those who live there. It is known for Glow Tree plaza, a large under-market specialising in raw materials dominated by a bio-luminsencent tree. Performers and circuses also love to set up shop here.   Other than the military academy, the Staokarium, the most famous location in the Under City is the Last Pint Saloon. Once a slave tavern, this place was domianted by the Kobold Mafia and is still ran by kobolds to this day. Legendary hero Rusty met their partner, Cards, in this saloon, and many meetings of the revolution occured in its walls.  


The agricultral centre, this district is north of the main city thruogh a wide tunnel and a now destroyed gatehouse. Once the slave centre of the city, this district is domianted by an artifical sun that allows crops and livestock to flourish here. Aqua plaza, its centre, houses the complex viaduct systems that carry water throughout the city from surrounding aquifers and underground rivers that provides water to the people through wells and taps, and also irrigates their crops. Production has decreased as trade with the Commonwealth has opened up, and the former slaves have saught better fortunes elsewhere.

Guilds and Factions

Crystaline Order

This mysterious secret society of mages is by invite only and reside in the hidden Crystal Cavern. Before the establishment of the republic, the Crystaline Order would take their arcanely focused crystals around the city to find magically gifted children to induct in to the Magarki. Divine Magic causes the crystal to glow gold, magical potential will cause the crystal to glow shades of blue, natural magic will cause the crystal to grow bright green Inate magic (most common amongst sorcerers) will cause the crystal to grow bronze and elemental based magic will cause the crystal to glow red. From this initial assessment, assessments were performed to determine how strong the ability of the mage is and their potentional of recruitment for the Magakari.   This practice is long abandoned, but the order are still alleged to exist deep within their hidden chamber, using their crystals to improve their own arcane powers and do forbidden experiments.


For the history of Gazzarit, see the history section in the Republic of Gazzarit article.
Founding Date
Mythic Age
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization


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