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Hailing from the technological might of the city state of Gazzarit, Gazzaritians are the most known of the Drow race and since their emergance in 992, 3e from the underdark and the establishment of their Eilistraeean Republic, Gazzaritians can now be found not just in their own city, but across the surface of Prima Terra as well.   An arcane gifted, capitalistic, and intelligent society, Gazzaritians are famed for their inventions and marvels of science and magic. The inventors of moving pictures, horseless carriages, and large construct fighting suits, these drow are famed for their smarts ingenuity. Once a more isolated and religiously fervourous people, the Gazzaritians have embraced the change brought on by the establishment of their republic and the ousting of their old political leaders and the church of Lolth.   An ancient culture established in the mythic age, the Gazzaritians have evolved from the standard drow city-state domianted by spiders and slavery into a marvel of modern technology and a rich and powerful democratic nation. The traditional gender roles have losened, and the goddess of the moon now dominates their religion.  

Caste System

The Gazzaritians still hold onto their caste system, although the mobility between castes is now far more fluid and less culturally enshrined than it once was. Established in the early days of their city, and expanded upon slowly over thousands of years, the castes are no longer as rigid as they once were. Each caste corresponds to a job function in society, and are as follows, from the traditionally highest castes to the lowest.  


The Theyarki are the religious caste of the society. Traditionally composed of only women, the Theyarki were the religious leaders, nuns, preachers, and layfolk of the Church of Lolth. Since the banning of Dark Seldarine under the rulership of President Vorr, the Theyarki are now clerics of Eilistraee. Still domianted by women, men are now allowed to assume this title. The Theyarki did see their influence decrease under Vorr's presidency, but since his fall from grace and the election of Eilistraee paladin Gal, they are once again the dominate caste, but this time for the moonlit dancer rather than the spider queen.  


The rrulers, administrators, civil servants, and nobility of the city. Historically this caste composed of the matriarchal houses of the city, but the caste name was allowed to be held by the male sons of the caste. Vasalarki only married into their own caste, the Staratokari, or the Theyarki in the past, but since the establishment of the republic this practice has largely been abandoned.   The establishment of a democratic government and the ousting of the old houses saw the Vasalarki caste completely replaced overnight. It is now one of the most mobile classes to enter, and anyone who works for the government, or is elected as Represenative of the People, can assume this caste title. Vorr was amongst the first to do this, replacing his former Golding caste title with that of Vasalarki within a day of the ending of the Second Ucothah crisis.   In the past, it was traditionally hard to assume a Vasalarki caste title, and although they were amongst the most powerful people they were one of the smallest castes. Since the republic, their numbers have increased and widened, and are now constantly changing due to the nature of a democracy.  

The Magarki

One of the most elite castes, the Magarki are the wizards, sorcerours, alchemists, and artificers of the society. The caste of Magarki is only gratned to those who attend the elite Magerium - the arcane college of the city. A scholarly and elite group of people, the Maraki are not many but are now much easier to enter into. Non-Drow are permitted to train as mages at the magerium to assume this caste, although this is rare.   Alternatively, an individual who has learnt magic, or is a sorcerer, artificer, bard, or other trained and talented magic user, who obtained their skills outside of Gazzarit and emigrated their can use this caste title if they so wished.   The Stratarki The warrior caste, teh Startarki composes the officer class of the military. Once one of the major pillars of Gazzaritian society, their influence, prestige, and status waned thanks to the Ucothath crisis' and it would take decades for them to reform. Now an easier caste to enter, some traditional Startarki families who quickly pledged loyaltly to the new republic still remain and dominate the military elites. Mobility can come from promotion from junior ranks, or appointment by the presidency. This was traditionally a female only caste, but some men were permitted entry. Since the republic, women still dominate but more men are earning this caste name.  

The Warlings

The Warlings are the general soldier caste, and also compose the guards and mercenaries of the city. An easy caste to enter, one can assume the Warling title by simply enlisting in the Republic Army or as a guard so long as they pass their training at the Statorium. In the past, Warlings who performed well or had been part of families serving in the Warlings for three generations could be promoted to the officer Stratarki class.  

The Goldlings

The merchant, clerical, and lower-middle to middles classes of the city. The Goldlings have always been the largest of the Gazzaritian castes. From the humble  tavern cook to the owner of a factory, the Goldlings are a varied and diverse community. Since the ending of slavery, many former slaves have adopted into the Goldling caste, also making it the most racially diverse of the castes.   It was the growing wealth of the Goldlings that would push media mogul Vorr into power and many of their most powerful members are now government heads in the Vassalarki.  

The Orelings

The Orelings are the physical labourers of the Gazzaritian society. The humble train worker, the street cleaner, the blacksmith, the minor, the farmer. The proletariat of Gazzarit society, the Orelings are the second largest caste after the Goldlings but were traditionally considered lower. Alexios Libertaki was once a member of this caste before abandoning it to found the Libertaki movement.  

The Libertaki

The Libtertaki Caste comes from the Libtertaki Movement founded by legendary Gazzaritian hero/terrorist, Alexios. Meaning the Free People, the Libertaki were once a movement entirely opposed to the caste system and the abolition of slavery and Lolth worship within Gazzarit. Instrumental in the establishment of the republic and the ending of slavery, the former slaves of the city adopted the name as their caste. Those who opposed the caste system also take this name, and it is considered a political descision and move to do so in opposition to Gazzaritian tradition.   The founder and leader of the Libtertaki left the city decades after becoming disillusioned with the republic and its slow societal change, and the drow membership has steadily decreased, but the former slaves and their families freed by Alexios still proudly take this as their caste name in his honour, with this being the only caste where non-drow outnumber drow.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

  • Alexia
  • Drezia
  • Diana
  • Kairana
  • Jizana

Masculine names

  • Valaxios
  • Melaxos
  • Philchios
  • Dranicon
  • Alfrox

Family names

  • Paladokos
  • Makaris
  • Velkaros
  • Lukos
  • Pelakos

Other names

Gazzaritian Naming traditions function in the following format: [first name] [caste] [lastname]   For example,
  • Vorrandrel Goldling Paladokous
  • Maxos Magikari Lumax
  • Alfrox Libertaki Hixrotch
  • Kratos Statokari Theros


Historical figures


See Also: Vorr    Legendary inventor, industrialist, and disgraced president - Vorr is the most famous Gazzaritian alive. Known throughout the world for his inventions of moving images, his dramatic fall from power, and his role in The Commonwealth Revolutionary War, Vorr's inventions and deeds are known to every artificer throughout the land. Living as an exile in Palaidcyntaff for decades, he now resides in Aedrinar.  

Alexios Libtertaki

Alexios was an Oreling who lost his wife and children in the Ucothah crisis after the government abandoned his district to be overtun by illithids and their mind controlled spawn. Retreating into hidden slave tunnels beneath his district, he helped gather other survivors and his rage and charisma made him the leader and founder of the Libertaki movement. Swearing to overthrow the Lolthist reigeme, Alexios converted to worship of Eilestraee and hid his wounds beneath a tragedy mask, becoming the symbol for his movement.   A determined and driven man, Alexios would do acts of terror against the state but was ultimately convinced by the parental problems possee to ally with Vorr to save the city from a second Ucothah invasion. In the aftermath of the second crisis, Vorr would help lead the city and establish the republic. He was largely responsibly for the end of slavery and the death or exile of the former lolth leadership and noble families.   By the 1020s, Alexios had grown dissilussioned with the fledgling republic and left the city with his staunchest allies. It is unknown where he left to, and he is commonly beleived to be dead. Some rumours say he started the White Mask movement within the Seldrinar Supremacy due to the simularities of wearing masks, striking terror against the government, and opposition to the Dark Seldarine.  

Matriarch Zronadil

The last matriarch of Gazzarit, Zronadil rose to power during the ilithid takeover of the city, in 901, 3e, Zroinadil was the leader of the temple of Lolth and organized upper city resistance and defence against the mind flayer invasion. After the fall of Shuggilbh, Zroinadil became the secular and religious leader of the city until she fled during the battle of Gazzarit.   Zronadil's brief reign saw the rise of Vorr's reform faction, the Libtertaki, and a secret plot within her own government to take Ucothah's power for themselves. When this crisis came to its head and the new avatar of Ucothah, one of her manservants, Draesos, invaded the city she fled into hiding. After the crisis, she returned and had to share power between the temple of Lolth, Vorr, and Alexios. The temple were quickly ousted, and as her supporters were purged or exiled by Alexios, her few remaining backers turned to the industrialist instead. Zronadril abidcated, and although a brief counter-coup was attempted it was completely thwarted and she was driven into exile in Palaidcyntaff.   The Matriarch became the defacto leader of the drow exile community, and did form a militia to fight for the Commonwealth during the war. Palaidcyntaff was occupied by the Eldrian empire, and the former Matriarch was killed in the battle.   Matriarch Zrondiel is regarded as a hero amongst the Gazzaritian exile community, but is largely ignored and forgotten by the history books in Gazzarit itself. Many do remember her brief rule and regard it as a failure. The church of Lolth is long destroyed in Gazzarit, so ultimately her legacy of a new drow theocracy was a complete failure.


Gender Ideals

Unlike other elven cultures, but alike with their other drow relatives, Gazzaritians tend to have a more rigid gender structure. Formally a deeply matriarchal society, a binary gender structure is still the most common and acknowledged thing. Over the course of centuries, some reforms have occured to even out the gender disaparity between men and women in Drow society.   Previously, women were the only ones entitled to hold high office, religious positions, be mages, or be officers in the army. This did soften over time, and men were allowed to become administrators, study magic, and own some land but for the most part it was still a matriarchal society with women holding all key offices of power. By 992, there was more warming to men in positions of power, especially after the population and leadership were dwindled by the Ucothah crisis, and this allowed merchant media prince Vorr to rise to the status of president.   Now, there is more equality but most major positions are still occupied by women. The president, high priestess, and high-mage are all women. Men are still considered to be better suited for more 'menial' work and women are still considered the better leaders. There is acceptance of non-binary genders, but there is little sociatal accomodation for them due to the long entrenched gender system of the city.
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