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Plane of Air

The Elemental Plane of air is an inner plane bordering the planes of fire and water, surrounded by the elemental chaos. A realm of pure blue, clouds, and powerful wind currents, to visit this plane is like being amongst an endless sky atop an endless mountain. The home of the djinn, air genasi, and aarakocra. The plane of air connects with the material plane at many natural points, with all wind based elemental magic originating from this plane.


The Plane of Air has no fixed geography, but rather is a constantly changing mass of rocks, ice, and stable clouds which house small camps and settlements for the natives of the plane. The plane has an endless sky with a limit nobody has ever dared test. Pockets of air, gas, and smoke can found blowing throughout creating dangerous hazards for those brave enough to try the wind currents to manouever the shifting landscape of this realm.   Bordering the planes of water and fire, the elemental plane of air shifts into the minor planes of ice and smoke on the respective borders of those realms. Here the constant azure blue of the plane shifts into the darker blues in the realm of ice and a huey reddish-grey in the realm of smoke. The hazards of these border regions make them hard to cross, with mephits and environmental hazards providing danger to even the most experience of plane wanderers.


The Plane of Air is the native of home of air genasi, djinn, and all manner of air elementals. Aarakocra have their origins here and their nests can be found throughout the scattered pockets of settlement. The great leviathan originates from this plane and leaves destruction in the currents it follows. Little can be grown here, but some wild birds and some fauna can be sourced for food, but the inate magic of the djinn means food and water can be created at a whim.


The Plane of Air was formed in the creation of the universe. Born from the elemental chaos, the plane of air was used to create the material plane by the gods and remains the source of air based elemental magic. This elemental magic, which powers the entire plane of existence, also birthed the genasi, djinn, and elementals. In its most ancient days, a race of people known as the Wind Dukes ruled the plane and potentially beyond, with suggestions this civilization controlled all the elemental planes.   The Wind Dukes built the Great City of Aaqa and much of the floating debris in the plane is of similar construction, suggestion they were capable of expanding their realm of control. Who the dukes are is long gone, only the impressionist statues of Aaqa seem to hint at their nature of vaguely humanoid and tall beings. As mysterious as their origins are, their fall is even more mystifying. They seemed to have simply vanished, no sign of war or destruction in their ruins, just a shift of control from the Wind Dukes to the Djinn.   Many theories exist to who the wind dukes are. Some claim they may have been a civilization of proto-genasi, whilst others say they may have been the Aarakocra. Since their vanishing, the Djinn took other the whole plane and the Djinn Sultans rule from the palace of the wind dukes in Aaqa. Air Genasi and Aarakocra can be found throughout the plane in various small settlements.   The Mighty Leviathan once brought destruction on the realm and fled into the material plane. It was defeated by St Tara, and legend states St Tara still chases this horrifying serpentine creature of air throughout the plane to this day.
Included Locations
Inhabiting Species


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