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Primal Elf

The 'Primal Elves' is the name given to the first elven civilization of the Vale during the mythic age. This culture and empire were the progenitors of all other elven cultures within Prima Terra, and likely beyond the continent, and were once one of the most powerful and formidable peoples in the world. Their civilization spanned from beginning of the mythic age until the 'Mythic Age' collapse in the 2900s.   Most of the ancient elven culture is carried on only in myth and legend, with only a handful of ruins, artifacts, and first hand sources to tell their story. It is likely most contemporary elven cultures carry some of their traditions from the primal elves but the specifics are generally unknown. Most of what is known is taken from external sources such as diplomatic correspondences from the Krowethic Empire and Dwarven Sagas.   It is believed that many of the minor elven dieties of the Seldarine originated as powerful 'priest kings' of early Primal Elf theocratic city-states before their realm was united under a 'Supremator.' The title of Supremator is continued by the Seldrinar Supremacy


Major language groups and dialects

The Primal Elven language is the mother language of all other Prima Terran elven dialects. The closest related to the langauge today is Vaniri, the langauge of the Ice Elves, and Valian, the dialect of the moon elves. Other elven languages share common gramatical structure and some root words but differ more from what is known of the Primal Elf tongue, or 'Old Elvish' as it is also known.

Shared customary codes and values

External sources claim the primal elves were a militaristic people. The Elven Empire once spanned most of Northern Prima Terra, from the Vale into the Dwarven Mountains and the Crag. Ancient Moon Elf tales talk of the first elves being warrior priests devoted to the Seldarine and spreading the power and enlightenment of their empire across the 'uncivilzed races.' The Krowethic Empire regarded the Elves as innovators, inventors, and the masters of all magic.

Average technological level

Krowethic Sources claim the Elves were the most advanced people of Prima Terra. Their command of magic and engineering is believed to be unparalleled for the time - with early Krowethic Emperors recruited artificers from the Vale to help build their own grand monuments. The Dwarves claim the ancient elves had a mastery of magic, but their weapon-craft was poor, and that's what allowed the Dwarves to defeat them during the Mythic Age collapse.

Art & Architecture

The Primal Elves prefered to build out of stone and magical wood. It is unlikely the elves had any access to glass, but they may have used some early form of 'ice magic' to create windows if Ice Elf legends are to believed. Their city designs centered around a central temple complex, usually in the form of a circular tower made of stone and wood, with segregated caste districts around them.

Coming of Age Rites

Ancient Elves did not come of age until their 100th birthday, where they would choose an 'adult' name and take up a trade or craft. The exact rituals are unknown, but the naming ceremonies were likely important community events. Ceremonial pits at some Primal Elf ruins are beleived to be for this purpose. Remnants of animal bones, oils, and charchol have been found here.   The tradition of adult and child names continues in the continental elven cultures such as the Moon Elves, Wood Elves, and many elven expat communities within human lands. The Ice Elves have a more flexible form of naming system, with names regularly changing throughout a person's life, whilst the Southern Elves keep the same name from birth till daeth.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Primal Elves supposidly cremated their dead, as hypothesiesd by the lack of Primal Elf burial sites outside of areas of natural disaster or battle.
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