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Elves are amongst the earliest inhabitents of Prima Terra, their origins as creations of Corellon and the Seldarine still influencing their culture and religious beliefs thousands of years later. Commonly regarded as the 'elder race' and sometimes the 'first people' the elven people can be found throughout the world, although their cultural domination and status as the most common race has declined significantly since the end of their great empires in the first age.  

Lost Empires

  The Earliest elves were a haughty and proud race who considered themselves superior to all over beings. During the Mythic age, the Primal Elf civilizations were staunch allies of the giant Krowethic empire and held an empire of their own too. The Primal Elves had enslaved the Dwarves for thousands of years, but were overthrown and saw their own land subjugated by the Kingdom of Drohan. Four exodus' occurred for those that could escape. Some fled to the North and settled on Asrinheim, some fled south by boat and landed in the southern continent, and some fled to far west and landed on the mythic continent of Giton, never to return to their homeland, and the final exodus fled into the Krowethic empire, and were resettled in the lands of Marica.   During the first age, these Elves saw their population explode. The fall of the Dragons and Giants left for plenty of ground to be reclaimed. In Marcia, the Sun Elf civilization was born, dedicated to philosophy, science, and arcane study. It was this advanced culture that built the first Warforged and crafted incredibly magical artefacts now lost in ruins. This empire was so big they had to partition it into Eastern and Western kingdoms for administrative purposes. In the vale, the ancestors of the Primal Elves rose up and founded the militaristic and brutal Moon Elf Kingdom, whilst settlers in the far east founded the Sand Elf culture. The Sun Elves were destroyed during the Soulthek War at the end of the first age, their civilization destroyed and their few survivors disappearing from the pages of history. The Sand Elves persevered for some time, whilst the Moon Elves retreated into their mountains and became spiritual pacifists.  

Elves the Vale

  The Elves of the Vale, known as Moon Elves, are spiritual philosophers who strive to seek inner peace and enlightenment. Formally a brutal warrior culture, the brutal actions of their leaders saw a civil war break out during the first age. The spiritualists won, and began dismantling thousands of years of warlike doctrine. This civilization still exists, though they rarely leave their mountain homes. They are considered noble peacemakers and religious authorities, with many human kings traveling to their snow-capped cities to seek spiritual guidance.   Moon Elves can be played as High Elves from the Players Handbook.  

Elves of the Silverwood

  The Wood Elves of the Silverwood live in an ancient and magically infused forest. Formally known as the Green Elf kingdom, this civilization inherited the ruins of the Aeternian humans who previously lived here. The few towns here are magically woven out of the trees, with only a few wooden structures and defences. Some live in the stone ruins of the lost Aeternians, whilst most will reside in small villages. The Wood Elves are reclusive but adventurous, they are happy to travel other lands and meet new people but eye up intruders to their wood with suspicion. Warrior bands from the Great Steppes will try and penetrate the woods, but find the inert magic and the wood elf hunters too much to contend with.   Wood Elves can be played as Wood Elves from the Players Handbook.  

Southern Elves

  The Southern Elves retain much of the ancient precursors style. They consider themselves superior, and few all other races as weak and beneath them. Living in an authoritarian stat e known as The Seldrinar Supremacy, the Southern Elves have grown accustomed to the riches of imperialism and the fear of fascist rulers. The Seldrinar military is advanced and brutal, rooting out the “degenerate” species of Orc, Goblinoid, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Dwarf and Tiefling into labour camps. The land is warm yet fertile, home to numerous citrus and tropical fruit. Their empire spans many former kingdoms of the gnomes and halflings, and are keen to take the human lands to their north. Not all who live here are brutal fascists, many simply turn a blind eye so they can live their life in peace, yet some will be exiled or flee their lands for speaking out.    

Ice Elves

  The Ice Elves are the descendants of Primal Elf refugees. They settled the frozen isle of Asrinehim in the Aedrinarian Archipelago and have resided her ever since. Over time, they have developed pale skin of white and bright eyes of blue, yellow, and green. Their hair tends to be shades of gold, blue, or white and they stand slightly taller than the average elf. They are isolationist and warlike, taking pride in the martial arts and their magical abilities. They live in large cities carved out of glaciers, and in times past their coming of age ritual involved sailing to Jotun to slay a frost giant. Elements of this ritual remain, with young Ice Elves journeying the world to slay a great foe in order to come of age.
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