Caldarum Settlement in Rakuen | World Anvil
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The eternal city.


The demographics of Caldarum are surprisingly normal despite its massive size. The city has the Exalted Quarter, reserved for the royals and those tied directly to the royal family. There is then the Ascendant Quarter, filled with upper class who are not nobility. The Prosaic Quarter harbors a standard space of living, largely occupied by the merchant classes. Finally, there is the Abased Quarters, a variety of slums spread throughout the city. Regardless of their orientation throughout the city, the populations of the city mix regularly, with strict enforcement on class hierarchy.


The city harbors many large buildings lined with antae, with various large aedes and basilicas. The massive Palace of Caldarum resides as one of the largest structures in the Occident, only rivaled by that of the Amphitheatre Caldae, a massive Colosseum that harbors some of the most magnificent gladiatorial arena games in the land.


Caldarum is a city that has stood the test of time. Over 3500 years old, predating the Moon's Cry, this city has withstood apocalypses, countless wars and invasions, and the fluctuation of histories rulers. It was in the Fifth Age that Caldarum finally took the form it stands in today. With the rise of the Holy Empire by the birth and rule of the Caldus Dynasty under the head of the God Emperor Caldus.   Once Caldus had set his rule upon the city, he expanded out with great haste in all directions with his loyal army and his powerful dragon, conquering almost any foe they came across. It was the Moon's Cry that brought the greatest threat upon their civilization, however. But with sternness, the city of Caldus took in as many refugees as possible hiding away from The Gloom. It's population swelled, and this only strengthened the city's ability and resolve.   After the Moon's Cry had ended, and the Holy Empire began to swell in size, Caldaran grew in size as well to support the ever growing royal and civilian population. It expanded into purist luxuries seen in no other place around the emperor, including geothermal Thermae, and open air pools fed by fantastic aqueducts full of cold mountain spring water. The massive Amphitheatre Caldae was erected for festivals and gladiatorial games, and the massive Palace of the Gods was constructed to support the Emperor and his slow-growing family.
Alternative Name(s)
The Eternal City
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
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