7/19 - Fresh Air Report

General Summary

The group emerges from the stank air of the sewers back into the evening light of Razminak. As they talk amongst themselves, Tuckland notices a white-haired man in the shadows behind them. He points this out to the group and the confront him. He introduces himself as Dolman. After he is in the light Tuckland and Wilziver recollect his face from the Dream, he was one of the others there before the 5 of them went into the portal and continued their trial. He mentions that he recognized the group and has been watching them for a while. The party seems to agree that he could follow along, but Wilziver mutters under his breath, "Well maybe he should prove himself first". The rest of the group looks towards Dolman, who then pulls out Wilziver's coin purse, "Well this is yours". Wilziver puts his hand out, "Hand it". Dolman throws the coin purse back to Wilziver. The rest of the group chuckles a bit and they decide to head over to the Break N' Block Armory. As they enter the Armory, they see a bit of smoke come out from within as they hear the sound of hammer hitting anvil. Wilziver stays outside soaking up the sunset before the daylight fades. There is a Dragonborn with green tinted scales at the counter who greets the group, "Welcome to Break N' Block Armory, how may we help you". Anders Responds, "We'd like to talk to Drazso about his offer to get some materials". The Dragonborn excuses himself to go retrieve Drazso. The party peruses the stores inventory, and Tuckland asks "Can any of you detect if there are any magical items here". Dolman pipes up, "I can point out all of them" At which point he points out a helmet telling the group it is lightly magical. Anders notices a nice looking Greatsword on the wall, but then eyes his Greataxe and smiles with satisfaction. After a moment Draszo comes out and greets the party. He uses his hand to wipe some smoke out of his eyes and then notices Anders. "Anders my friend, how are you" he says with a warm smile, extending his hand to shake Anders'. "We're doing well Draszo" Anders replies. He continues, "We've come to ask about this task of getting some material, we wish to help". Draszo explain that there is a strange cave north of Poralium, "somehow imbued with magic from the leylines or something", and there is a strange stone known as Shadowstone, which he has procured a shipment of, as long as someone can go get it. The stone emits darkness during the day, and he wants to see if he can forge it into something. The party propmtly asks what their reward will be, and he tells them he will give them 500 gold to go get it and bring it safely back, as well as a dicount on anything he can craft from the Shadowstone. They negotiate to get 1000 gold total on top of the discount and get 500 upfront and 500 on return with the delivery (since he is familiar and friendly with them already). Dolman says, "I think perhaps 800 gold is a better offer". Anders promptly tells Drazso that they need to talk real quick. The group does a quick huddle to discuss the deal, at which point Wilziver also happens to finally enter the shop, and walks beneath the huddle in the middle of everyone. Anders tells them that they should just take the deal and that he really wants a Shadowstone weapon if possible. They settle on the deal as is and exit the shop. They talk a bit more in outside the shop as many of the stands/shops are closing up in the main market square. Koless is very interested in studying the Sunstone Crystal that Tuckland has, and asks him as much, repetitively. Tuckland wants to wait till they get back to the Ribbon Maid. The group heads back to the Ribbon Maid to further discuss their next steps.   As the group returns to the Ribbon Maid, they head to various places to relax for a little while.
Anders finds Candy, his favorite girl at the Maid, and has a grand ol' time with her.
Koless heads straight to the conference room with a chunk of the Sunstone Crystal and begins to study it.
Dolman heads to the conference room and sits quietly, observing those who are there.
Wilziver heads upstairs to his room
Tuckland runs around the Ribbon Maid dealing with a few management things before heading to the Conference Room
They discuss their plans on getting the Shadowstone, and what to do with the Lycanthropes beneath the city.
Eventually the idea gets floated to have the group employ them with different work in order to keep them safe, perhaps getting a warehouse to keep product in. Koless at first thinks that this is simply enslaving them and that perhaps killing them would be more humane. Eventually they decide that it's probably a good idea to get them working for them, but that they may have to explain to the council if they can't keep them hidden. Eventually some Ribbon Maid employees bring them dinner, and they relax and retire for the evening. Dolman heads to the Frothy Feather, where he has been staying. Everyone else heads to their rooms for a good nights sleep...
Dream Team
Koless Vitorach
Wilziver Nightingale
Remus Theliel
Anders Helder
Tuckland Brite
Report Date
20 Jul 2020


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