7/5 - Working Together? Report

General Summary

The group finding no sign of the shared dream having actually taken place, decide to see what they could learn about the problem in the sewers. They headed to the main town square and notice board to see what they could learn. They notice a Twitchy looking man on the way there and ignore him. They get to the town square just as people are setting up their tables for the day, aside from the early birds who get there to sell food to those who come to setup, a few pastry vendors mostly. They find the notice board and the things that spark their interest are:
  • A notice from the City Watch to provide any information on Large Rat-like creatures being sited in the city to them immediately so any problem related can be solved quickly.
  • A notice from a nearby farm that needs help, as they've been getting raided and need help to stop it.
  • A notice from Break N' Block Armory that he is looking for some people to go and obtain some rare materials for him.
They decide to head to the City Offices to inquire about the issue in the sewers. On their way to cross the bridge to the other side of Razminak, a few of the group again notice a different twitchy fellow carrying a box of some sort scurry away from them into an alley. They again ignore this.
They reach the city offices and since Tuckland is familiar with them (being a member of the city council) he heads directly to the Captain of the Guard, Telanor Numaroth , a Half-elf man. Tuckland inquires about the issue in the sewers and asks for a reminder of the amount of the reward that was on the notice. With a smile Telanor responds, familiar with Tuckland, "There was no mention of a reward, but it is a problem that needs solving." Tuckland responds, a bit aggressively, "Well I would expect a reward from this, we wouldn't want certain sexual preferences of certain guard captains coming to light, now would we?"
A bead of sweat forms on Telanor's brow and a few of the group take notice that he is a bit worried. "Well Mr. Brite, I believe that should there be an issue worth dealing with, and proof that this issue has been dealt with, then a hefty sum could be provided to those who solve the problem."
Tuckland responds, "Well what kind of Hefty sum are we talking about here? I have hefty girls at The Maid, some that could ___ and some that could sink a ship?"
Telanor: "If there is an actual issue that a few guards couldn't have handled, we could perhaps give you something like 1000 gold, if it's serious enough, but if you just kill a few large rats? Then no we the sum would be something more like a few hundred at most, you understand business Mr. Brite, surely?"
Tuckland: "Very well, for 1000 gold we can solve this problem surely, we will be off now, thank you Tel"
Anders stays behind and continues to talk to Telanor, "Telanor, there was also notice of a Farm that needed help from some bandits or something, no?"
Telanor looks through some papers on the desk as he responds, "Well yes, a larger farm to the south says some wares have gone missing, some barrels of wheat and some apples, potentially bandits although there are some signs of animals or creatures as well. Perhaps it requires further investigation to know what is going on exactly."
Anders, "Thank you Telanor, perhaps we will check it out."
They say their farewells to Telanor and head off towards the sewer entrance where they saw the guards dropping explosives.
As they get to a specific alley, Remus notices someone scurry left down a street from them. He notifies the group, and then climbs up the building with acrobatic grace as he wall jumps from building to building in the smaller alleyway. Tuck and Anders head to the main road, while Wilziver and Koless head down the road where they saw the person scurrying.
Remus and Tuckland hear some strange popping and grunting sounds coming from the direction of that person.
Remus reaches the roof and heads to the edge near the main street, and Misty Steps across the street to the roof on the opposite side. As he looks down across the street, he sees a large man-sized rat-like creature making its way into the sewer, it quickly finds its way in and escapes the sight of the group.
They regroup at the sewer entrance, and Anders lifts off the cover and they head into the Sewers of Razminak. Wilziver cast's feather fall on himself and leaps in first, followed by the rest of them

Once in the sewers, Anders and Tuck realizing it's too dark to see down here, light a torch. They can see the large rat just ahead of them and they quickly follow. As the rat turns the corner, Anders follows, pulling out a Javelin and hurling it at the rat, Koless is not far behind and shoots a firebolt at the creature. Both attacks land and the creature turns around. As the creature's skin starts to rumble and shake, the group hears popping, snapping and tearing sounds the beast grunts and growls slowly turning into a man. The man, sitting on the ground with a Javelin in his leg, quickly yells, "Please no, leave us be!"
Anders and Koless quickly walk up to the man, Anders says "Us? There are more of you? Who are you and why are you here?"
He replies, "No, I mean just me, leave me be!" (Anders believes him, but Koless does not)
Koless conjures a large fireball in his hand and attempts to intimidate the man, and as he does so a huge glop of goo drips down from the ceiling of the sewer directly onto his hand putting out the fireball. (natural 1)
Anders grabs the Javelin and gives it a twist. The man screams. Anders says, "Tell us what you are doing and where your friends are. Tuckland, come here"
Tuckland comes over as the man says, "Look we just want to be left in peace, leave us alone please!"
Tuckland looms over the man and says, "There are 2 options here, 1 we kill you and search these sewers till will find you friends and kill them, or 2, we fix up that Javelin wound there and you tell us where your friends are and explain yourselves."
Simultaneously hopefully persuaded and terrified, the man speaks up. He explains he is a Wererat and that his kind are shunned and so they live here in the sewers to stay away from people and try to live peacefully. Anders rips the Javelin from the mans leg and Tuckland heals his wounds with magic. They stand the man up and have him lead them through the sewers to his people.
As the group travels through the sewer they eventually see another twitchy looking guy across one of the walkways, who upon seeing the group says, "What's going on are you alright?" directed at the current wererat man they are following.
Wilziver casts a Chaos Bolt at the newcomer, who immediately tries to run when he sees it. A ball of lightning moves chaotically through the air and smashes into the mans back, with enough force that he gets hit into the wall and then falls off the walkway into the sewer water, causing the lightning to harm him even more. The group is angry with Wilziver for this wanton act, scolds him and immediately moves to help the man. They get him up and help everyone back onto the walkways and continue further down the path. Eventually they stop and the 1st man says, through the wall here and shows them a dug passageway into some caverns. Tuckland casts Charm Person to charm the 2 men, only succeeding on one of them. The 1st man now charmed convinces the 2nd man that these new friends of his are going to help their group out of this situation. Koless summons his Hellcat to scout ahead, noting the tunnel to the right upon entering the cavern is partially blocked by stones, (which looks intentional) and spiderwebs, as well as a large bloodstain on the group. The Hellcat continues to scout further down the cavern
The first man leads them further into the cavern, and after a short while they come to an area with a small stream and many barrels around. Some obviously filled with water and the other unknown. Wilziver starts looking through the barrels, finding low stock of different food.
The group resolves to send the 1st man and Tuckland alone and unarmed, aside from a torch, to continue further in the cavern to negotiate with his people. The man holds his hands up to indicate to his friends not to harm the newcomer. They discuss it quickly and decide they should take Tuckland to see the leaders of their group, further up the cavern. As they continue onward the many different people here keep their eyes on him intently. There are just twitchy, dirty looking guys and gals, but a few more Brutish looking types and others who seem to be very alert aware of this newcomer. In the next large chamber there are, curiously, a bunch of plants growing near a wall. In the center there is some sort of shrine built up like a totem with 2 large braziers lit with fire next to it. Tuckland notices a hurt man, his arm completely gone, with many burns, alive, but resting on a haystack. Eventually the cavern tightens down to a small walkway of only about 4-5 feet to the next chamber. Upon reaching the next chamber there is a larger brutish looking man standing watch at the entrance. Curiously the room is filled with light also. As Tuckland enters, the men having explained to the guard their purpose for coming, he notices a huge yellow/orange glowing crystal in the corner of the room, providing essentially, artificial sunlight to the cavern. He sees a massive man sitting in a chair next to a large tent, next to him a very fit female. He is bulky with huge shoulders and large patches of hair all over his body. The woman is in great shape but also very lithe and beautiful. One of Tuck's escorts addresses the man as Halgar and explains why he is here. Tuckland then introduces himself and explains that the Concerned Citizens Coalition (The CCC) of Razminak is concerned about the people that have been discovered down below in the sewers and the fact that they are stealing from the cities inhabitants.
Halgar introduces himself in a deep powerful voice, the woman who's name is Alanti, also introduces herself, she has a slight Vaqori accent. Tuckland notices that Halgar, arms folded, expresionless, is studying him, obviously sizing him up as an opponent. Alanti on the other hand is leaning forward in her chair, studying him trying to understand what exactly he is capable of. They explain that they just want peace, and they don't want to hurt anyone, but times have been rough and they've had to resort to stealing to provide enough food for their people.
Tuckland negotiates with them pointing out that he doesn't want the city guard to march down here and destroy all of them, explaining they should just flee to the wilderness or mountains away from people.
Alanti asks Tuckland if he came alone. He successfully deceives them noting that he came by himself with no weapons to negotiate. Alanti notes that he is brave to have done so, not knowing what was down here.
They explain in return that it has not worked for them in the past to live in the wilderness, as well as that the full moon turns their people feral and during this time they often kill humans unwillingly. Staying underground keeps them and others the most safe. They suggest to Tuckland that perhaps an arrangement can be met to let them stay underground, and perhaps be provided supplies from the city, so they don't have to steal from their inhabitants, and in return they would do what they could for the city, not sure what that might be at the moment. Tuckland counter-offers and noting that if they could provide a gift of some sort, it might show good faith to the city council and they would be more willing to figure out a deal. He suggest they give some of the glowing crystal perhaps. After a moment of discussion, they explain the crystal acts as sunlight and allows them to grow some food underground, but that they could spare some of it if it would improve their situation. Halgar gets up from his chair and moves towards the crystal, breaking off different pieces, about 1/4th of it overall. Handing the crystals to Tuckland, they wish him the best and let him know one of the men will follow him back to the entrance. Before he gets too far Alanti saunters up behind them and says, "Wait Mr. Brite, take this symbol , This will make sure our people don't attack you, you are our friend. I hope we can keep it that way"
Tuck thanks her and heads back to his friends at the entrance, where none of the the other men in the cavern follow him. The only 2 that know Tuckland lied about coming alone are (at the moment) still charmed by him in the cavern with Halgar and Alanti, and 1 with the rest of the group...

Rewards Granted

10 lbs of Lightstone Crystal - Tuckland

Character(s) interacted with

Met group of Lycans living underneath the city of Razminak.
Met their leaders, Halgar, and Alanti.

Created Content

Dream Team
Koless Vitorach
Wilziver Nightingale
Remus Theliel
Anders Helder
Tuckland Brite
Report Date
06 Jul 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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