Ethelda Laikrana

Ethelda Laikrana

Ethelda Laikrana had been born into service of the Sicrae'in family, her father-Yelris Laikrana- having incurred a debt he could not repay long before she had been born. For the first hundred years or so of her life, she spent waiting hand and foot on the royalty of the Elfira and resented it. After the years of mistreatment and servitude, she'd had enough. Knowing that going against the Sicrae'in family head-on was a suicide mission, she devised a plan. She snuck into the castle when the rest of the Elfira were at the Triumvirate ceremony, just after twilight when the sun had dipped behind the mountains. She was clad in black clothing from head to toe, her orange eyes covered with a sheer cloth to dampen their glow. She'd managed to get away with anything she could carry on her person without being caught! The rush of getting away with something so dangerous sent her down a spiral of criminal activity. She spent three decades working for a thieves guild before she was caught by city guards making their rounds. Before she had time to even fight back, three cloaked figures dropped from the eaves into the alley she'd been sneaking down and fought the guards off. When her rescuers turned to face her, they offered help, a way out of the criminal life she'd be leading if she joined their organization- The Sanguine Blaze. With the city guards now knowing her face, her only choice was to join them and attempt change her ways. She's spent the last three months with her saviors and she's slowly been realizing it is a cult, though she can't quite determine if the cult is worse than going back to her criminal life and getting caught again.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ethelda is lithe and lean, the perfect size for getting in and out of hard to get places. Her skills with a blade and a bow have made her arms relatively toned.

Facial Features

Ethelda is pretty, but not overly so. Petite features common to elves, and smooth skin. She has a slight spattering of freckles over the bridge of her nose and cheeks. If you get close enough to see the darker dots, you may already have a dagger in your stomach.

Identifying Characteristics

Her glowing orange eyes are unmistakable when you see her as well as the unique ombre of red to orange to white of her flickering hair.

Physical quirks

Due to her Elfira heritage her hair flickers and moves like fire even on a still night.

Special abilities

Elfira are a race that worships fire and therefore she has been graced with a few simple fire abilities, some that have saved her life on the colder of nights in Jineum.

Apparel & Accessories

She always sports a tight tunic, fitted trousers, and a cloak all in black to blend into the night when she gets up to her shenanigans. Tied around her neck at all times is a sheer bit of black fabric she uses when she wishes to cover her eyes and dampen their glow.

Specialized Equipment

She specializes in sneaking and stealing, especially expert in blending into the shadows despite her glowing hair and eyes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Due to Ethelda spending a century in servitude, she can't stand being caged in one spot for too long. She has to get out and do things constantly. She prefers the cover of the night so that she can go about unseen.

Gender Identity

She is female.


Sexuality is fluid for Ethelda. She isn't attracted to a certain gender or species. If you happen to impress her you may just find yourself at the other end of an endearing look from her.


She received the most basic of education through the Sicrae'in family that held her life in their hands and hasn't bothered to continue any other education besides how best to steal and where to do it.


She is self employed, though affiliates with the Thieves Guild of Mirari.

Mental Trauma

Water was used in some of the "punishments" the Sicrae'in family used on her and her other endentured comrades. Her fear of water stems from those punishments.

Morality & Philosophy

If it is unattended it is hers. "Finders keepers" is a particular philosophy she follows consistantly.

Personality Characteristics


Ethelda is motivated by freedom. Without her freedom, she is nothing. Feeling obligated or forced into doing something will cause her to disappear from your life and never return.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fire, sweets, alcohol, mushrooms(particularly those that cause psychedelic visions) Dislikes: snoring, water, Sicrae'in or any Elfira Royalty

Virtues & Personality perks

She always stick with her friends, so long as you've shown her reason to stick with you. She'll have your back as long as you have hers. The moment you betray her, she'll be your worst enemy.

Vices & Personality flaws

She can't say no to alcohol or a challenge. If she gets an itch to steal, she has to scratch it. No matter the peril to herself.

Personality Quirks

She hits her head on a nearby wall/table/hard object when frustrated beyond comprehension.


She is relatively clean, considering what her profession is.


Contacts & Relations

Thieves Guild in Mirari Veprimira

Family Ties


Religious Views

Idolizes Pseudo-Diety: The Three Flames.

Hobbies & Pets

Hobby: Stealing, Drinking


Ethelda Laikrana


Towards Terflin "Flint" Sicrae'in


Terflin "Flint" Sicrae'in


Towards Ethelda Laikrana


Wealth & Financial state

Modest living

Ethelda Laikrana, runaway slave and thief..

Current Location
View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Jirsha, Salathir
Current Residence
Mirari, Jineum
Red fading into orange and then white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
Elven Common