Prologue: The Dream Report

General Summary

Archdruid Aislin Silora  has asked fate to intervene and bring those who can help in an upcoming crisis to the Dreamlands. These 12 people have been brought to the Court of Dreamers in an attempt to awaken their marks of power and set them on a path to stopping the upcoming crisis.
Each member of the group suddenly awakes on a mysterious platform floating in some kind of void. They each sitting on a stone throne, there are 12 of them total. They each notice the 11 other people near them, and then look to Aislin standing in the middle of the platform on some kind of magic rune circle. There are 2 portals with floating stone pathways leading to their center, one on each side of the platform
She addresses them explaining that they each may play a role in an upcoming crisis, and explains that the portal to their left is an exit from the Dreamlands, and will take them home immediately. No one is required to be here. The portal on their right leads further into the Dreamlands where they will be tested to see if they can truly help the world with the upcoming crisis. She then takes her leave, slams her staff down and disappears into mist.
After some deliberation, 5 of the 12 stay and go through the portal to the right, 2 of them being close friends and recognizing each other instantly, which is curious to them:
  1. Phil Tuckfoy , Human Bard, Ander's best friend
  2. Anders Helder , Human Barbarian, Tuckland's best friend
  3. Wilziver Nightingale , Solar Gnome Sorcerer
  4. Remus Theliel , Fallen Aasimar Ranger
  5. Koless Vitorach , Tiefling Wizard
As the group exits the other end of the portal, they find themselves in a chamber, with a small set of stairs up to an altar.
Dream Team
Koless Vitorach
Wilziver Nightingale
Remus Theliel
Anders Helder
Tuckland Brite
Report Date
06 Jul 2020


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