Valdanian Empire


  • Valdanar
Geopolitical, Empire

  • 1459

    Valdanar Fortress brought forth from the Valdan Swamp
    Construction beginning/end

    A powerful Stone Sorcerer and his apprentice wander into the swamps and he senses the powerful obsidian that has formed beneath the swamp. He expends all of his power and life-force to raise the obsidian out of the swamp and forms it into a massive fortress with a large obsidian throne in the throne room. Realizing this is no mere obsidian, but seemed to be much stronger, they called it Valdanium, after the swamp where they found it. With his last energies he forms a crown from the stone and places it upon the head of his apprentice. He says to him, “Change the world. Rule it.”, and then dissipates into the void. His Apprentice, a human man named Dalbron Isari, is the first Black Emperor. He clears the main thoroughfares and areas around the fortress of monsters.

  • 1460

    1460 - Dalbron Isari seeks subjects
    Diplomatic action

    Dalbron Isari realized he needed people to rule over. He had heard that the land to the north was struggling with constant attacks from the far northern tundra. He thought starting out making some friends / allies could be beneficial.

  • 1460

    Trypholta joins the Valdanian Empire
    Diplomatic action

    Dalbron Isari traveled to the Capital of the area, Trypholta, with many black Valdanium spires following, floating behind him. He explained to the leader of Helorthim that if he vows to serve him as Emperor with the seat of the Empire in Valdan, and if he sends people to help establish a city around the fortress, that he will handle both of their problems with the Frost Giants and Drakes, and prevent further attacks. The Leader immediately agreed if he could actually stop the threats ravaging his people and lands. Dalbron marched to the front lines on the east side of the mountains where the Frost Drakes had been assaulting towns, he killed a few large Drakes handily, and drove them back further north. He placed Valdanium spires making a kind of fence in between the mountains and ocean. He then marched to the west side of the mountain range and came to a large town that was being raided by Frost Giants, he killed 5 of them fairly quickly and pushed them out, and set up a fence of spires on the west side of the mountain range as well. The Giants and Drakes now both fear this strange black stone and don’t dare pass this new pseudo-barrier. He made his way back to Trypholta and asked the Leader to swear his allegiance going forward, and to keep his promise. The Leader was surprised and had received messages of Dalbron’s exploits before he returned. He swore his allegiance and promised to serve him. Dalbron also planted a Valdanium spike in the throne room to symbolize his rule to all who enter. The town he protected was mostly destroyed, so the Leader sent all from the town who were willing to go with Dalbron and help him establish the seat of the empire, Valdanar. He was able to get about 200 men to go with him for now, and he would send more men later, and send their families when the city had a place for them to stay. Although with the travel time and battles this venture took about a year and a half, Dalbron believed he was on the right track.

  • 1462


    Valdanar Founded

    As Dalbron Isari traveled back with the large group from Trypholta, he instructed them on how to get to the fortress, and gave a few of them small pieces of Valdanium that would act as keys and give them access to the fortress. He told them to start constructing their new city around the fortress and until they had proper lodging they could stay in the fortress. He gave them some weapons so they would be able to hunt for food as well. He left towards Aquillo, and told the group he would be back with some mages who would be able to help the new city flourish.

  • 1462


    Aquillo and the Leyline Link
    Diplomatic action

    Dalbron Isari traveled to Aquillo and demanded their Allegiance as well. Turns out their most powerful mages had been trying to calm the leylines at the Nexus since the Pyroclasm, they have been unstable since the event. As Dalbron entered the area where the Nexus was, the energies settled, the mages believed this Valdanium substance was calming the energies. Realizing the power of this substance and the seemingly vast power of this new Emperor, they suggested to the leaders of the country that they serve him as they would have no chance of survival otherwise. They asked him to leave Valdanium at the Nexus, which is where he put the spire. The Nexus seemed to imbue the Valdanium with the power of a Leyline, which Dalbron could now feel, he was now able to teleport to his other Spires the same way you could transport yourself along leylines with crystals. The leaders swore their Allegiance to him and asked how they could serve him. He told them of the fortress in the Valdan Swamp and that the new people there would need food. He requested Mages to go to the fortress and help get some land suitable for farming. He also wished for a Mage Tower to be established as well as a Circle of Teleportation. They did as he asked and made their way to the Fortress. He told them he was going to Ramothia and would be at the Fortress soon after.

  • 1462


    Black Dragonborn Clan joins Dalbron Isari
    Diplomatic action

    On his way to Ramothia, Dalbron Isari happened upon a group of Black Dragonborn warriors fighting a group of Trolls with giant crocodile pets. He watched them for a short while and then helped them, killing the trolls and giant crocodiles quickly. The Dragonborn told him that their clan, the Black Dragonborn, had been exiled from the rest of the Dragonborn society in Korhath, and they were an elite scouting party looking for a new home. They swore Allegiance to him and 10 of the 15 left to go gather the rest of their clan and bring them to Valdanar. The other 5 went with him to Ramothia

  • 1462


    Ramothia Threatened
    Military action

    The country of Ramothia was under a civil war where many different groups were vying for control. Emperor Isari and 5 of his new elite guard of Black Dragonborn, traveled to the eastern reaches of Ramothia that extends into the massive Valdan swamp a bit. They came upon a camp of soldiers there, and before he could even speak a word the guards at the entrance immediately started attacking them as he approached, he deflected their attacks and killed them all, in his rage he didn't even realize that he had decimated the entire camp. The Dragonborn just watched in awe. A few miles further there was a larger city/fort there. He walks up to the gate with huge Valdanium Armor around his body, the Black Crown atop his helm. Large Valdanium stones floating around him. He shouts to the guards at the gate, “Submit to my rule, and accept me as your leader, or die. I will give your leaders 24 hours to submit, at which point I will destroy the entire city. This land will stop squabbling and submit.” Some of the stones form into a chair and he just sits and waits. A few of the guards laugh and try to shoot some crossbow bolts at this random person who showed up, they just bounce off of his armor as he apathetically studies the city and ignores their attempt. They bring the information to their leaders, who try to talk to him, but all he will say is “Submit or perish.” They explain they can’t just submit their rule, and they decide to do nothing. As soon as the 24 hours pass, he stands up and says, “Very well”. The large obsidian stones smash into the gates of the city as he walks through destroying and murdering everything and everyone in his path. The Dragonborn picked off the stragglers. He got to the leaders and killed all but the main leader, leaving only rubble and gore where the city and fort once stood. He instructed the leader to go tell the rest of the leaders and factions of Ramothia to submit to the rule of Dalbron Isari, or perish. "Tell them to come to the Black Fortress, Valdanar, in the center of the Valdan swamp in 6 weeks time, at which point they will submit to my rule, or they can watch as I slowly destroy all they hold dear." He thrust a Valdanium spire in the ruins of the fort and then placed his hand upon the stone, had the Dragonborn guard put their hands on him, and they all disappeared. They reappeared in the throne room at Valdanar, where some of the older men from Helorthim were cleaning the throne room and were very frightened at the sudden appearance of their new Emperor. They instantly knelt. This new travel option would greatly increase his threat of rule. However it did sap some of his strength to do so, especially transporting others with him

  • 1463


    Ramothia Swears Allegience to the Empire
    Diplomatic action

    6 Weeks later, 5 of the 6 rulers of the different factions of Ramothia show up at Valdanar. They have a conference with the new Emperor and swear allegiance to him after some discussion. His demonstration in Ramothia was enough persuasion for them. The 6th ruler, believed it was a ploy by one of the other leaders and wouldn’t agree to go. The other 5 explained what they could about the leader. He proceeded to teleport to the spire he left. marched directly upon the leader, killed his personal guard, and decimated him. He left another spire there and returned to Valdanar. He instructed the leaders to find a new 6th leader, form a council and get along, or else they would end up like #6. He then teleported all of them to the scene of the man’s corpse, and left them to reforge their country.

  • 1463


    Korhath joins the Empire
    Diplomatic action

    Next he traveled to Korhath to recruit the rest of the Black Dragonborn Clan for his cause, and take dominion over their country. He marched to Qalikara with his Black Dragonborn guard and walked through gates and up to the Clan Council leaders. Before even saying anything to them, he slammed down a spire into the center of their council chambers. He then said, “Submit to my rule, or you too shall experience my wrath. The Black Dragonborn Clan are now at home in Valdanar, and serve me.” Wishing to keep peace, they confer and agree for now. He says, “Send some emissaries and relocate a few of your people to Valdanar, the seat of the empire, deep within the Valdan swamp.”

  • 1463


    Jineum joins the Empire
    Diplomatic action

    After leaving Qalikara, he headed to Jineum and upon arriving in Mirari, proceeded to the Efflorescent Palace. About 10 guards follow him into the Throne room, so he could meet with the young king Yaranda Hadao, at this point only 70 years old. King Yaranda has heard of the Emperor and his conquest, and decided to make a deal with him. He wishes the Efflorescent Palace to remain untainted from one of these spires, but he can still put one in the city, and he wishes to work with him to the betterment of both their countries, in return he would serve him and help the Empire as needed. The Emperor accepted the deal with the caveat that if Jineum betrayed the empire, he would level Mirari, including all the innocent people. He says, “Send some emissaries and relocate a few of your people to Valdanar, the seat of the empire, deep within in the Valdan swamp.” They accept and after placing a Spire in the nearby garden, the Emperor heads off to Chylaron.

  • 1463


    Chylaron joins the Empire
    Diplomatic action

    He then heads to Vintisair in Chylaron, and the guards move out of his way as he approaches the castle. The leaders awaited him and were expecting him, word seems to have traveled fast. Before he can say anything the king says, “Emperor Isari, we’ve heard of your exploits, and we are willing to join this empire and swear allegiance to you, as long as you swear to protect our nation from whatever terror lurks in the eastern mountains. It destroyed many cities once upon a time, and we believe it will return.” The Emperor nods and says, “Very well, your lands shall be safe.” He slams down a spire in the throne room and says, “This will serve as a reminder of who you serve. Send some emissaries and relocate a few of your people to Valdanar, the seat of the empire, deep within in the Valdan swamp.” He vanishes through the stone back to the Black Fortress.

  • 1464

    Valdanar Flourishes

    Dalbron Isari decided to rest. With 6 other countries now part of his Empire, he needed to start organizing things a bit more. “This is a great start” he thought to himself. As more and more people from the different countries came to Valdanar,the city began to flourish. When the fortress rose fom the swamp it also eliminated some of the swampy areas and made them more farmable. These new inhabitants found as much farmland as possible and things started going much better

  • 1465

    Alemir seeks to join the Empire
    Diplomatic action

    The next year as The Empires started to flourish and more trade routes opened up. Alemir wished to join the empire as their location could use some help with resources.


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