On Coalbread


The creation of Coalbread has been claimed by many factions to help rally their members or recruit new ones. The oldest story is shared around Yiptin campfires claiming the bread was harvested from the land itself while newer myths have started to take root claiming it a blessing from Lady of the Black Mines or as a gift from a powerful Emberling.

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A food of desperation, Coalbread is a baked good made of coal dust, volcanic ash, and water. To many, eating such a mixture would lead to death but the creatures of Hallus are capable of living off the primal energies of volcanic ash but even they are unable to live off of it for long.

Volcanic Harvest

As the Yiptin Tales state, a desperate mother had only coal dust, volcanic ash, salt, and water left to feed her young. Driven near to madness from starvation, she mixed what she had into a black dough and baked it with Coalbread as the result.

Black Mine's Blessing

Told by the Lady of the Black Mines faithful, starving miners within one of her many coal mines begged for her to save them. In return, they were gifted knowledge of how to mold coal and ash into a bread-like food.

Itzbit's Gift

If you are to listen to the Ancient Itzbit, and his thirteen sons, he found the secrets of Coalbread deep within a volcano hidden beneath the frozen sands of Desolation. He now chooses to sell the recipe to the poor Faefolk who could not survive off heat alone.

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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