Radiaus (ray'dee'aas)

Realm of Solarity


Realm of Solarity

Elemental symbol of Light.

by Blook

Elemental symbol of Storm.

by Blook

Creation Era
Adherence Title
Sophont Count

Realmic Introduction

The four continents of Radiaus float in a gentle orbit around a central pillar of Primal Light. Following a rigid hierarchy, the Sophonts of Radiaus are each bound to a caste, and each caste is bound to a continent. Through this segregation, each continent is given a specific purpose in the war against the darkness with the lower castes functioning as pawns in an eternal battle across the cosmos.
Yet, for all of Radiaus’ dedication to order, a storm brews far below. Having been used as a temporal prison for the enemies of the light, the Divine Storm has become large enough to disrupt the very structure of the realm.

Energy Sources

From the center of the realm the Pillar of True Light radiates out much of the magical energy found within Radiaus. This endless, eternal pillar has grown exponentially as the Sophonts of the Realm travel out to spread the celestial powers of the Light to all the Realms.


Glow is a tricky thing to find naturally on Radiaus. Though it is as abundant, it seems to exist as a phenomena rather than a cosmic certainty. All Sophonts born on Radiaus believe that it is the will of the legendary Ordained One that Glow is delivered into the hands of a Weaver as it is needed. Records of this distribution defy any form of sense or understanding.


Light from the Pillar of True Light reaches every region of Radiaus seeking out and banishing any darkness that dare reside within the Realm. With such an abundance of Primal Light, very few Conduits seek other forms of Primal. The daring, or outcast, might seek to gather Primal Storm from the Divine Storm found far below the continents of Radiaus.


Faith is a bounty of power on Radiaus, as the Sanctimonious have distributed and fashioned Domain after Domain to fit their celestial plans. This ordered structure allows the faithful to arm themselves with a number of Divine powers and equipment. No faded Divines are found within Radiaus, and no Domain is left to rot in their ordered calculations.


With the center of the realm dominated by the terrifying Pillar of Pure Light much of Radiaus is bathed in eternal light. The four continents that surround the pillar are subject to deadly radiation that only dims weekly during the realm's equivalent of night. The only place left for the dark to cower away exists underneath each continent or deep within the maw of the Divine Storm found at the bottom of the realm.


Realm of Sanctity


Realm Index


Pinterest Board

General Information

Primary Element
Dimensional plane
Location under


The winged sophonts and their divine war against elemental shadow are the inspiration for the angels found across the realms. It is from Radiaus that the First Men adopted white and gold as symbols of purity.

Adhere to Radiaus

Radiaus Purifier

Pillar of True Light

Located at the center of the realm sits the Pillar of True Light, that starts at the core of the Divine Storm and rises through to infinity. It is the source of the realm's Primal Light, constantly feeding the realm a continuous flow of this light and releasing streams of color, auroras, volatile radiation.
Lightbridges can be extended from the four continents to reach the Pillar of True Light and the truly faithful, known as Purifiers, are able to enter into the pillar. From there, a Purifier is able to travel to any Light-Aligned Realm.

Divine Storm

Once functioning like an ocean of chaotic energies crashing against the shores of the four continents, the Divine Storm has been slowly losing ground over the many millennia that Radiaus has existed. Today, the Divine Storm now rumbles at the bottom of the realm unable to reach the holy lands of Radiaus.
Its purpose once to counter the distinct order of the realm has now been relegated to a realmic prison. Entities deemed to dangerous to allow to roam but too strong for the light to destroy have been detained within the Divine Storm. But with each new prisoner, the Divine Storm grows.


The abundant ecosystem of Radiaus has transcended to embrace the endless light that permeates the realm. No better example of this is the irritated flora that coats much of the four continents. Many plants have developed chromatic colorings, strange growth patterns, and radiation-capturing leaves making the landscape a dizzying array of colors.
With such an abundance of light, even cityscapes are overgrown with local flora. The people of Radiaus welcome the brilliance of their realm and its strange plant life as part of the natural order.


Fauna of Radiaus, Sophontic or otherwise, are blessed with the gift of beautiful, feathered wings to carry them around the realm and its many roosts. Most of the creatures of the realm are capable of surviving on the radiation immitted from the Pillar of True Light or feast on smaller creatures. Those few creatures that incapable of flight in some form are considered aberrations and are hunted to extinction when possible.
Because of how extreme the flora of Radiaus truly is, herbivores are a rarity and generally can be found roosting at the bottom of the continents where they have been slowly changed by the Divine Storm. Some have even learned ways to survive by "fishing" for Storm Motes that escape the depths.


Natural fungi can be found within the strange, twisting landscape buried within the Divine Storm. As the dead are thrown into the storm, the fungi feast and grow. Little is understood about these storm-infused fungi or where they arrived from.



  • Luminary
  • Archanus


  • Brightsoul
  • Watchers (Birdfolk)
  • Ever-Faithful


  • Dimsoul
  • Sturmgar


  • Luxin

This list of Outsiders will grow as more Light-infused Sophonts are discovered.

Light Realms
Storm Realms

Cover image: by Logo by Garret Grace Lewis, edited by Oneriwien.


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Sep 5, 2024 12:52 by TJ Trewin

Ooooh the flora throughout the city must be quite a sight! Are some districts more overgrown than others or are they well maintained?

Journals of Yesteryear

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Sep 6, 2024 00:36 by Damion Otter

That is an excellent question. For now, I am going to say that it is directly tied to the caste system present in their culture. The higher the caste, the more organized the city. The plant life in the highest caste would be cultivated to look organic and almost overgrown, but with obvious intentional design. While the lowest would be truly overgrown and wild.

Primary author of the NobleDark, Fantasy setting Realms of Ravare.
Sep 6, 2024 15:13 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

The Pillar of Light sounds so... ominous to me. I don't know why.   I love the idea of the flora having evolved to be all stange and colourful due to the constant light and radiation. And of course, I'd love to know more about the fungi. :D

Sep 7, 2024 10:01 by Damion Otter

For most realms within the cosmos, the elements are in balance and are generally what someone could describe as morally neutral. They exist and guide the laws of "nature" as we might call it in the real world. But then you have these early realms where the balance has been completely distorted. The Pillar of True Light is an extremist entity that views the world in black and light, despite its radiant colors.   In other words, Light is the bad guy. But all the Elements become bad guys if they are too concentrated without outside ideas. #totallynotpolitical   We have the fun guy section specifically because I know you comment on so much haha.

Primary author of the NobleDark, Fantasy setting Realms of Ravare.
Sep 7, 2024 13:22 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Hahaha <3

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